AWS usage per group (January)

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Here comes January edition of resources running in AWS. It's a snapshot of resources running today multiplied by all days in the month.

The price is calculated only for volumes and instances.

Reserved instances are deducted - but hardcoded in the script.


- spot instances are now recognized and the price of spot instances is used

- I added price of snapshots. But AWS recognize two kinds of snapshots and I only managed to use the cheaper one and I count its price for all snapshots. So the real price of snapshots may be up to five times bigger.

- there is several new resources in group "garbage-collecto". I do not know why or what is the purpose. I originally the group for one resource that was stuck and cannot be deleted and we have support ticket open for that. What is the status of other resources in the garbage-collector group. Is it free to delete? Does somebody know?

  * centos - $33091
  * ci - $16811
  * copr - $12534
  * infra - $8118
  * Not tagged - $4562
  * coreos - $1540
  * qa - $1235
  * respins - $702
  * logdetective - $528
  * min - $471
  * centos-stream-osci - $387
  * CentOS - $306
  * garbage-collector - $124
  * pyai - $112
  * ga-archives - $68
  * abrt - $16
  * centos-stream-build - $0
  * CloudSIG - $0
  * CPE - $0

FedoraGroup: centos - PriceSum: $33091
  Region: ap-south-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $1716
        Instance Type: t3.2xlarge - Count: 3 - Price: $785
        Instance Type: t3.large - Count: 1 - Price: $65
        Instance Type: m6i.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $295
        Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 4570 GiB - Price: $571
  Region: eu-central-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $4237
        Instance Type: t2.large - Count: 1 - Price: $78
        Instance Type: r5b.8xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $2079
        Instance Type: m6i.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $336
        Instance Type: t3.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $140
        Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 14200 GiB - Price: $1604
  Region: us-west-2
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $2008
        Instance Type: m6i.2xlarge - Count: 2 - Price: $561
        Instance Type: t3.small - Count: 1 - Price: $15
        Instance Type: t3.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $121
        Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 14200 GiB - Price: $1311
  Region: af-south-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $847
        Instance Type: m6i.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $371
        Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 4050 GiB - Price: $476
  Region: eu-west-3
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $814
        Instance Type: t3a.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $124
        Instance Type: t2.large - Count: 1 - Price: $77
        Instance Type: t3.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $138
        Instance Type: t3.large - Count: 1 - Price: $69
        Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 2677 GiB - Price: $406
  Region: eu-west-2
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $5205
        Instance Type: t3a.large - Count: 1 - Price: $62
        Instance Type: r5a.8xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $1553
        Instance Type: t3.large - Count: 2 - Price: $138
        Instance Type: t3.xlarge - Count: 2 - Price: $276
        Instance Type: t2.medium - Count: 1 - Price: $38
        Instance Type: m6i.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $324
        Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 26300 GiB - Price: $2814
  Region: eu-west-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $1155
        Instance Type: t2.medium - Count: 4 - Price: $146
        Instance Type: t2.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $147
        Instance Type: t2.large - Count: 1 - Price: $74
        Instance Type: t2.small - Count: 1 - Price: $18
        Instance Type: t3.large - Count: 1 - Price: $67
        Instance Type: t3.medium - Count: 2 - Price: $67
        Instance Type: t3.xlarge - Count: 2 - Price: $266
        Instance Type: m6a.large - Count: 1 - Price: $70
        Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 592 GiB - Price: $300
  Region: ap-northeast-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $1513
        Instance Type: c6g.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $250
        Instance Type: m6i.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $362
        Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 8070 GiB - Price: $901
  Region: sa-east-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $1819
        Instance Type: c6g.4xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $612
        Instance Type: m6i.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $447
        Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 4250 GiB - Price: $760
  Region: ap-southeast-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $787
        Instance Type: m6i.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $350
        Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 4050 GiB - Price: $437
  Region: ap-southeast-2
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $1586
        Instance Type: m6i.2xlarge - Count: 2 - Price: $701
        Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 8100 GiB - Price: $871
        Snapshots: 1022 GB in 1 snapshots - Price $14
  Region: us-east-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $4445
        Instance Type: t3.xlarge - Count: 2 - Price: $243
        Instance Type: t2.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $135
        Instance Type: c6gd.16xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $1794
        Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 26356 GiB - Price: $2273
  Region: us-east-2
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $6959
        Instance Type: m5a.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $251
        Instance Type: t3.xlarge - Count: 4 - Price: $486
        Instance Type: t3a.large - Count: 1 - Price: $55
        Instance Type: m6i.2xlarge - Count: 2 - Price: $561
        Instance Type: t2.large - Count: 2 - Price: $135
        Instance Type: t3.large - Count: 1 - Price: $61
        Instance Type: t3.small - Count: 1 - Price: $15
        Instance Type: m6a.large - Count: 1 - Price: $63
        Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 60030 GiB - Price: $5332

