Could/should the new nvidia driver be added to the release candidate live release ?

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Linuxguy123 wrote:
> On Thu, 2009-01-15 at 13:38 -0600, Rex Dieter wrote:
>> Linuxguy123 wrote:
>>> There has been a lot of discussion about how various KDE components
>>> utilize special graphics routines/modes available on certain video cards
>>> and that the drivers for certain cards have bugs in them that don't
>>> allow said KDE components to run properly. 
>>> I am wondering if the release candidates shouldn't have the latest and
>>> greatest nvidia drivers installed on them so that a) the KDE components
>>> get tested as they were intended to run and b) the nvidia drivers get
>>> tested too.
>>> Please discuss.

>> As I understand things, doing as you suggest would make it an 
>> nvidia-only live image 

Talked it over with some #rpmfusion folks, and it seems that I was 
wrong, and should be possible:

[13:57] <rdieter> If one wanted to make a live image/cd with, say, the 
nvidia driver/kmods pre-installed, how well would that function for 
folks with a !=nvidia video card?  (My guess, not all that well)

[13:58] <firewing1> rdieter: If you want to use the 
rpmfusion-config-display betas, perfectly

[13:59] <rdieter> ok, neat.  I've been spinning test kde live images, 
and had a request to include one with nvidia drivers, didn't know how 
that would work

[14:01] <rdieter> firewing1: mind a little hand holding?  1.  Which pkgs 
need to be included/installed?  2.  is there any post-precessing 
involved (ie, I'm unfamiliar with rpmfusion-config-display), how does 
that work?

[14:02] <firewing1> rdieter: Just install xorg-x11-drv-foo for whichever 
drivers you'd like to use, and then you'll have to install 
rpmfusion-config-display as well as the configuration files onto the Live CD

[14:02] <firewing1> the initscript will configure xorg.conf 
appropriately, depending on the hardware

[14:02] <firewing1> in the bug 
( I have sample 
configs posted

[14:03] <firewing1> Essentially, rpmfusion-config-display looks in 
/etc/rpmfusion-config-display.d for driver configurations, and depending 
on the PCI ID of the installed hardware, will select a good driver

[14:03] <firewing1> Just a heads-up, I think I made a mistake in the 
legacy nvidia ones though (wrong version= key)

[14:04] <firewing1> rdieter: One last thing - you might want to disable 
plymouth if you plan on using the live cd on ATI hardware - loading 
radeon before fglrx currently breaks it

[14:04] <rdieter> ok, I'll might just give it a whirl. thank you.

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