Re: AWS usage per group (April)

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Dne 02. 05. 24 v 7:25 dop. Miroslav Suchý napsal(a):
Here comes April edition of resources running in AWS. It's a snapshot of resources running today.

I had a bug in script and size of volumes were incorrectly calculated. Here is fixed version:

FedoraGroup: abrt
 Region: us-east-1
   Service Name:
       Instance Type: t3a.2xlarge - Count: 1
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 10 GiB

FedoraGroup: centos
 Region: ap-south-1
   Service Name:
       Instance Type: t3.2xlarge - Count: 3
       Instance Type: t3.large - Count: 1
       Instance Type: m6i.2xlarge - Count: 1
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 4570 GiB
 Region: eu-central-1
   Service Name:
       Instance Type: t2.large - Count: 1
       Instance Type: r5b.8xlarge - Count: 1
       Instance Type: m6i.2xlarge - Count: 1
       Instance Type: t3.xlarge - Count: 1
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 13170 GiB
 Region: us-west-2
   Service Name:
       Instance Type: m6i.2xlarge - Count: 2
       Instance Type: t3.small - Count: 1
       Instance Type: t3.xlarge - Count: 1
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 13145 GiB
 Region: af-south-1
   Service Name:
       Instance Type: m6i.2xlarge - Count: 1
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 4050 GiB
 Region: eu-west-3
   Service Name:
       Instance Type: t2.2xlarge - Count: 1
       Instance Type: t3a.xlarge - Count: 1
       Instance Type: t2.large - Count: 1
       Instance Type: t2.small - Count: 2
       Instance Type: t3.xlarge - Count: 1
       Instance Type: t3.large - Count: 1
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 2917 GiB
 Region: eu-west-2
   Service Name:
       Instance Type: t2.large - Count: 1
       Instance Type: t3a.large - Count: 2
       Instance Type: r5a.8xlarge - Count: 1
       Instance Type: t3.large - Count: 2
       Instance Type: t3.xlarge - Count: 1
       Instance Type: t2.medium - Count: 1
       Instance Type: m6i.2xlarge - Count: 1
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 26300 GiB
 Region: eu-west-1
   Service Name:
       Instance Type: t2.medium - Count: 4
       Instance Type: t2.xlarge - Count: 3
       Instance Type: t2.large - Count: 1
       Instance Type: t2.small - Count: 2
       Instance Type: t3.large - Count: 1
       Instance Type: t3.medium - Count: 2
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 584 GiB
 Region: ap-northeast-1
   Service Name:
       Instance Type: c6g.2xlarge - Count: 1
       Instance Type: m6i.2xlarge - Count: 1
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 8070 GiB
 Region: sa-east-1
   Service Name:
       Instance Type: c6g.4xlarge - Count: 1
       Instance Type: m6i.2xlarge - Count: 1
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 4250 GiB
 Region: ap-southeast-1
   Service Name:
       Instance Type: m6i.2xlarge - Count: 1
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 4050 GiB
 Region: ap-southeast-2
   Service Name:
       Instance Type: m6i.2xlarge - Count: 2
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 8100 GiB
 Region: us-east-1
   Service Name:
       Instance Type: t3.xlarge - Count: 2
       Instance Type: t2.xlarge - Count: 1
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 26350 GiB
 Region: us-east-2
   Service Name:
       Instance Type: t2.2xlarge - Count: 1
       Instance Type: m5a.2xlarge - Count: 1
       Instance Type: t3.xlarge - Count: 4
       Instance Type: t3a.large - Count: 1
       Instance Type: m6i.2xlarge - Count: 2
       Instance Type: t2.large - Count: 2
       Instance Type: t3.large - Count: 1
       Instance Type: m4.2xlarge - Count: 1
       Instance Type: t3.small - Count: 1
       Instance Type: t3.medium - Count: 1
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 50090 GiB

