F10, KDE4.2 and VirtualBox

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On Wed April 15 2009, Eli Wapniarski wrote:
> Everything here works as expected. What version of kmail are you running.

Are you running your Fedora inside VirtualBox? All my other Fedora 
installations are fine - it's just this one virtual machine that's having the 
issue. I'll have to get that version when I get to the office - I'm pretty 
sure it's the most recent available. 

One peculiarity of my installation, is that I have multiple locations from 
where I work, and I have things set up for one machine to get my mail and 
delete, only after 7 days; all other machines are set to leave messages on the 
server. Sometimes, that seems to throw Kmail for a loop, especially when I 
bring up a new machine (I don't know for sure that this is related to the 
multiple machines, but read on if you have the time).I get an error message 
about Kmail not being able to handle UIDL - that seems to happen when I have a 
large volume of messages to download, AND, I have regular mail checking turned 
on; my theory is that the new machine gets part way through downloading the 
two or three thousand messages that are available and then an auto mail check 
kicks in and that throws the machine for a loop since it's trying to do two 
mail check/downloads at once - I postulate this because I've found that 
turning off interval mail checking on a new machine I bring up, or on a 
machine that's been turned off for a long time, will usually cure this. When 
the above happens, my machines slow to a crawl and become nearly unresponsive, 
but not completely - kmail will essentially become useless, but other programs 
continue to function though very slowly; in the situation I'm having now, the 
entire machine locks up and responds to nothing - it is so frozen that I can't 
even force a shutdown, and I have to log off from Vista in order to shut down 
my virtual machine - it's pretty messy. 

Thanks for responding - I hope the detail above doesn't make you sorry you did 

Claude Jones
Brunswick, MD, USA
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