Re: Bodhi 2.10.1 in production

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Dne 23.8.2017 v 10:54 Pierre-Yves Chibon napsal(a):
On Wed, Aug 23, 2017 at 10:49:22AM +0200, Vít Ondruch wrote:
Dne 23.8.2017 v 10:40 Pierre-Yves Chibon napsal(a):
On Wed, Aug 23, 2017 at 10:22:00AM +0200, Vít Ondruch wrote:
Dne 22.8.2017 v 21:42 Jeremy Cline napsal(a):
Hey folks,

Bodhi 2.10.1 is now running in production.

The change log:

At this time, the Greenwave integration is configured to be off. When
Greenwave is ready, we'll be able to flip on the integration.
Greenwave? What is that?

It is the tool that will make the decision of gating or not an update based on
automated test results.
Ah, thx.

I wish this was already in Rawhide ... But may be it will be?
The gating is done in bodhi, so for this we would need to make rawhide go
through bodhi (which I still think would be a good idea

I am +1 on this!


 and if it's all
automatic the only drawback would be that builds actually land in rawhide a
little later than they do today)


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