Hi, The KDE Software Compilation 4.4.0 and related updates are now queued and should hit updates-testing in the next push. See: https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/kpilot (This works because kpilot has been split out to a separate package as it is no longer part of kdepim in 4.4, it was previously part of kdepim, so the only updates including a separate kpilot package are the F11 and F12 versions of this update set.) Details: This update group updates: * the KDE Software Compilation (KDE SC) to 4.4.0 Major new technologies have been introduced, including social networking and online collaboration features, a new netbook-oriented interface and infrastructural innovations such as the KAuth authentication framework. According to KDE's bug-tracking system, 7293 bugs have been fixed and 1433 new feature requests were implemented. See also: http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.4/ * Qt to 4.6.1 http://qt.nokia.com/developer/changes/changes-4.6.0 http://qt.nokia.com/developer/changes/changes-4.6.1 * the SIP Python binding generator to 4.10 http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/news/sip-410 * kbluetooth to 0.4.1 http://www.afiestas.org/kbluetooth-0-4-is-here/ http://www.afiestas.org/kbluetooth-0-4-1/ * virtuoso-opensource to 6.1.0 http://www.openlinksw.com/dataspace/dav/wiki/Main/VOSNews#Announcing Virtuoso Open-Source Edition v6.1.0 http://www.openlinksw.com/dataspace/dav/wiki/Main/VOSNews#Announcing Virtuoso Open-Source Edition v6.0.0 * Qt Creator to 1.3.1 http://qt.nokia.com/developer/changes/changes-qtcreator-1.3 http://qt.nokia.com/developer/changes/changes-qtcreator-1.3.1 * Soprano to http://soprano.sourceforge.net/node/42 http://soprano.sourceforge.net/node/43 * Akonadi to the version 1.3.1 which goes with kdepim 4.4.0 * the kwebkitpart to a new snapshot compatible with KDE SC 4.4.0 In addition, several packages were rebuilt for KDE SC 4.4, Qt 4.6 and/or SIP 4.10, and the Compiz KDE 4 window decorator was fixed to work properly with the default Oxygen window decoration. The kdemultimedia package includes a preview of the new KMix PulseAudio integration: http://colin.guthr.ie/2010/01/mix-it-up/ http://colin.guthr.ie/2010/01/mix-it-some-more/ which is disabled by default. It can be enabled by commenting out the contents of the /etc/profile.d/kmix_pulseaudio_disable.sh and /etc/profile.d/kmix_pulseaudio_disable.csh files. This feature will be enabled by default in Fedora 13. Bugs Fixed: 519299 - Oxygen theme doesn't render in compiz with kde 4.3 557530 - Ghost applications in task manager Kevin Kofler