So in looking at a problem with greenwave getting hit with various web-bots I found that very few of our configured robots.txt for sites work because we normally proxypass everything to the backend. This causes extra work on each backend needing to either add this to their codebase (if they are a flask containers) and could be slow for other reasons. However this will change all robots.conf for all websites so I don't want to look at a FBR without discussion. diff --git a/roles/httpd/website/templates/robots.conf b/roles/httpd/website/templates/robots.conf index f442128..a59eb68 100644 --- a/roles/httpd/website/templates/robots.conf +++ b/roles/httpd/website/templates/robots.conf @@ -1 +1,7 @@ +## Make sure that we don't skip this because we proxy pass it to a +## slow backend +<Location "/robots.txt"> + ProxyPass ! +</Location> + Alias /robots.txt /srv/web/{{site_name}}-robots.txt -- Stephen J Smoogen. _______________________________________________ infrastructure mailing list -- infrastructure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To unsubscribe send an email to infrastructure-leave@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Fedora Code of Conduct: List Guidelines: List Archives: