For me since upgrade to 4.4 [similar in openSuSE and Mandriva] when logging in I either have to hit enter really quick or login screen freezes. Autologin simply doesn't work. Oddly after login screen freezes I can select Shutdown then Cancel and it will login to the preselected user account. /etc.../kdmrc has been edited to autologin one specific user and same user with no pw [this being a one person box]. Should mention there are 3 user accounts in each distro. Autologin and login in general worked normally until upgrading to KDE 4.4 [same in SuSE and Mandriva]. I've been watching this list and don't recall seeing anything about this. Or did I miss it? Admittedly I don't work in front of a computer all day [printing pressman] and sometimes get busy and miss things... Though I have searched Fedora, Mandriva, and KDE forums and KDE bugzilla some what. -- Thanks, Dwight Paige If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.