FedoraGroup: ci - PriceSum: $16811
  Region: us-east-1
    Service Name: EKS - PriceSum: $745
        Instance Type: c5.2xlarge - Count: 3 - Price: $745
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $610
        Instance Type: c6a.2xlarge - Count: 2 - Price: $447
        Volume Type: gp2 - Total Size: 544 GiB - Price: $54
        Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 616 GiB - Price: $109
  Region: us-east-2
    Service Name: GitHub - PriceSum: $238
        Instance Type: m7a.large - Count: 2 - Price: $169
        Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 112 GiB - Price: $69
    Service Name: TestingFarm - PriceSum: $11985
        Instance Type: m5a.4xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $502
        Instance Type: i3.2xlarge - Count: 7 - Price: $3189
        Instance Type: i3.large - Count: 2 - Price: $228
        Instance Type: m7a.medium - Count: 51 - Price: $2158
        Instance Type: c6a.large - Count: 62 - Price: $3462
        Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 10954 GiB - Price: $1926
        Volume Type: gp2 - Total Size: 5200 GiB - Price: $520
    Service Name: EKS - PriceSum: $184
        Instance Type: r5.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $184
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $3049
        Instance Type: r5.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $184
        Instance Type: r5.large - Count: 2 - Price: $184
        Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 17664 GiB - Price: $2363
        Volume Type: gp2 - Total Size: 2786 GiB - Price: $279
        # of AMIs: 42
        Snapshots: 3087 GB in 482 snapshots - Price $39

FedoraGroup: copr - PriceSum: $12534
  Region: us-east-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $12433
        Instance Type: c7a.4xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: 0 (reserved)
        Instance Type: c7a.large - Count: 1 - Price: $75
        Instance Type: t2.large - Count: 1 - Price: $68
        Instance Type: t4g.medium - Count: 1 - Price: $25
        Instance Type: t3a.medium - Count: 2 - Price: 0 (reserved)
        Instance Type: r5a.large - Count: 1 - Price: 0 (reserved)
        Instance Type: t3a.small - Count: 1 - Price: 0 (reserved)
        Instance Type: t3a.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: 0 (reserved)
        Instance Type: r7a.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $222
        Instance Type: c7a.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $150
        Instance Type: m5a.4xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: 0 (reserved)
        Instance Type: c7i.xlarge_spot - Count: 9 - Price: $1025
        Instance Type: c7g.xlarge - Count: 27 - Price: 0 (reserved)
        Instance Type: c7g.xlarge - Count: 4 - Price: $423
        Instance Type: c7g.xlarge_spot - Count: 4 - Price: $456
        Instance Type: c7i.xlarge - Count: 3 - Price: 0 (reserved)
        Instance Type: c7i.xlarge - Count: 10 - Price: $1303
        Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 10139 GiB - Price: $2866
        Volume Type: st1 - Total Size: 89652 GiB - Price: $4034
        Volume Type: sc1 - Total Size: 500 GiB - Price: $8
        Volume Type: io2 - Total Size: 44 GiB - Price: $656
        # of AMIs: 4
        Snapshots: 89762 GB in 26 snapshots - Price $1122
  Region: us-east-2
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $101
        Snapshots: 8059 GB in 3 snapshots - Price $101

