On Fri, Dec 25, 2009 at 7:24 PM, Eli Wapniarski <eli at orbsky.homelinux.org> wrote: > True, but for those of us that need some i686 libraries to run somethings, we need i686 libraries to run somethings and the solution that was provided was to enable both repos. > > As the repo says, its unstable... :). And it wasn't a big deal to rpm --force, because it was only a man file that got overwritten. But, it is something to watch out for when everything starts getting pushed to updates. > There two distinct issues here. A. kdelibs.4.4b2 has a multi-lib issue. Both kdelibs.i686 and kdelibs.x86_64 should be able to coexist without collision. B. kde-redhat is not multi-lib complaint. As such, once you enable the i386 repo, yum starts pulling i686 binaries (k3b.i686 as well as k3b.x86_64). The same problem should not plague non-kde-redhat users. (As multi-lib proper should only include libraries and devel packages.) - Gilboa