Hello, I have several printer setting issues that may be related. My goal is to have all KDE apps (mainly Okular) to print as duplex: flip on long page, since my printer can do that. So here are the obstacles: 1. I try to change printer settings from system-settings. After I change this in Options for the printer, and hit Apply, I get an error dialog box: "there was an error during the cups operation 'client-error-forbidden'" So maybe a problem with a permission. I then did what I know: open a terminal, su as root, run system-config-printer, and change the settings there. So my question, why doesn't KDE prompt me for authentication ? 2. After doing that, I checked again under System-settings, printer configuration, and it seems that it reflected the changes I made. However, under Okular print dialog, Options, it still says: Duplex Printing: None. Why is this so ? Under the same printing dialog, if I click Properties, Advance, I can see that it has : 2-Sided Printing: Flip on Long Edge (Standard). So how do I make this the default so that I don't have to go through Options in the print dialog everytime ? Or is this a bug that should be reported upstream to KDE ? Thanks. AC