FedoraGroup: infra - PriceSum: $8118
  Region: ap-south-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $163
        Instance Type: c5d.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $145
        Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 8 GiB - Price: $18
        # of AMIs: 300
  Region: eu-south-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 300
  Region: ca-central-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 300
  Region: eu-central-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $3311
        Instance Type: c5d.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $162
        Instance Type: c5n.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $359
        Instance Type: m5.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $168
        Instance Type: m6gd.4xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $637
        Instance Type: m7g.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $285
        Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 16723 GiB - Price: $1700
        # of AMIs: 300
  Region: us-west-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $245
        Instance Type: t3.medium - Count: 1 - Price: $36
        Instance Type: t2.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $161
        Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 120 GiB - Price: $48
        # of AMIs: 300
  Region: us-west-2
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $937
        Instance Type: m5.large - Count: 4 - Price: $280
        Instance Type: m6g.large - Count: 1 - Price: $56
        Instance Type: c5n.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $315
        Instance Type: c6gd.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $112
        Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 800 GiB - Price: $169
        Volume Type: standard - Total Size: 100 GiB - Price: $5
        # of AMIs: 300
  Region: af-south-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $422
        Instance Type: c5d.xlarge - Count: 2 - Price: $380
        Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 25 GiB - Price: $42
        # of AMIs: 300
  Region: eu-north-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 300
  Region: eu-west-3
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 300
  Region: eu-west-2
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $187
        Instance Type: c5d.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $168
        Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 20 GiB - Price: $19
        # of AMIs: 300
  Region: eu-west-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 300
  Region: ap-northeast-3
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 300
  Region: ap-northeast-2
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $417
        Instance Type: c5n.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $356
        Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 290 GiB - Price: $61
        # of AMIs: 300
  Region: me-south-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 300
  Region: ap-northeast-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 300
  Region: sa-east-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $955
        Instance Type: c5.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $383
        Instance Type: c5n.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $485
        Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 200 GiB - Price: $87
        # of AMIs: 300
  Region: ap-east-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 300
  Region: ap-southeast-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $774
        Instance Type: c5n.2xlarge - Count: 2 - Price: $724
        Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 150 GiB - Price: $50
        # of AMIs: 300
  Region: ap-southeast-2
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 300
  Region: ap-southeast-3
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 300
  Region: us-east-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $496
        Instance Type: t3.medium - Count: 1 - Price: $30
        Instance Type: t3.small - Count: 1 - Price: $15
        Instance Type: c5.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $124
        Instance Type: t2.medium - Count: 2 - Price: $68
        Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 425 GiB - Price: $184
        # of AMIs: 300
        Snapshots: 6000 GB in 2 snapshots - Price $75
  Region: us-east-2
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $211
        Instance Type: c5d.large - Count: 1 - Price: $70
        Instance Type: t2.micro - Count: 1 - Price: $8
        Instance Type: t3.medium - Count: 1 - Price: $30
        Instance Type: t2.medium - Count: 1 - Price: $34
        Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 113 GiB - Price: $69
        # of AMIs: 300

FedoraGroup: Not tagged - PriceSum: $4562
  Region: ap-south-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $103
        Snapshots: 8273 GB in 1597 snapshots - Price $103
  Region: eu-south-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $109
        Snapshots: 8273 GB in 1597 snapshots - Price $109
  Region: il-central-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $11
        Snapshots: 720 GB in 72 snapshots - Price $11
  Region: ca-central-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $114
        Snapshots: 8273 GB in 1597 snapshots - Price $114
  Region: eu-central-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $112
        Snapshots: 8273 GB in 1597 snapshots - Price $112
  Region: us-west-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $114
        Snapshots: 8273 GB in 1597 snapshots - Price $114
  Region: us-west-2
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $403
        Instance Type: c6i.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $248
        Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 272 GiB - Price: $52
        Snapshots: 8273 GB in 1597 snapshots - Price $103
  Region: af-south-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $123
        Snapshots: 8273 GB in 1597 snapshots - Price $123
  Region: eu-north-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $98
        Snapshots: 8273 GB in 1597 snapshots - Price $98
  Region: eu-west-3
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $110
        Snapshots: 8273 GB in 1597 snapshots - Price $110
  Region: eu-west-2
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $110
        Snapshots: 8273 GB in 1597 snapshots - Price $110
  Region: eu-west-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $103
        Snapshots: 8273 GB in 1597 snapshots - Price $103
  Region: ap-northeast-3
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $94
        Snapshots: 7537 GB in 1523 snapshots - Price $94
  Region: ap-northeast-2
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $103
        Snapshots: 8273 GB in 1597 snapshots - Price $103
  Region: me-south-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $114
        Snapshots: 8273 GB in 1597 snapshots - Price $114
  Region: ap-northeast-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $103
        Snapshots: 8273 GB in 1597 snapshots - Price $103
  Region: sa-east-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $141
        Snapshots: 8273 GB in 1597 snapshots - Price $141
  Region: ap-east-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $114
        Snapshots: 8273 GB in 1597 snapshots - Price $114
  Region: ap-southeast-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $103
        Snapshots: 8273 GB in 1597 snapshots - Price $103
  Region: ap-southeast-2
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $114
        Snapshots: 8273 GB in 1597 snapshots - Price $114
  Region: ap-southeast-3
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $94
        Snapshots: 7537 GB in 1523 snapshots - Price $94
  Region: us-east-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $1071
        Instance Type: c6a.2xlarge - Count: 2 - Price: $447
        Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 1000 GiB - Price: $110
        Volume Type: gp2 - Total Size: 2000 GiB - Price: $200
        Snapshots: 25116 GB in 1623 snapshots - Price $314
  Region: us-east-2
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $1001
        Instance Type: c5.2xlarge - Count: 3 - Price: $745
        Volume Type: gp2 - Total Size: 1500 GiB - Price: $150
        Snapshots: 8513 GB in 1621 snapshots - Price $106

