Attached is a revised patch.
On Tue, May 16, 2017 at 11:10 PM, InvalidPath <invalid.path@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hey Randy, Ok takinig a look at this I wanted to toss you some questions on your comments below.Thanks.On Tue, May 16, 2017 at 8:45 AM, Randy Barlow <bowlofeggs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:I've inserted comments inline:
On Tue, 2017-05-02 at 09:33 -0600, InvalidPath wrote:
> From 557ed944045f3d3241f485f4cf7713d2362a4129 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 Done.
> 2001
> From: Ben Hart <invalid.path@xxxxxxxxx>
> Date: Tue, 2 May 2017 09:27:20 -0600
> Subject: [PATCH] Combined staging and production template files
> ---
> roles/bodhi2/base/templates/bodhi-stg_prd-ini.j2 | 592
I recommend naming the new file production.ini, since that's the name
it gets installed as on staging and production. It will also help me
review this patch much more easily, because I'll see the differences
between current production.ini and the new production.ini more clearly.
I'll make a few more comments below, but I'll do a more thorough review
once the diff is based off production.ini since that will be much
easier for my soft, human brain.
> +++++++++++++++++++++++
> 1 file changed, 592 insertions(+)
> create mode 100644 roles/bodhi2/base/templates/bodhi-stg_prd-ini.j2
> diff --git a/roles/bodhi2/base/templates/bodhi-stg_prd-ini.j2
> b/roles/bodhi2/base/templates/bodhi-stg_prd-ini.j2
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..27f59a4
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/roles/bodhi2/base/templates/bodhi-stg_prd-ini.j2
> @@ -0,0 +1,592 @@
> +[filter:proxy-prefix]
> +use = egg:PasteDeploy#prefix
> +prefix = /
> +scheme = https
> +
> +[app:main]
> +use = egg:bodhi-server
> +filter-with = proxy-prefix
> +
> +
We don't need this comment since this is a more typical style.
> +
> +#Misc Info at beginning of files
> +{% if env == 'production' %}
Done, typos
I'm not sure this is valid Jinja syntax. I think you want == instead of
Also, we probably do want this section to be the same between staging
and production.
Done I wasnt sure about this section since production had it but staging didnt. But likely a good idea for both envs to meet the same requirements yes?> + testing_approval_msg_based_
> + #PRD Info:
> + # Release status
> + # pre-beta enforces the 'Pre Beta' policy defined here:
> + #
> + f26.status = pre_beta
> +
> + f26.post_beta.mandatory_days_in_testing = 7
> + f26.post_beta.critpath.num_admin_approvals = 0
> + f26.post_beta.critpath.min_karma = 2
> + f26.post_beta.critpath.stable_after_days_without_neg
> ative_karma = 14
> +
> + f26.pre_beta.mandatory_days_in_testing = 3
> + f26.pre_beta.critpath.num_admin_approvals = 0
> + f26.pre_beta.critpath.min_karma = 1
> + ## Atomic OSTree support
> + ## This will compose Atomic OSTrees during the push p
> rocess using the fedmsg-atomic-composer
> + ## class="Apple-tab-span"
> style="white-space:pre"> fedmsg-atomic-composer
> + ##
> + compose_atomic_trees = true
> +{% endif %}
> +
> +##
> +## Messages
> +##
> +
> +# A notice to flash on the front page
> +frontpage_notice =
> +
> +# A notice to flash on the New Update page
> +newupdate_notice =
> +
> +testing_approval_msg = This update has reached %d days in testing
> and can be pushed to stable now if the maintainer wishes
> +not_yet_tested_msg = This update has not yet met the minimum testing
> requirements defined in the <a href="" href="" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">
> ackage_update_acceptance_criteria">Package Update Acceptance
> Criteria</a>
> +not_yet_tested_epel_msg = This update has not yet met the minimum
> testing requirements defined in the <a href="" href="https://fedoraproject.or" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">https://fedoraproject.or
> g/wiki/EPEL_Updates_Policy">EPEL Updates Policy</a>
> +stablekarma_comment = This update has reached the stable karma
> threshold and will be pushed to the stable updates repository
> +_on_karma_ = This update has
> reached the stable karma threshold and can be pushed to stable now if
> the maintainer wishes.
> + not_yet_tested_msg_based_on_karma = This update has not reached the stable karma threshold. Done
We probably do want this section to be the same on staging and
Both original files contained the same preamble in this section up until the captcha secret, but are you saying the same captcha for stg and prd?
> +
> +# Libravatar - If this is true libravatar will work as normal.
