Several problems with KMail in KDE 4.2

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Since I've upgrade do KDE 4.2 from updates-testing, KMail is presenting 
several issues which are making it real hard for me to use it.
The message list panel doesn't remember which columns is should show nor 
their order. Every time I close Kontact and reopen it, all 17 available 
columns are displayed in some default order. It's no good to hide the 
ones I do not want and reorder the ones I want, because the next time I 
close and reopen Kontact all of them are shown in their default order 
Today I tried to open KMail stand alone (without Kontact) to see if it 
would behave differently. In stand alone mode it remember which columns 
I had selected when it is opened, but not their order nor their width. 
And now I can't open KMail embedded in Kontact anymore. When I open 
Kontact, it opens KMail in a separate Window. If I close it and select 
another application in Kontact and then get back to mail, it opens KMail 
in a separate window again.
Sometimes, when I try to resize the Subject Column, it will just be 
pushed to the left or to the right with the same width, resizing the 
column right before it instead.
The font setup to the message list panel have no effect at all. The 
configuration screen is there, but the font is not changed, nor its 
size, color or other attributes.
When a thread is deleted with CTRL+DEL, some random message that was 
after it is selected, instead of the one right after the deleted thread.
There are also other minor problems, but I've reported the bugs and can 
live with them until they're fixed. The ones described above, however, 
are disturbing me very much.
Is there any workaround for any of them while they're not fixed? Is 
there some change I can make in configuration files, or something?



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