FedoraGroup: coreos - PriceSum: $1540
  Region: ap-south-2
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $44
        # of AMIs: 354
        Snapshots: 3540 GB in 354 snapshots - Price $44
  Region: ap-south-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $44
        # of AMIs: 354
        Snapshots: 3540 GB in 354 snapshots - Price $44
  Region: eu-south-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $46
        # of AMIs: 354
        Snapshots: 3540 GB in 354 snapshots - Price $46
  Region: eu-south-2
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $44
        # of AMIs: 354
        Snapshots: 3540 GB in 354 snapshots - Price $44
  Region: me-central-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $49
        # of AMIs: 354
        Snapshots: 3540 GB in 354 snapshots - Price $49
  Region: il-central-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $40
        # of AMIs: 268
        Snapshots: 2680 GB in 268 snapshots - Price $40
  Region: ca-central-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $49
        # of AMIs: 354
        Snapshots: 3540 GB in 354 snapshots - Price $49
  Region: mx-central-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $1
        # of AMIs: 6
        Snapshots: 60 GB in 6 snapshots - Price $1
  Region: eu-central-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $48
        # of AMIs: 354
        Snapshots: 3540 GB in 354 snapshots - Price $48
  Region: eu-central-2
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $52
        # of AMIs: 354
        Snapshots: 3540 GB in 354 snapshots - Price $52
  Region: us-west-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $49
        # of AMIs: 354
        Snapshots: 3540 GB in 354 snapshots - Price $49
  Region: us-west-2
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $44
        # of AMIs: 354
        Snapshots: 3540 GB in 354 snapshots - Price $44
  Region: af-south-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $53
        # of AMIs: 354
        Snapshots: 3540 GB in 354 snapshots - Price $53
  Region: eu-north-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $42
        # of AMIs: 354
        Snapshots: 3540 GB in 354 snapshots - Price $42
  Region: eu-west-3
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $47
        # of AMIs: 354
        Snapshots: 3540 GB in 354 snapshots - Price $47
  Region: eu-west-2
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $47
        # of AMIs: 354
        Snapshots: 3540 GB in 354 snapshots - Price $47
  Region: eu-west-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $44
        # of AMIs: 354
        Snapshots: 3540 GB in 354 snapshots - Price $44
  Region: ap-northeast-3
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $44
        # of AMIs: 354
        Snapshots: 3540 GB in 354 snapshots - Price $44
  Region: ap-northeast-2
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $44
        # of AMIs: 354
        Snapshots: 3540 GB in 354 snapshots - Price $44
  Region: me-south-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $49
        # of AMIs: 354
        Snapshots: 3540 GB in 354 snapshots - Price $49
  Region: ap-northeast-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $44
        # of AMIs: 354
        Snapshots: 3540 GB in 354 snapshots - Price $44
  Region: sa-east-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $60
        # of AMIs: 354
        Snapshots: 3540 GB in 354 snapshots - Price $60
  Region: ap-east-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $49
        # of AMIs: 354
        Snapshots: 3540 GB in 354 snapshots - Price $49
  Region: ca-west-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $25
        # of AMIs: 182
        Snapshots: 1820 GB in 182 snapshots - Price $25
  Region: ap-southeast-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $44
        # of AMIs: 354
        Snapshots: 3540 GB in 354 snapshots - Price $44
  Region: ap-southeast-2
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $49
        # of AMIs: 354
        Snapshots: 3540 GB in 354 snapshots - Price $49
  Region: ap-southeast-3
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $44
        # of AMIs: 354
        Snapshots: 3540 GB in 354 snapshots - Price $44
  Region: ap-southeast-4
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $37
        # of AMIs: 268
        Snapshots: 2680 GB in 268 snapshots - Price $37
  Region: us-east-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $255
        # of AMIs: 2087
        Snapshots: 20396 GB in 2087 snapshots - Price $255
  Region: ap-southeast-5
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $8
        # of AMIs: 72
        Snapshots: 720 GB in 72 snapshots - Price $8
  Region: us-east-2
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $44
        # of AMIs: 354
        Snapshots: 3540 GB in 354 snapshots - Price $44
  Region: ap-southeast-7
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $1
        # of AMIs: 6
        Snapshots: 60 GB in 6 snapshots - Price $1

