Firefox disasters

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For some time now I've been having problems with Firefox.  It seemed to give 
me some sort of runaway situation, where the cpu went sky high and stayed 
there.  That doesn't seem to happen any more, but now there seems to be a 
memory leak.  I had noticed things slowing down, but eventually I got one of 
the freezes at a moment when konsole+top was in view.  It was clear that there 
was abnormal memory usage.  In these situations it takes about 2 minutes for 
anything to respond to a mouse-click, and I can't shut firefox down with a 
mouse-click.  The only thing I can do is use pkill to get rid of it.  That 
also takes a very long time, but the moment firefox disappears everything is 
back to normal working speed.

It's got so bad that I won't use firefox if I can possibly avoid it, but there 
are some situations, like a shared googledoc, where I seem to have no option.  
The site won't accept konqueror, and if I use the agent to pretend that it's 
firefox konqueror crashes when I try to access the doc.

I tried renaming ~/.mozilla, but it seemed that something was still a problem 
- it was very slow to start up, then froze the system altogether.

I'm getting desperate.   I do need to be able to work on those shared 
documents.  If I delete firefox is there any alternative?  Does anyone 
successfully access googledocs in any other browser?

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