On Sunday 17 January 2010 08:39:27 Patrick O'Callaghan wrote: > On Sat, 2010-01-16 at 18:25 -0500, Armelius Cameron wrote: > > Hello, > > I am curious why Dolphin shows different ordering when sort by filename > > than showed by 'ls' in terminal. For example, see: > > http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/2114/dolphinordering.png > > > > I think the one shows by "ls" makes more sense, especially in this > > particular case where the file name seems to have hex numbering in it. > > > > I am wondering if this was intentional, or a bug in Dolphin. > > Dolphin sorts upper and lower case together, e.g. it will give aAbBcC, > whereas 'ls' uses the lexical order and would usually give ABCabc. The > current LC_COLLATE locale variable may change this (I presume Dolphin > takes acount of it, but ls definitely does). However I don't see how > that would explain your example. > > I was tempted to think that the Dolphin output wsas ordered by > modification date (which it is), but the little arrow symbol on the > filename column scuppers that theory. I did click the "Name", "Date", "Size" columns several times to see how it changed the ordering based on that and made sure it really was trying to order by Name. Also if you like further down the list you'd see that the Date column is not actually in order. So yes, this remains a curiosity. AC