I wrote: > But Julius (which is the core tool Simon is based on) also has a license > clause which I'd consider non-Free: you're required to cite it in any > research which uses Julius in any way. It might even be interpreted in a > way where if you use Simon to dictate a completely unrelated research > paper, you have to cite Julius. This is a usage restriction which is IMHO > really not acceptable (and IIRC, another piece of software was already > rejected from Fedora for a similar clause). Licenses are not the proper > venue to enforce academic honesty. That said, spot said at: > http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/devel/2009-March/025990.html > that he thinks this clause is fine (but he only said "pretty sure", so I > guess he'd probably have to double-check with the FSF and/or RH Legal > before giving a definite answer). PS: And that clause is also definitely GPL-incompatible (as confirmed by spot), so it is illegal to distribute a binary of the GPLed Simon linked against Julius. Making it another reason why Simon is not distributable. Kevin Kofler