FedoraGroup: qa - PriceSum: $1235
  Region: us-east-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $1235
        Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 13000 GiB - Price: $1235

FedoraGroup: respins - PriceSum: $702
  Region: us-east-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $702
        Instance Type: c5.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $124
        Instance Type: c5.4xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $496
        Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 650 GiB - Price: $82

FedoraGroup: logdetective - PriceSum: $528
  Region: eu-west-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $481
        Instance Type: g4dn.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $429
        Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 220 GiB - Price: $52
  Region: us-east-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $47
        Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 210 GiB - Price: $47

FedoraGroup: min - PriceSum: $471
  Region: eu-central-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $471
        Instance Type: t3.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $280
        Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 1000 GiB - Price: $191

FedoraGroup: centos-stream-osci - PriceSum: $387
  Region: ca-central-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $387
        Instance Type: m5d.large - Count: 3 - Price: $276
        Instance Type: t2.micro - Count: 1 - Price: $9
        Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 36 GiB - Price: $102

FedoraGroup: CentOS - PriceSum: $306
  Region: us-east-2
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $306
        Instance Type: m5.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $280
        Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 140 GiB - Price: $26

FedoraGroup: garbage-collector - PriceSum: $124
  Region: ap-south-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $26
        Snapshots: 2048 GB in 1 snapshots - Price $26
  Region: ca-central-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        Snapshots: 6 GB in 1 snapshots - Price $0
  Region: us-west-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $1
        Snapshots: 50 GB in 5 snapshots - Price $1
  Region: us-west-2
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        Snapshots: 38 GB in 5 snapshots - Price $0
  Region: eu-west-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $1
        Snapshots: 62 GB in 7 snapshots - Price $1
  Region: ap-northeast-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $13
        Snapshots: 1059 GB in 166 snapshots - Price $13
  Region: sa-east-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $1
        Snapshots: 32 GB in 4 snapshots - Price $1
  Region: ap-southeast-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $26
        Volume Type: standard - Total Size: 6 GiB - Price: $0
        Snapshots: 2116 GB in 9 snapshots - Price $26
  Region: ap-southeast-2
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $49
        Snapshots: 3542 GB in 6 snapshots - Price $49
  Region: us-east-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $7
        Snapshots: 586 GB in 27 snapshots - Price $7
  Region: us-east-2
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        Snapshots: 8 GB in 1 snapshots - Price $0

FedoraGroup: pyai - PriceSum: $112
  Region: us-east-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $112
        Instance Type: t2.large - Count: 1 - Price: $68
        Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 175 GiB - Price: $44

