kde-sig voice conference call for tomorrow's sig meeting

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Rex Dieter wrote:
> As an experiment, thought it would an interesting experiment to take
> advantage of fedora talk,
> http://talk.fedoraproject.org/
> as part of our kde sig meeting tomorrow,
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/KDE/Meetings/2009-11-03

I think that's just useless. IRC is working just fine, it allows 
participating from everywhere (whereas voice requires a room which is both 
quiet enough to talk undisturbed and noise-tolerant enough to allow talking, 
such rooms are hard to come by in office environments like my university), 
it allows for easy logging and it doesn't require a microphone. And the 
"higher bandwidth" of voice communication is quite nonexistent if somebody 
has to type up everything to IRC and read back everything from IRC, in fact 
I think that'll kill communication entirely, so it doesn't make sense to use 
both. (And I'm not even sure I can really talk faster than I can type. I 
don't stutter when typing. ;-) )

I don't even have a microphone for my main desktop at the moment; as for my 
laptop, its builtin microphone might also suck for VoIP, and having to shout 
into it and getting the laptop to shout back from its speakers will also 
worsen the "appropriate room" problem, so an external headset might be 
needed for effective VoIP use there. As for participating with a regular 
phone, a 1-hour phonecall to a foreign country (the US or UK) is going to be 
a big money sink (and I can't do it from the university phones, they're 
locked for calls to foreign countries), so that's not really a viable 
option, I'm afraid.

I'll be at the university during the meeting tomorrow, I don't think I'll be 
able to join over VoIP. People won't like me talking to my laptop. ;-)

        Kevin Kofler

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