On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 12:47 AM, Claude Jones <cjoneslists at tehogeeservices.com> wrote: > I'm sure there are some mail-lists still active out there where > the reply-to-header is not converted to force replies to the list when > messages come in, but, I've never belonged to one, and don't know of any. In that case I could introduce you to some, e.g. the Evolution list. This issue is one on which there is still controversy. Many people think that for the list manager to alter the Reply-To header of messages is evil (e.g. it prevents the user from specifying his own Reply-To header, which may be different from his From address, thus making it impossible to reply directly to him and not to the list). Personally I use Reply-To-List whenever possible, otherwise Reply-To-All. poc