> Otherwise, all
> +# libravatar links will be replaced with the string ""
> so that
> +# the tests can still pass.
> +libravatar_enabled = True
> +# Set this to true if you want to do federated dns libravatar lookup
> +libravatar_dns = False
> +
> +# Set this to True in order to send fedmsg messages.
> +fedmsg_enabled = True
> +
> +# Captcha - if 'captcha.secret' is not None, then it will be used
> for comments
> +# captcha.secret must be 32 url-safe base64-encoded bytes
> +# you can generate afresh with >>>
> cryptography.fernet.Fernet.generate_key()
> +
> +{% if env == "staging" %}
> +captcha.secret = {{ bodhi2CaptchaSecretSTG }}
> +{% else %}
> +captcha.secret = {{ bodhi2CaptchaSecret }}
> +{% endif %}
> +# Dimensions
> +captcha.image_width = 300
> +captcha.image_height = 80
> +# Any truetype font will do.
> +captcha.font_path = /usr/share/fonts/liberation/LiberationMono-
> Regular.ttf
> +captcha.font_size = 36
> +# Colors
> +captcha.font_color = #000000
> +captcha.background_color = #ffffff
> +# In pixels
> +captcha.padding = 5
> +# If a captcha sits around for this many seconds, it will stop
> working.
> +captcha.ttl = 300
> +
> +#datagrepper_url = http://localhost:5000
> +{% if env == "staging" %}
> +datagrepper_url =
I think this will define datagrepper_url twice on staging. We probably
want an if statement above this line too.> +arches = i386 x86_64 armhfp
> +badge_ids = binary-star|both-bull-and-self-transcended-tester-viii|catch ing-the-bull-tester-iv|corpora te-drone|corporate-overlord| corporate-shill|discovery-of- the-footprints-tester-ii|in- search-of-the-bull-tester-i| is-this-thing-on-updates- testing-i|is-this-thing-on- updates-testing-ii|is-this- thing-on-updates-testing-iii| is-this-thing-on-updates- testing-iv|it-still-works!| like-a-rock-updates-stable-i| like-a-rock-updates-stable-ii| like-a-rock-updates-stable- iii|like-a-rock-updates- stable-iv|mic-check!-updates- testing-v|missed-the-train| override,-you-say|perceiving- the-bull-tester-iii|reaching- the-source-tester-ix|return- to-society-tester-x|riding- the-bull-home-tester-vi|stop- that-update!|take-this-and- call-me-in-the-morning|taming- the-bull-tester-v|tectonic!- updates-stable-v|the-bull- transcended-tester-vii|what- goes-around-comes-around- karma-i|what-goes-around- comes-around-karma-ii|what- goes-around-comes-around- karma-iii|what-goes-around- comes-around-karma-iv|white- hat|you-can-pry-it-from-my- cold,-dead-hands
> +{% else %}
> +datagrepper_url =
> +badge_ids = binary-star|both-bull-and-self-transcended-tester-
> viii|catching-the-bull-tester-iv|corporate-drone|corporate-
> overlord|corporate-shill|discovery-of-the-footprints-tester- ii|in-
> search-of-the-bull-tester-i|is-this-thing-on-updates-testing -i|is-
> this-thing-on-updates-testing-ii|is-this-thing-on-updates-te sting-
> iii|is-this-thing-on-updates-testing-iv|it-still-works!|like -a-rock-
> updates-stable-i|like-a-rock-updates-stable-ii|like-a-rock-u pdates-
> stable-iii|like-a-rock-updates-stable-iv|mic-check!-updates- testing-
> v|missed-the-train|override,-you-say|perceiving-the-bull-tes ter-
> iii|reaching-the-source-tester-ix|return-to-society-tester- x|riding-
> the-bull-home-tester-vi|stop-that-update!|take-this-and-call -me-in-
> the-morning|taming-the-bull-tester-v|tectonic!-updates-stabl e-v|the-
> bull-transcended-tester-vii|what-goes-around-comes-around-ka rma-
> i|what-goes-around-comes-around-karma-ii|what-goes-around- comes-
> around-karma-iii|what-goes-around-comes-around-karma-iv|whit e-
> hat|you-can-pry-it-from-my-cold,-dead-hands
> +{% endif %}
> +
> +##
> +## Wiki Test Cases
> +##
> +
> +## Query the wiki for test cases
> +query_wiki_test_cases = False
> +wiki_url =
> +test_case_base_url =
> +
> +# Email domain to prepend usernames to
> +default_email_domain =
> +
> +# domain for generated message IDs
> +{% if env == "staging" %}
> +message_id_email_domain =
> +{% else %}
> +message_id_email_domain =
> +{% endif %}
> +
> +##
> +## Mash settings
> +##
> +
> +# If defined, the bodhi masher will ensure that messages are signed
> with the given cert
> +{% if env == "staging" %}
> +releng_fedmsg_certname = shell-bodhi-
> +{% else %}
> +{% if ansible_hostname == 'bodhi-backend01' %}
> +releng_fedmsg_certname = shell-bodhi-
> +{% else %}
> +releng_fedmsg_certname = shell-bodhi-
> +{% endif %}
> +{% endif %}
> +
> +# The masher is a bodhi instance that is responsible for composing
> the update
> +# repositories, regenerating metrics, sending update notices,
> closing bugs,
> +# and other costly operations. To set an external masher, set the
> masher to
> +# the baseurl of the bodhi instance. If set to None, this bodhi
> instance
> +# will act as a masher as well.
