On 01/10/2012 08:52 PM, T.C. Hollingsworth wrote:
On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 6:44 PM, Ben<cricketc@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I'm running Fedora 16 - KDE 4.7.4. On login, the Printer Applet always
starts, and I'd like to disable it. Is there a way to do that without
un-installing kdeutils-printer-applet?
Copy /usr/share/autostart/printer-applet.desktop to
$HOME/.kde/Autostart and add Hidden=true to the bottom, e.g. on a
cp /usr/share/autostart/printer-applet.desktop ~/.kde/Autostart/
echo 'Hidden=true'>> ~/.kde/Autostart/printer-applet.desktop
Identically named files in your personal autostart directory override
those in the systemwide directories, and adding "Hidden=true" disables
it from autostarting. This way you can disable it without removing
the package or affecting other users on your system.
Thanks for the tip. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work for me yet.
bash-4.2$ cat ~/.kde/Autostart/printer-applet.desktop | grep "Hidden"
But it still starts up when I log out and log back in. Any other
thoughts? Would I have to remove the desktop file from
/usr/share/autostart completely?
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