FedoraGroup: ga-archives - PriceSum: $68
  Region: ap-south-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $3
        # of AMIs: 44
        Snapshots: 246 GB in 48 snapshots - Price $3
  Region: eu-south-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $1
        # of AMIs: 2
        Snapshots: 56 GB in 6 snapshots - Price $1
  Region: il-central-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $1
        Snapshots: 40 GB in 4 snapshots - Price $1
  Region: ca-central-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $3
        # of AMIs: 44
        Snapshots: 246 GB in 48 snapshots - Price $3
  Region: eu-central-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $5
        # of AMIs: 66
        Snapshots: 372 GB in 70 snapshots - Price $5
  Region: us-west-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $5
        # of AMIs: 66
        Snapshots: 372 GB in 70 snapshots - Price $5
  Region: us-west-2
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $5
        # of AMIs: 66
        Snapshots: 372 GB in 70 snapshots - Price $5
  Region: af-south-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $1
        # of AMIs: 4
        Snapshots: 65 GB in 8 snapshots - Price $1
  Region: eu-north-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $1
        # of AMIs: 2
        Snapshots: 56 GB in 6 snapshots - Price $1
  Region: eu-west-3
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $1
        # of AMIs: 8
        Snapshots: 80 GB in 12 snapshots - Price $1
  Region: eu-west-2
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $3
        # of AMIs: 44
        Snapshots: 246 GB in 48 snapshots - Price $3
  Region: eu-west-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $5
        # of AMIs: 66
        Snapshots: 372 GB in 70 snapshots - Price $5
  Region: ap-northeast-2
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $3
        # of AMIs: 44
        Snapshots: 246 GB in 48 snapshots - Price $3
  Region: me-south-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $1
        # of AMIs: 2
        Snapshots: 56 GB in 6 snapshots - Price $1
  Region: ap-northeast-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $5
        # of AMIs: 66
        Snapshots: 372 GB in 70 snapshots - Price $5
  Region: sa-east-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $6
        # of AMIs: 66
        Snapshots: 372 GB in 70 snapshots - Price $6
  Region: ap-east-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $1
        # of AMIs: 2
        Snapshots: 56 GB in 6 snapshots - Price $1
  Region: ap-southeast-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $5
        # of AMIs: 66
        Snapshots: 372 GB in 70 snapshots - Price $5
  Region: ap-southeast-2
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $5
        # of AMIs: 66
        Snapshots: 372 GB in 70 snapshots - Price $5
  Region: us-east-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $5
        # of AMIs: 66
        Snapshots: 372 GB in 70 snapshots - Price $5
  Region: us-east-2
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $3
        # of AMIs: 44
        Snapshots: 246 GB in 48 snapshots - Price $3

FedoraGroup: abrt - PriceSum: $16
  Region: us-east-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $16
        Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 10 GiB - Price: $16

FedoraGroup: centos-stream-build - PriceSum: $0
  Region: ap-south-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 72
  Region: eu-south-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 72
  Region: il-central-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 72
  Region: ca-central-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 72
  Region: eu-central-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 72
  Region: us-west-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 72
  Region: us-west-2
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 72
  Region: af-south-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 72
  Region: eu-north-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 72
  Region: eu-west-3
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 72
  Region: eu-west-2
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 72
  Region: eu-west-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 72
  Region: ap-northeast-2
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 72
  Region: me-south-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 72
  Region: ap-northeast-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 72
  Region: sa-east-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 72
  Region: ap-east-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 72
  Region: ap-southeast-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 72
  Region: ap-southeast-2
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 72
  Region: us-east-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 72
  Region: us-east-2
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 75

FedoraGroup: CloudSIG - PriceSum: $0
  Region: ap-south-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 175
  Region: eu-south-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 175
  Region: ca-central-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 175
  Region: eu-central-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 175
  Region: us-west-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 175
  Region: us-west-2
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 175
  Region: af-south-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 175
  Region: eu-north-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 175
  Region: eu-west-3
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 175
  Region: eu-west-2
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 175
  Region: eu-west-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 175
  Region: ap-northeast-3
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 175
  Region: ap-northeast-2
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 175
  Region: me-south-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 175
  Region: ap-northeast-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 175
  Region: sa-east-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 175
  Region: ap-east-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 175
  Region: ap-southeast-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 175
  Region: ap-southeast-2
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 175
  Region: ap-southeast-3
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 175
  Region: us-east-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 175
  Region: us-east-2
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 175

FedoraGroup: CPE - PriceSum: $0
  Region: ap-south-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 2
  Region: eu-south-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 2
  Region: ca-central-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 2
  Region: eu-central-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 2
  Region: us-west-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 2
  Region: us-west-2
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 2
  Region: af-south-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 2
  Region: eu-north-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 2
  Region: eu-west-3
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 2
  Region: eu-west-2
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 2
  Region: eu-west-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 2
  Region: ap-northeast-2
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 2
  Region: me-south-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 2
  Region: ap-northeast-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 2
  Region: sa-east-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 2
  Region: ap-east-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 2
  Region: ap-southeast-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 2
  Region: ap-southeast-2
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 2
  Region: us-east-1
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 2
  Region: us-east-2
    Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
        # of AMIs: 2

This content is generated by

Miroslav Suchy, RHCA
Red Hat, Manager, Packit and CPT, #brno, #fedora-buildsys

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