Re: KAddressBook problem

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On Tuesday 15 November 2011 02:11:07 Timothy Murphy wrote:
> ------------------------------------
> I had this error message awhile ago (long enough that my memory is foggy on
> exact error message) and I believe the issue was with the local folders
> setup. Deleting the resource fixed the issue I believe. Note please be
> careful before removing this resource from akonadi, I'm not sure what data
> will be lost! I did it when I had no data in the folders.
> ------------------------------------
> Unfortunately I have no idea how to "delete the resource".
> In fact I have no idea what an akonadi resource is, or where it lives.
> Nor do I know what "local folders" are.

Maybe I can help with that part --- I have done fresh install of F16 only 
yesterday, and had to solve the problem of migrating my old mail from KMail1 
to KMail2. Of course, I tried to do it the wrong way, and after some 
struggling I found out about Akonadi resources etc...

Open systemsettings -> Akonadi Configuration. On the "Akonadi resources 
configuration" tab (the first one), you will find various "resources" listed. One 
of them should be called "Local Folders" and have an envelope-like icon on the 
left, indicating that it's about e-mails. If you select it and click "modify" 
button on the far right, a window will pop up with the information about the 
actual directory in the filesystem that corresponds to that "resource".

You can also click on "remove" which will (I guess) delete the resource (which 
is what you are trying to do), but be sure to *BACKUP* the above directory 
first, since I am not sure if deleting the "resource" is also going to delete 
any actual data on the disk, in addition to the database entry (it's an 
internal mysql database for everything related to KDE4 --- configured in the 
other tab).

Maybe it would be a good idea to keep KMail closed during the operation, and 
maybe also restart KDE (for good measure) before firing up KMail again.

If all goes well, your problem should dissapear, according to that guy who 
posted the advice you quoted.

OTOH, I didn't have that problem in the first place, so I'm just guessing here. 
The way I found out about those "resources" was that I had trouble pointing 
KMail2 to use my custom mail folder instead of its default. There is basically 
no way to do that, short of going into the Akonadi configuration and pointing 
the appropriate "resource" to my mail directory. Once I did that, everything 
Just Worked... ;-)

HTH, :-)

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