Hello, I just try to setup a Centos x86_64 system, on the web I found the note: Note to x86_64 users: You may have to enable both x86_64 and i386 repos. How can I set this up with keeping the mirrorlist feature working, I only found the way to add a new repo like: [kde_i386] name=kde_386 baseurl=http://mirror.unl.edu/kde-redhat/centos/5.3/i386/stable/ #mirrorlist=http://apt.kde-redhat.org/apt/kde-redhat/redhat/mirrors-stable gpgkey=http://apt.kde-redhat.org/apt/kde-redhat/kde-redhat.RPM-GPG-KEY #gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-kde-redhat enabled=1 Thanks Christoph