FedoraGroup: Not tagged
 Region: ap-south-1
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 1306
 Region: eu-south-1
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 102
 Region: il-central-1
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 85
 Region: ca-central-1
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 1320
 Region: eu-central-1
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 1342
 Region: us-west-1
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 1348
 Region: us-west-2
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 1343
 Region: af-south-1
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 104
 Region: eu-north-1
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 103
 Region: eu-west-3
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 104
 Region: eu-west-2
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 1358
 Region: eu-west-1
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 1312
 Region: ap-northeast-2
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 1307
 Region: me-south-1
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 102
 Region: ap-northeast-1
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 1345
 Region: sa-east-1
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 1324
 Region: ap-east-1
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 103
 Region: ap-southeast-1
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 1330
 Region: ap-southeast-2
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 1321
 Region: us-east-1
   Service Name:
       Instance Type: c6a.2xlarge - Count: 4
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 2882 GiB
       # of AMIs: 1588
 Region: us-east-2
   Service Name:
       Instance Type: c5.2xlarge - Count: 4
       Instance Type: p3.2xlarge - Count: 1
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 1248 GiB
       # of AMIs: 844
   Service Name: Artemis
       # of AMIs: 166

FedoraGroup: qa
 Region: us-east-1
   Service Name:
       Instance Type: c5n.metal - Count: 9
       Instance Type: c6a.8xlarge - Count: 2
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 12000 GiB

FedoraGroup: coreos
 Region: ap-south-2
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 256
 Region: ap-south-1
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 676
 Region: eu-south-1
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 635
 Region: eu-south-2
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 256
 Region: me-central-1
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 312
 Region: il-central-1
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 148
 Region: ca-central-1
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 676
 Region: eu-central-1
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 676
 Region: eu-central-2
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 256
 Region: us-west-1
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 676
 Region: us-west-2
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 676
 Region: af-south-1
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 648
 Region: eu-north-1
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 676
 Region: eu-west-3
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 676
 Region: eu-west-2
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 676
 Region: eu-west-1
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 676
 Region: ap-northeast-3
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 565
 Region: ap-northeast-2
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 676
 Region: me-south-1
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 672
 Region: ap-northeast-1
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 676
 Region: sa-east-1
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 676
 Region: ap-east-1
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 672
 Region: ca-west-1
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 62
 Region: ap-southeast-1
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 676
 Region: ap-southeast-2
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 676
 Region: ap-southeast-3
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 454
 Region: ap-southeast-4
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 148
 Region: us-east-1
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 4351
 Region: us-east-2
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 676

FedoraGroup: garbage-collector
 Region: ap-southeast-1
   Service Name:
       Volume Type: standard - Total Size: 6 GiB

FedoraGroup: min
 Region: eu-central-1
   Service Name:
       Instance Type: t3.2xlarge - Count: 1
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 1000 GiB

FedoraGroup: ci
 Region: us-east-1
   Service Name: eks
       Instance Type: c5.2xlarge - Count: 1
   Service Name:
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 1764 GiB
       Volume Type: gp2 - Total Size: 96 GiB
   Service Name: EKS
       Instance Type: c5.2xlarge - Count: 2
 Region: us-east-2
   Service Name:
       Instance Type: r5.large - Count: 4
       Instance Type: r5.xlarge - Count: 2
       Instance Type: p3.2xlarge - Count: 1
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 20516 GiB
       Volume Type: gp2 - Total Size: 32 GiB
       # of AMIs: 33
   Service Name: TestingFarm
       Instance Type: m5a.4xlarge - Count: 1
       Instance Type: i3.2xlarge - Count: 5
       Instance Type: c6a.large - Count: 274
       Instance Type: i3.large - Count: 1
       Instance Type: c6g.large - Count: 20
       Instance Type: c7i.metal-24xl - Count: 1
       Instance Type: m7g.metal - Count: 1
       Instance Type: c6g.xlarge - Count: 2
       Instance Type: c6a.xlarge - Count: 2
       Instance Type: m7a.medium - Count: 4
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 2730 GiB
       Volume Type: gp2 - Total Size: 5200 GiB
   Service Name: Artemis
       Instance Type: c6a.large - Count: 2
       Instance Type: c6g.large - Count: 2

