Please Ignore this

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On Saturday 24 January 2009 18:07:26 g wrote:
> Eli Wapniarski wrote:
> > Mind you... Just a thought... If others have some similar set up, where
> > bogus email addresses are discarded, they might not even be aware that
> > they aren't getting any email from an active mailing list.
> agreed. but this is primarily due to 'newbie ignorance', or just plain
> lacking. if you do not see your post, something is wrong.
> plus, why post with a bogus address? those who do are usually ones who do
> not know how or understand how to set up anti spam filters and are usually
> msbsos users. mozilla 'support-firefox' and 'support-thunderbird' are prime
> examples of this. most of them also have no concern for subscribers using
> dial up connections as they seldom trim dead history.

Forgive me, you misunderstand. The original post is posted with a legitimate 
from: address, so I send from legitimate, but it gets sent to a bogus address. 
So the original post gets posted and because the from address is legitimate 
from the mail goes through. However, because a reply gets sent from a bogus 
address and sent to a bogus address then regular expression filter that I've 
set up discards that mail.

Let me define what I mean by bogus. I set up in a slightly complex filter in 
milter-regex to only accept mail that comes either from or to accounts that 
actually exist from the mail server's perspective

The filter something like this. I am by no stretch of the imagination a 
regular expression expert, so it took me a long time to figure out how to 
build this. This filter has the effect of blocking out the ping pong of 
bounced messages stating that a server doesn't exist. Which allow my server to 
work with legitimate mail.

IllegitimateTo = header /^TO$/i /(\.email at ddress.1\>|\.email at address.2\>)/e
LegitimateTo = header /^TO$/i /(\<email at ddress.1\>|\<email at ddress.2\>)/e
LegitimateFrom = header /^FROM$/i /(email at ddress.1|email at ddress.2\>)/e
LegitimateMail = $LegitimateTo or $LegitimateFrom
discard not $LegitimateMail
discard $IllegitimateTo

Then there is of course the junk that comes in to legitimate addresses which 
is blocked out with simple filters.

So milter-greylist blocks out around 80% of the garbage that comes into my 
server. milter-regex blocks out, oh, I would venture to guess about 99% of the 
rest of it. Mailscanner / Spamassassin, takes care of viruses and marks 
everything else that it thinks is spam or phishihng attacks as such and it 
provides baysian filter learning which is cron jobed on a per user basis 
through fetchmail.

Legitmate mail gets through most reliably. The junk gets discarded.

Oh.. one more note. If you notice the "IllegitimateTo" a lotta mail will try 
to sneak under the wire of filters by adding a dot infront of a legitimate 
email address. And that line takes care of it

And we should really stop discussing this here. If you post a reply of course 
I will read it. But, I think this isn't a MailScanner mailling list. :)


This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
believed to be clean.

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