KDE 4.3

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Bill McGonigle wrote:
> Is there a cheatsheet for components or is guessing sufficient for now?

Well, issues in the KDE desktop itself are most likely in kdebase-workspace. 

For issues in an application, try:
rpm -qf `which appname`
where "appname" is the lowercased name of the application to figure out what 
component to blame.

Issues in System Settings may be either in the systemsettings application 
(which is part of kdebase-workspace) or (more likely) in the module you were 
using, which can be in multiple components (some are in kdebase-workspace, 
some in kdebase-runtime, some elsewhere). If in doubt, file it against 

Please DO NOT FILE bugs against the following components:
* kde-settings, unless it's really an issue with our default configuration 
settings. System Settings is in kdebase-workspace, not kde-settings.
* kdelibs4 ? obsolete package, please file against kdelibs instead
* kdebase4 ? obsolete package, please file against kdebase-workspace, 
kdebase or kdebase-runtime instead. If in doubt, pick -workspace.
* dolphin ? obsolete package, please file against kdebase instead
* Terminal ? that's the XFCE terminal. Konsole is in kdebase.
* 0xFFFF, which happens to be the first component in the list. Pick a 
reasonable one instead.
(I think those are the ones getting most misfiled bug reports.)

        Kevin Kofler

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