FedoraGroup: infra
 Region: ap-south-1
   Service Name:
       Instance Type: c5d.xlarge - Count: 1
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 8 GiB
 Region: eu-central-1
   Service Name:
       Instance Type: c5d.xlarge - Count: 1
       Instance Type: c5n.2xlarge - Count: 1
       Instance Type: m5.xlarge - Count: 1
       Instance Type: m6gd.4xlarge - Count: 1
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 16223 GiB
 Region: us-west-1
   Service Name:
       Instance Type: t3.medium - Count: 1
       Instance Type: t2.xlarge - Count: 1
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 120 GiB
 Region: us-west-2
   Service Name:
       Instance Type: m5.large - Count: 4
       Instance Type: m6g.large - Count: 1
       Instance Type: c5n.2xlarge - Count: 1
       Instance Type: c6gd.xlarge - Count: 1
       Volume Type: standard - Total Size: 100 GiB
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 800 GiB
 Region: af-south-1
   Service Name:
       Instance Type: c5d.xlarge - Count: 2
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 25 GiB
 Region: eu-west-2
   Service Name:
       Instance Type: c5d.xlarge - Count: 1
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 20 GiB
 Region: eu-west-1
   Service Name:
       Instance Type: m4.10xlarge - Count: 1
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 20 GiB
 Region: ap-northeast-2
   Service Name:
       Instance Type: c5n.2xlarge - Count: 1
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 196 GiB
 Region: sa-east-1
   Service Name:
       Instance Type: c5.2xlarge - Count: 1
       Instance Type: c5n.2xlarge - Count: 1
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 200 GiB
 Region: ap-southeast-1
   Service Name:
       Instance Type: c5n.2xlarge - Count: 2
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 150 GiB
 Region: us-east-1
   Service Name:
       Instance Type: t3.medium - Count: 1
       Instance Type: t3.small - Count: 1
       Instance Type: c5.xlarge - Count: 2
       Instance Type: t2.medium - Count: 2
       Instance Type: c5.2xlarge - Count: 1
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 330 GiB
 Region: us-east-2
   Service Name:
       Instance Type: c5d.large - Count: 1
       Instance Type: t2.micro - Count: 1
       Instance Type: t3.medium - Count: 1
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 63 GiB

FedoraGroup: centos-stream-build
 Region: us-east-2
   Service Name:
       Instance Type: t2.micro - Count: 1

FedoraGroup: pyai
 Region: us-east-1
   Service Name:
       Instance Type: t2.large - Count: 1
       Instance Type: i3.16xlarge - Count: 1

FedoraGroup: ga-archives
 Region: ap-south-1
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 47
 Region: eu-south-1
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 6
 Region: il-central-1
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 4
 Region: ca-central-1
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 47
 Region: eu-central-1
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 69
 Region: us-west-1
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 69
 Region: us-west-2
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 69
 Region: af-south-1
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 8
 Region: eu-north-1
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 6
 Region: eu-west-3
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 12
 Region: eu-west-2
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 47
 Region: eu-west-1
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 69
 Region: ap-northeast-2
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 47
 Region: me-south-1
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 6
 Region: ap-northeast-1
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 69
 Region: sa-east-1
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 69
 Region: ap-east-1
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 6
 Region: ap-southeast-1
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 69
 Region: ap-southeast-2
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 69
 Region: us-east-1
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 69
 Region: us-east-2
   Service Name:
       # of AMIs: 47

FedoraGroup: copr
 Region: us-east-1
   Service Name:
       Instance Type: t3a.medium - Count: 3
       Instance Type: r5a.large - Count: 1
       Instance Type: t3a.small - Count: 1
       Instance Type: r7a.xlarge - Count: 1
       Instance Type: c7a.4xlarge - Count: 1
       Instance Type: m5a.4xlarge - Count: 1
       Instance Type: t3a.2xlarge - Count: 1
       Instance Type: c7i.xlarge - Count: 30
       Instance Type: c7g.xlarge - Count: 70
       Instance Type: c7a.large - Count: 1
       Volume Type: st1 - Total Size: 7500 GiB
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 6674 GiB
       Volume Type: io2 - Total Size: 20 GiB
       Volume Type: sc1 - Total Size: 81652 GiB
       # of AMIs: 5

FedoraGroup: centos-stream-osci
 Region: ca-central-1
   Service Name:
       Instance Type: m5d.large - Count: 9
       Instance Type: t2.micro - Count: 1
       Instance Type: m5d.xlarge - Count: 10
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 36 GiB
       Volume Type: gp2 - Total Size: 36 GiB

FedoraGroup: respins
 Region: us-east-1
   Service Name:
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 500 GiB

Miroslav Suchy, RHCA
Red Hat, Manager, Packit and CPT, #brno, #fedora-buildsys
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