Random system paralysis in f10

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Thomas Janssen wrote:
> 2010/1/12 John Pilkington <J.Pilk at tesco.net>:
>> Hi:  I know f10 has gone EOL but I'm still running it until I 'finish'
>> my parallel install of f12.  The f10 system has the kde 4.3.3 packages
>> from f10 updates, and I don't think I saw this problem before they were
>> installed - but I also recently added a 1TB sdb, upgraded to mythtv 0.22
>> and began regular use of ProjectX under java (from Sun).
>> Usually things work as expected, but there is a problem.  The paralysis
>> usually occurs when both sda and sdb are being accessed, sometimes quite
>> intensively; things progressively stop working as I switch windows, and
>> I can't shut down and do a normal reboot because several devices say
>> they are busy.  The only way out seems to be to switch off.  On reboot
>> everything has, so far, been ok, but dvb recordings that were in
>> progress aren't properly closed.
>> I've always had Konqueror open, with tabs showing the recordings folders
>> on the two drives, when this has happened.  Today it was apparently
>> precipitated by opening the second tab.  I'm wondering if I've hit a
>> Konqueror bug, or if I may have a BIOS/sdb mismatch.  Any ideas?
>> Perhaps I should try Dolphin again.
> Could be that you have enabled Nepomuk in System-Settings and it bites you.
> The Redland backend is aweful slow and freezes Konqueror/Dolphin. But
> the rest should normally still work.

Nepomuk is running but only looking at folders that probably don't 
change much.  I haven't seen it in featuring in atop.
> You could as well try to have your HDDs on different controller
> (guessing they are on the same).

Yes, thanks for this.  It seems that I have one two-channel and one 
four-channel controller (Intel DG965OT board) but I haven't yet found 
out which feeds which socket and I don't see any colour coding etc. 
I've moved the new drive from 1 to 5 and what worked before still seems 
to work now, so it's time to wait-and-see.

John P

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