> +#masher = None
> +
> +# Where to initially mash repositories
> +{% if env == "staging" %}
> +mash_dir = /var/cache/bodhi/mashing
> +{% else %}
> +mash_stage_dir = /mnt/koji/mash/updates
> +{% endif %}
> +
> +mash_conf = /etc/bodhi/mash.conf
> +
> +createrepo_cache_dir = /var/cache/createrepo
> +
> +## Our periodic jobs
> +#jobs = clean_repo nagmail fix_bug_titles cache_release_data
> approve_testing_updates
> +jobs = cache_release_data refresh_metrics approve_testing_updates
> +
> +## Comps configuration
> +comps_dir = /var/cache/bodhi/comps
> +comps_url =
> +
> +##
> +## Mirror settings
> +##
> +
> +file_url =
> es
> +master_repomd =
> linux/updates/%s/%s/repodata/repomd.xml
> +fedora_master_repomd =
> fedora/linux/updates/%s/%s/repodata/repomd.xml
> +fedora_epel_master_repomd =
> /pub/epel/%s/%s/repodata/repomd.xml
> +
> +fedora_stable_master_repomd = http://download01.phx2.fedoraproject.o
> rg/pub/fedora/linux/updates/%s/%s/repodata/repomd.xml
> +fedora_testing_master_repomd = http://download01.phx2.fedoraproject .
> org/pub/fedora/linux/updates/testing/%s/%s/repodata/repomd.x ml
> +fedora_epel_stable_master_repomd = http://download01.phx2.fedorap roj
> +fedora_epel_testing_master_repomd = http://download01.phx2.fedorap ro
> +
> +## The base url of this application
> +{% if env == "staging" %}
> +base_address =
> +{% else %}
> +base_address =
> +{% endif %}
> +
> +## Supported update types
> +update_types = bugfix enhancement security newpackage
> +
> +## Supported architechures
> +##
> +## To handle arch name changes between releases, you
> +## can also configure bodhi to support one arch *or*
> +## another. For example, EPEL5 mashes produce 'ppc'
> +## repos, where EPEL6 produces 'ppc64'. To handle this
> +## scenario, you can specify something like:
> +##
> +## arches = ppc/ppc64
> +##
The order of the list isn't significant here, so I think we can
eliminate the if statement and make them the same.
Done> +#bz_cookie =
> +
> +##
> +## Email setting
> +##
> +
> +{ if env == "production" }
> +smtp_server = bastion
> +
> +# The updates system itself. This email address is used in fetching
> Bugzilla
> +# information, as well as email notifications
> +bodhi_email = updates@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> +bodhi_password = {{ bodhiBugzillaPassword }}
> +{% else %}
> +bodhi_email = updates@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> +{% endif %}
> +
> +# The address that gets the requests
> +release_team_address =
> +
> +# The address to notify when security updates are initially added to
> bodhi
> +security_team =
> +
> +# Public announcement lists
> +fedora_announce_list =
> +fedora_test_announce_list = test@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> +fedora_epel_announce_list = epel-package-announce@xxxxxxxxdoraprojec
> +fedora_epel_test_announce_list = epel-devel@lists.fedoraproject .org
> +
> +# Superuser groups
> +admin_groups = proventesters security_respons bodhiadmin sysadmin-
> main
> +
> +# Users that we don't want to show up in the "leaderboard(s)"
> +stats_blacklist = bodhi anonymous autoqa taskotron
> +
> +# A list of non-person users
> +system_users = bodhi autoqa taskotron
> +
> +# The max length for an update title before we truncate it in the
> web ui
> +max_update_length_for_ui = 70
> +
> +# The number of days used for calculating the 'top testers' metric
> +top_testers_timeframe = 900
> +
> +# The email address of the proventesters
> +proventesters_email =
> +
> +# Disabled for the initial release.
