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Eli Wapniarski wrote:
> It would then get packaged with kdemultimedia.

It would not. It comes from extragear-multimedia, which is not the same as

> There wouldn't be a separate package. Besides, KMplayer is now part of
> kdeextras.

A lot of stuff is part of extragear, that doesn't mean we're supposed to
package the version from extragear trunk. Extragear apps release on their
own cycle (they may request to be released together with KDE releases, but
they don't have to and many don't). In particular, extragear-multimedia
contains stuff like Amarok 2 which has its own releases and K3b whose KDE 4
port isn't ready to be packaged at all yet. And extragear apps are shipped
separately, not as whole modules.

Shipping a snapshot of extragear-multimedia as a monolithic package is a
horribly bad idea.

> The current version in the snapshots are stable version.

They're not. It's a snapshot from the current trunk. The Amarok and K3b
versions in that snapshot are very experimental. KMplayer may or may not be
stable in it, but the only way to be sure is to use an official release
blessed by KMplayer upstream, not a snapshot of a huge extragear directory
which happens to contain KMplayer. Again, extragear does not work like core
KDE modules (and even for those we wouldn't ship trunk snapshots, only

> I've extracted and noticed that there is no Beta or RC candiate attached
> to the version number.

That doesn't mean it's not a beta or RC. Version numbers don't get updated
all the time, most of us developers only care about them being correct in
releases, in snapshots they can be anything (the previous release, the next
release, whatever).

> So, to keep up to date with whats happening with kdeextras I think it
> would be a good idea to use kdeextras.

No. You don't understand how extragear (which is how it's called,
not "kdeextras") works. The whole point of extragear is to have separate
apps with independent release cycles.

        Kevin Kofler

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