On Thu, 2010-03-25 at 07:27 +0200, Eli Wapniarski wrote: > On Wednesday 24 March 2010 02:18:51 Linuxguy123 wrote: > > F12 fully up to date. KDE sessions. > > > > System beeps, ie Evolution receiving a new email are very loud. How do > > I turn them down or off entirely ? > > > > Thanks > > > > If you are unable to see the beep in kmix When did the beep show up in kmix ? I'm sure I checked for it when this all started, but now its there in mine. I muted it and now all is well ! No more beeps. The beep volume was set to zero before I muted it. Apparently that didn't make it quiet. > you will need to configure channels > and select it. If you do not see the option, it means that the kde multimedia > system is configured to work with phonon and not alsa. > > I do not remember where to configure this in the kde settings. Kevin Koffler > pointed this one out to me and is documented at > > http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/KDE_PulseAudio_Integration > > At the bottom there is the section called "Release Notes" and there you will > find the following information. Of course, you will have to logoff and back on > to your KDE session to be able to see the change. > > Users of KMix will notice that most of their hardware sound controls are no > longer shown in the default (PulseAudio-based) interface. To get access to > these controls, close KMix (use right-click / quit) and restart it by running > KMIX_PULSEAUDIO_DISABLE=1 kmix in a Konsole terminal. To make this change > permanent, add export KMIX_PULSEAUDIO_DISABLE=1 to your ~/.bashrc file. Great post ! Thanks for taking the time to do this. Much appreciated.