> +stacks_enabled = False
> +
> +# These are the default requirements that we apply to stacks,
> packages, and
> +# updates. Users have free-reign to override them for each kind of
> entity. At
> +# the end of the day, we only consider the requirements defined by
> single
> +# updates themselves when gating in the backend masher process.
> +site_requirements = depcheck upgradepath
> +## Some day we'll have rpmgrill, and that will be cool. Ask tflink.
> +#site_requirements = depcheck upgradepath rpmgrill
> +
> +# Where do we send update announcements to ?
> +# These variables should be named per:
> Release.prefix_id.lower()_announce_list
> +#fedora_announce_list =
> +#fedora_test_announce_list =
> +#fedora_epel_announce_list =
> +#fedora_epel_test_announce_list =
> +
> +# Cache settings
> +dogpile.cache.backend = dogpile.cache.dbm
> +dogpile.cache.expiration_time = 100
> +dogpile.cache.arguments.filename = /var/cache/bodhi/dogpile-
> cache.dbm
> +
> +# Exclude sending emails to these users
> +exclude_mail = autoqa taskotron
> +
> +##
> +## Buildsystem settings
> +##
> +
> +# What buildsystem do we want to use? For development, we'll use a
> fake
> +# buildsystem that always does what we tell it to do. For
> production, we'll
> +# want to use 'koji'.
> +buildsystem = koji
> +
> +# Koji's XML-RPC hub
> +{ if env == "staging" %}
> +koji_hub =
> +
> +# Root url of the Koji instance to point to. No trailing slash
> +koji_url =
> +
> +# URL of where users should go to set up their notifications
> +fmn_url =
> +
> +# URL of the resultsdb for integrating checks and stuff
> +resultsdb_url =
> +resultsdb_api_url =
> b_api/
> +
> +fedmenu.url = "" href="" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">
> +fedmenu.data_url =
> +{% else %}
> +# Koji's XML-RPC hub
> +koji_hub =
> +
> +# Root url of the Koji instance to point to. No trailing slash
> +koji_url =
> +
> +# URL of where users should go to set up their notifications
> +fmn_url =
> +
> +# URL of the resultsdb for integrating checks and stuff
> +resultsdb_url =
> +resultsdb_api_url =
> i/
> +
> +fedmenu.url = "" href="" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">
> +fedmenu.data_url =
> +{% endif %}
> +
> +# Koji Krb stuff
> +krb_ccache = /tmp/krb5cc_%{uid}
> +krb_principal = bodhi/bodhi{{ env_suffix }}{{
> ipa_realm }}
> +krb_keytab = /etc/krb5.bodhi_bodhi{{ env_suffix
> }}
> +
> +##
> +## ACL system
> +## Choices are 'pkgdb', which will send a JSON query to the
> pkgdb_url below,
> +## or 'dummy', which will always return guest credentials (used for
> local
> +## development).
> +##
> +
> +{ if env == "staging" %}
> +acl_system = dummy
> +
> +##
> +## Package DB
> +##
> +pkgdb_url =
> +
> +initial_bug_msg = %s has been submitted as an update to %s. %s
> +stable_bug_msg = %s has been pushed to the %s repository. If
> problems still persist, please make note of it in this bug report.
> +testing_bug_msg =
> + If you want to test the update, you can install it with
> + $ su -c 'dnf --enablerepo=updates-testing update %s'
> + You can provide feedback for this update here: %s
> +testing_bug_epel_msg =
> + If you want to test the update, you can install it with
> + $ su -c 'yum --enablerepo=epel-testing update %s'
> + You can provide feedback for this update here: %s
> +{% else %}
> +acl_system = pkgdb
> +
> +##
> +## Package DB
> +##
> +pkgdb_url =
> +
> +bugtracker = bugzilla
> +initial_bug_msg = %s has been submitted as an update to %s. %s
> +stable_bug_msg = %s has been pushed to the %s repository. If
> problems still persist, please make note of it in this bug report.
> +testing_bug_msg =
> + See for
> + instructions on how to install test updates.
> + You can provide feedback for this update here: %s
> +
> +testing_bug_epel_msg =
> + See for
> + instructions on how to install test updates.
