ssh git access to feedback

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Greetings everyone. 

As you may know we are planning on rolling out our new account system in
a few weeks. During this changeover it might be a good time (or might
not!) to change how our ssh auth for git works with (well, really). 

How it works now:
* All users in the 'packager' group have accounts on pkgs01.iad2
* All these users have a 'wrapper' on their ssh key that runs the pagure
wrapper that checks who they are, etc. 

* only packagers have accounts for ssh, so non packagers just get permission
denied and it confuses them.
* operating on the idea of least privledge, having everyone in the
packager group having real accounts seems wrong/bad.

How we could change it: 

1) Do nothing. We could add packager again when we move to sssd/ipa and
everything keeps working pretty much the same way it does now. 

2) We could move from ssh://username@pkgs to ssh://git@pkgs and not have
real shell accounts for packagers. Everything would get sorted out by
the wrapper on the git account. 

* Everyone with an existing checkout would have to update their url
* We still have to deal with ssh port open to the world
* Everyone could use the ssh://git@pkgs url, no need to just be a

3) We could just retire the ssh part of this and ask everyone to use

* Everyone who had a ssh checkout would have to change it to https.
* Some people like ssh over https and would be mad at us.
* https pushing needs a browser to get a token, so it would be a pain
for people with no local gui session.
* No need to have the ssh port on pkgs01.iad2 open to the internet
* https can be load balanced vis proxies, etc

4) We could add some kind of GSSAPI/Kerberos support to pagure, so
people could use https and a kerberos ticket. 

5) Your idea here

So, thoughts? 


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