Hallo all with the 4.4.0 kde release I got my akonadi up and running. The 4.4.1 update brought me some minor problems with my fully updated F12 system. After a fresh login I lost my address book. So I stopped akonadi, exited kontact, removed .local/share/akonadi folder and restarted akonadi. It created all the needed files, started up and I got my address book back. After the next login I got an akonadi error message which stated that the data from my traditional imap-address book could not be read. Additionally I got the error in my akonadi log: [ERROR] Can't open and lock privilege tables: Table 'mysql.servers' doesn't exist I have to run the command: mysql_install_db --datadir=$HOME/.local/share/akonadi/db_data/ To get the server running without an error. I don't know what was going wrong here, but automatic creation seems to fail on my host. And I still have one warning that the protocol version can not be checked without a connection to the server. I don't know which server (nepomuk or akonadi) but both are running. And what I don't get: Why do they need so many (different) database servers? Nepomuk (virtuoso), Amarok (MySQL), Akonadi (MySQL) ... I think it is time to get a general KDE Database path with a configuration dialog and an "make it work again" option. Martin PS: MySQL version gives: mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.1.44, for redhat- linux-gnu (i386) using readline 5.1