> + You can provide feedback for this update here: %s
> +{% endif %}
> +
> +# The username/password for our bugzilla account comes
> +# from the bodhi_{email,password} fields.
> +
> +{ if env == "staging" %}
> +bz_server =
> +{% else %}
> +bz_server =
> +
> +
> +# Bodhi will avoid touching bugs that are not against the following
> products
> +bz_products = Fedora,Fedora EPEL
bz_server seems to be defined in two blocks here - let's just define it
> +
> +##
> +## Packages that should suggest a reboot
> +##
> +reboot_pkgs = kernel kernel-smp kernel-xen-hypervisor kernel-PAE
> kernel-xen0 kernel-xenU kernel-xen kernel-xen-guest glibc hal dbus
> +
> +##
> +## Critical Path Packages
> +##
> +##
> +
> +# Enable this to query the Fedora Package Database for the list of
> Critical
> +# Path Packages. If disabled, it'll just use the hardcoded list
> below.
> +
> +{ if env == "production" %}
> +critpath.type = pkgdb
> +{% endif %}
> +
> +# You can hardcode a list of critical path packages instead of using
> the PackageDB
> +{ if env == "staging" %}
> +critpath.pkgs = kernel
> +{% endif %}
> +
> +# The number of admin approvals it takes to be able to push a
> critical path
> +# update to stable for a pending release.
> +critpath.num_admin_approvals = 0
> +
> +# The net karma required to submit a critial path update to a
> pending release)
> +critpath.min_karma = 2
> +
> +# Allow critpath to submit for stable after 2 weeks with no negative
> karma
> +critpath.stable_after_days_without_negative_karma = 14
> +
> +# The minimum amount of time an update must spend in testing before
> +# it can reach the stable repository
> +fedora.mandatory_days_in_testing = 7
> +fedora_epel.mandatory_days_in_testing = 14
> +
> +##
> +## Release status
> +##
> +
> +# Pre-beta enforces the Pre Beta policy defined here:
> +#
> +#f15.status = 'pre_beta'
> +#f15.pre_beta.mandatory_days_in_testing = 3
> +#f15.pre_beta.critpath.num_admin_approvals = 0
> +#f15.pre_beta.critpath.min_karma = 1
> +
> +# For test cases.
> +f7.status = post_beta
> +f7.post_beta.mandatory_days_in_testing = 7
> +f7.post_beta.critpath.num_admin_approvals = 0
> +f7.post_beta.critpath.min_karma = 2
> +
> +# The number of days worth of updates/comments to display
> +feeds.num_days_to_show = 7
> +feeds.max_entries = 20
> +
> +##
> +## Buildroot Override
> +##
> +
> +# Number of days before expiring overrides
> +buildroot_overrides.expire_after = 1
> +
> +##
> +## Groups
> +##
> +
> +# FAS Groups that we want to pay attention to
> +# When a user logs in, bodhi will look for any of these groups and
> associate #
> +# them with the user. They will then appear as the users effective
> principals in
> +# the format "group:groupname" and can be used in Pyramid ACE's.
> +important_groups = proventesters provenpackager releng-team
> security_respons packager bodhiadmin virtmaint-sig kde-sig eclipse-
> sig infra-sig gnome-sig python-sig robotics-sig qa-tools-sig nodejs-
> sig lxqt-sig astro-sig
> +
> +# Groups that can push updates for any package
> +admin_packager_groups = provenpackager releng-team security_respons
> +
> +# User must be a member of this group to submit updates
> +mandatory_packager_groups = packager
> +
> +##
> +## updateinfo.xml configuraiton
> +##
> +updateinfo_rights = Copyright (C) 2015 Red Hat, Inc. and others.
