Resources for a hosting an alternative Fedora buildroot

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I am considering making a proposal for an alternative buildroot (similar to ELN) in Fedora, and I want to try to understand what Fedora resources might be available for this.

My requirements are:

+ A koji server and builders for doing 'shadow' builds of ~2000 Fedora packages. 'shadow' builds means that every time a build is made in the official Fedora koji then one would be done for this alternative buildroot.

+ Builders for all architectures supported by Fedora.

+ Developer access to the koji server using Fedora kerberos credentials.

+ Permissions to create and modify tags on the koji server for at least 3 people.

+ A DNF repo generated from these package builds that is updated once per day.

+ Jenkins server that can host a CI job that listens for Fedora builds and submits builds to this alternative buildroot.

My questions are:

Do we have enough machine resources and people time to implement something like this, and if not, how much additional resources would be required?

How and where to implement this, e.g. can we use the staging koji server or something else?

Can we build something that is generic enough, so that other people who want to make similar proposals would be able to easily set up their own
alternative buildroot?

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