NetworkManager still not integrated properly into kde desktop

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Anne Wilson wrote:
> On Thursday 22 January 2009 13:58:49 Rex Dieter wrote:
>> Anne Wilson wrote:
>>> On Thursday 22 January 2009 12:44:14 Rex Dieter wrote:
>>>> Neal Becker wrote:
>>>>> Ever since F10, nm-applet is still used on kde and doesn't work
>>>>> correctly.  It always asks for passwords.  The issue is with talking to
>>>>> gnome-keyring-daemon IIUC.  On my desktop, at least, this is still not
>>>>> fixed.
>>>> Works for some, not for others.  *shrug*. gnome-keyring is a
>>>> tempermental black-box sometimes, it seems.
>>> It asks for the password every time I connect, on my netbook, and it is
>>> most annoying.  What's more, if the connection is dropped it asks for it
>>> again, and then fails to connect.
>>> Why does it need this at all?  My Mandriva laptop manages the connection
>>> without this hassle.
>> Not *needed*, gnome-keyring isn't required, but optional, but then
>> you're guaranteed to have to re-enter passwords on every connect.
> I was told to remove the  login.keyring from .gnome2/keyrings/
> I did, but when next I started it asked me for my passphrase, then asked for a 
> password for the keyring.  I'm back to square one.

Remove keyring, logout, login.  If you have gnome-keyring-pam installed 
and it's functioning properly, you shouldn't ever have to type a 
passphrase.  If it does, it (gnome-keyring and/or has a bug somewhere, 
(and it's not a kde one).

Silly question: why are issues/bugs with gnome-keyring being discussed 
on a kde list?  My guess is that this isn't the best place to get stuff 
like that resolved... :)

-- Rex

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