On Wed, 2009-12-16 at 19:45 +0200, Eli Wapniarski wrote: > On Wednesday 16 December 2009 18:37:01 Rex Dieter wrote: > > Eli Wapniarski wrote: > > > > > There is a world of difference between reality and ideology; between the > > > actual and the potential. When the Nouveau drivers are ready I will be > > > using them (I genuinely believe opensource is the superior development > > > model.) Until then I need to use my computer for work and play. I need to > > > get things done. If its a choice between 3/4 there but I can't do what I > > > need to or want it to and 90% there and I can... guess what choice I'm > > > going to make. > > > > Precisely. Do what works for you. > > > > In the meantime, fedora and it's developers have to do what works for them. > > > > The pain is when these 2 clash. nvidia's drivers may give you (some of) > > what you want, but it causes is the source of pain/frustration (esp to > > fedora developers), due mostly to false bugs and support requests that most > > often have nothing to do with fedora and everything to do with nvidia's > > driver. > > I beg to differ. I would have to say that the frustration for user and > developer are just about on par. We are out of sync. That Nvidia can't > support this modset thngy (which sounds cool from a geek point of view > but as a user makes me go yawn) due to Licensing issues is not a bug > purse. Without fully functional OpenSource alternatives to the Nvidia > drivers their really isn't much of choice but to use the working > proprietary stuff. And that developers won't accomodate reality > creates an out of sync issue. We users can't help the developers and > the developers can't help the users. We're both stuck. We don't have to be stuck at all. Developers could be limited to using features that WORK on the proprietary driver UNTIL nouveau is ready. Once nouveau is ready then they can do whatever they want. But it doesn't work that way. Developers think they should be given free reign to build whatever THEY want. The heck with the end user. Leave them struggle with it themselves. See KDE4.0 itself for an example of this. For an nvidia specific example, remember when folder view locked the computer when it was used on a machine with the proprietary nvidia driver ? That was in F10 and nouveau was extemely new at that point ! Not only that, but folderview was the only way to display folders on the desktop at that point ! KK recommends not buying a laptop with an nvidia card. NICE TRY ! Have you shopped for a laptop lately ? Its not like you have a choice of one card versus another in the same model line once you pick the brand, screen, processor, etc. As you can tell, I am very frustrated with this situation expecially the holier than though attitude that some developers express against those that use the proprietary drivers. And yet when you ask them to fix bugs against nouveau or provide a GUI for changing the display setup (which I do just about every day...) its not there. Like I said... no man's land.