I think the issue that you're having with KTTS is due to the fact that you don't have a speaker for festival installed. This would result in no talkers listed like you described. I just reinstalled KTTS on KDE 4.4 and can confirm that it does work, but it didn't work until I installed a speaker for festival. I installed festival-rablpc16k for my speaker, there are a few others in Arch's extra repositories. My suggestion is to do a search for festival in fedora repos and install one of the speakers. I mentioned in the userbase page that you need to have a voice installed to use festival, but didn't provide enough details on this subject. I'll revise this to prevent other users from having difficulties in using KTTS. I'll see if I can get in contact with a developer to make a speaker for festival also a dependency for installing KTTS. I hope this resovles your issue. Michael