Reboot and kmail

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A year ago I tried to install Fedora 14 on a machine with a Gigabyte GA-EP45-
DS4P motherboard using the hardware RAID0. It turned out to be impossible as 
the raid volume was not recognised by the installer, so I used software raid 
instead and everything worked very well until upgrading to F16 a month ago. 
After the upgrade only one of the disks belonging to my /home raid volume was 
used, but changing disk after each reboot. Not a good situation!

As I had a fresh backup I wiped my disks and created a RAID0 disk in hardware 
once again. This time it was recognised by the F16 installer and the install 
went smoothly. But there is one remaining problem: Each time I try to reboot 
or shutdown the system hangs with the following messages on screen:

Sending SIGKILL to remaining processes...
Unmounting file systems.
Unmounted /sys/fs/fuse/connections.
Unmounted /var/lib/nfs/rpc-pipefs.
Unmounted /sys/kernel/security.
Unmounted /sys/kernel/debug.
Unmounted /dev/hugepages.
Unmounted /dev/mqueue.
Unmounted /sys/kernel/config.

and then it hangs forever and I have to kill with the powerswitch. On a 
laptop, also with a fresh F16, there is no such problem. Both installs are 

Does anybody know if this has something to do with the RAID? Where shall I 
start looking for the problem?

I also switched to KMail2 at the same time. Having heared of many problems I 
had archived all my mail (many thousand mails) in KMail1 beforehand and then 
made a new install and configuration in KMail2. Then I imported the mails into 
the newly created folders and have now used KMail2 daily with only minor 
problems. It's rather slow when downloading many messages from a POP3 server 
and there are some chrashes when deleting a html-message directly after 
loading external pictures. But it's easy to work around and 4.8 might solve 

So if you have many problems with KMail2 and have migrated, it might be worth 
it to consider making a fresh install.

Jan Simonson
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