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"This is a test - I've never used this feature; I always simply use the 
button - I did think you were doing something else. Are you simply in the 
habit of using this feature, or do you actually belong to some mail-lists that 
require that capability? I belong to about 20 mail lists currently and have 
belonged to a number of others in past times, and I have never had need of 
this feature. I'm sure there are some mail-lists still active out there where 
the reply-to-header is not converted to force replies to the list when 
messages come in, but, I've never belonged to one, and don't know of any."

Since this is a mailing-list, I use reply to mailing list. It also happens 
when I simply use reply to. The problem does *not* occur when I originate an 
email, however (no replying).

As a test, I simply clicked reply in order to answer this post. Amazingly, the 
To: field is correct. In the past, I have seen that sometimes *To* causes the 
mail to be sent to both the list and to the originator of the post (which 
leads to a lot of attempts at unnecessarily taking conversations off-list and 
private). This has happened to me a few times because I did not pay attention 
to the To field when replying.

So, here goes, sending a response with just Reply, not Reply to Mailing-List.
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