KMail and KDE47

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I just tried to migrate my old KMail structure to KDE47 again last 
night. The last attempt resulted in a complete disaster of lost messages 
and parallel folder structures, and processes being run that completely 
took over the machine and made using it almost impossible.
My methodology:
1) I logged out of KDE and restarted in Gnome
2) I renamed the .kde folder and copied the one from a non KDE47 machine 
from work that was working perfectly, which happened to have the same 
archive of mail as my home machine
3) I then logged out of Gnome and logged back in to KDE
4) There was an immediate message about migrating the address book that 
appeared to succeed after a few moments - Kontact was not running at 
this time
5) I started Kontact and got a message about the need to migrate my mail 
and did I want to do that - when I answered affirmatively, I got an 
almost instantaneous failure message
6) I then tried to run the kmail-migraror --interactive command - this 
resulted in an error to the effect that this had already been run and 
would not be run again
7) I then repeated steps 1-4 but, instead of then starting Kontact, I 
ran the migrator first from a command line
8) This resulted in a lot of activity with a message log box indicating 
that the process was running, and then, after a few moments, apparent 
9) However, when I then opened Kontact, KMail was still a mess - this 
time, I ended up with two "KMail folders" trees, with one having my old 
folder structure from "Local folders" apparently migrated, but many 
folders were not populated with messages, and a second "KMail folders" 
tree with only my InBox and Sent Messages boxes which both had a lot of 
messages in them
10) I noticed however that there was a lot of hard drive activity and 
the messages count in the truncated "KMail folders" tree was changing, 
going down, actually - so, I just let things run overnight
11) This morning, the hard drive activity has stopped, and KMail is 
responsive, but, there are still two "KMail folders" trees, with a lot 
of messages remaining still in the truncated tree; "Local folders" is 
nowhere to be seen
12) The second "Kmail folders" tree, the one with all my migrated 
sub-folders, now has a lot of messages in each of the folders

Unlike the last attempt, my computer is not bogged down, but top shows 
several migration processes running - they look like this:

"8 root      RT   0     0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.00 migration/1"

there are a number of these running with different numbers after the slash

Also, resulting from the command line invocation of the kmail-migrator 
command, I got tons of these:

"/usr/bin/kmail-migrator(31365)" Soprano: 
"org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownObject - No such object path 

Conclusion: things are looking up, but, there are still significant problems

Claude Jones
Brunswick, MD, USA	

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