Bug 490082 - X uses wrong resolution when started with monitor off

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On Friday 13 March 2009 15:09:56 Rex Dieter wrote:
> Arthur Pemberton wrote:
> > First of all, is the fedora-desktop still only about Gnome? I seem to
> > remember it used to be.
> > 
> > Anyways, I've finally filed this bug after enduring it for several
> > releases now. I'm positing here in case anyone else has been having
> > this problem and just been waiting for some else to file it.
> > 
> > https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=490082
> Not that it's relevant to kde... but...
> Umm... How is Plug-n-play supposed to work (and detect your device 
> resolution) if it's *turned off*?

It should assume, that what one had 2 minutes ago is the same thing one has now. Detecting that a monitor is no lonter "there", should mean that the monitor is either unplugged, off, or being utilized by a different port on a kvm. It should not mean that the hardware has changed.

"If" a Linux box is on a server farm there would be a good chance that the computer would be hooked up to a kvm. On my dual monitor at home the monitor on my Server and one of the monitors on my Desktop are hooked up to a single kvm. While the second monitor on my Desktop is hooked up to the DVI port of my NVidia card. It happens that I'm monitoring something that is happenening on a console on my server, while rebooting my Desktop. There would be a good chance that the comptuer would also on occaision be rebooted remotely. Not to mention it could also very easily be configured to boot up into run level 5 (don't ask why, don't know). In anycase if a monitor is not displaying currently and the compute is being rebooted or starting up, Plug and Play should assume that the monitor(s) that were detected before are exactly the same monitors that are there now. There has been no new monitor detected, so there has been no change.


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