> +
> +##
> +## Authentication & Authorization
> +##
> +
> +# pyramid.openid
> +{ if env == "staging" %}
> +openid.success_callback =
> +openid.provider =
> +openid.url = "" href="" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">
> +openid_template = {username}
> +openid.sreg_required = email
> +{% else %}
> +openid.success_callback =
> +openid.provider =
> +openid.url = "" href="" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">
> +openid_template = {username}
> +openid.sreg_required = email
> +{% endif %}
> +
> +##
> +## Pyramid settings
> +##
> +pyramid.reload_templates = false
> +pyramid.debug_authorization = false
> +pyramid.debug_notfound = false
> +pyramid.debug_routematch = false
> +pyramid.default_locale_name = en
> +
> +pyramid.includes =
> + pyramid_tm
> +
> +debugtoolbar.hosts = ::1
> +
> +##
> +## Database
> +##
> +{ if env == "staging" %}
> +sqlalchemy.url = "" bodhi2PasswordSTG }}@db-
> bodhi/bodhi2
> +{% else %}
> +sqlalchemy.url = "" bodhi2Password }}@db-
> bodhi/bodhi2
> +{% endif %}
I recently changed the url in staging.ini, so you should be sure to
pick up that change.Hmm, I just repulled the ansible repo.. I see the same url in staging as above. staging.ini.j2 line 400 path:/home/bhart/SpiderOak Hive/Projects/ansible/roles/bodhi2/base/templates
> +##
> +## Templates
> +##
> +mako.directories = bodhi:server/templates
> +
> +##
> +## Authentication & Sessions
> +##
> +
> +authtkt.secret = {{ bodhi2AuthTkt }}
> +session.secret = {{ bodhi2SessionSecret }}
> = true
> +
> +# pyramid_beaker
> +session.type = file
> +session.data_dir = /var/cache/bodhi/sessions/data
> +session.lock_dir = /var/cache/bodhi/sessions/lock
> +
> +{ if env == "staging" %}
> +session.key = {{ bodhi2SessionKeySTG }}
> +{% else %}
> +session.key = {{ bodhi2SessionKey }}
> +{% endif %}
> +
> +session.cookie_on_exception = true
> +# Tell the browser to only send the cookie over TLS
> = true
> +# Create a cookie that is only valid for one day
> +session.timeout = 86400
> +cache.regions = default_term, second, short_term, long_term
> +cache.type = memory
> +cache.second.expire = 1
> +cache.short_term.expire = 60
> +cache.default_term.expire = 300
> +cache.long_term.expire = 3600
> +
> +[server:main]
> +use = egg:waitress#main
> +host =
> +port = 6543
> +
> +[pshell]
> +m = bodhi.server.models
> +t = transaction
> +# Begin logging configuration
> +
> +[loggers]
> +keys = root, bodhi, sqlalchemy
> +
> +[handlers]
> +keys = console
> +
> +[formatters]
> +keys = generic
> +
> +[logger_root]
> +level = INFO
> +handlers = console
> +
> +[logger_bodhi]
> +level = DEBUG
> +handlers =
> +qualname = bodhi
> +
> +[logger_sqlalchemy]
> +level = WARN
> +handlers =
> +qualname = sqlalchemy.engine
> +# "level = INFO" logs SQL queries.
> +# "level = DEBUG" logs SQL queries and results.
> +# "level = WARN" logs neither. (Recommended for production
> systems.)
> +
> +[handler_console]
> +class = StreamHandler
> +args = (sys.stderr,)
> +level = NOTSET
> +formatter = generic
> +[formatter_generic]
> +format = %(asctime)s %(levelname)-5.5s [%(name)s][%(threadName)s]
> %(message)s
> +
> +# End logging configuration
> \ No newline at end of file
> --
> 2.9.3_________________
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From 0f541f8b1f7dece64bc87957a683990f1e0a9e78 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: bicarbonate <invalid.path@xxxxxxxxx> Date: Tue, 2 May 2017 09:27:20 -0600 Subject: [PATCH] Egg changes --- roles/bodhi2/base/templates/production.ini | 577 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 577 insertions(+) create mode 100644 roles/bodhi2/base/templates/production.ini diff --git a/roles/bodhi2/base/templates/production.ini b/roles/bodhi2/base/templates/production.ini new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4bf885f --- /dev/null +++ b/roles/bodhi2/base/templates/production.ini @@ -0,0 +1,577 @@ +[filter:proxy-prefix] +use = egg:PasteDeploy#prefix +prefix = / +scheme = https + +[app:main] +use = egg:bodhi-server +filter-with = proxy-prefix + + +#Misc Info at beginning of files + #PRD Info: + # Release status + # pre-beta enforces the 'Pre Beta' policy defined here: + # + f26.status = pre_beta + + f26.post_beta.mandatory_days_in_testing = 7 + f26.post_beta.critpath.num_admin_approvals = 0 + f26.post_beta.critpath.min_karma = 2 + f26.post_beta.critpath.stable_after_days_without_neg ative_karma = 14 + + f26.pre_beta.mandatory_days_in_testing = 3 + f26.pre_beta.critpath.num_admin_approvals = 0 + f26.pre_beta.critpath.min_karma = 1 + ## Atomic OSTree support + ## This will compose Atomic OSTrees during the push process using the fedmsg-atomic-composer + ## fedmsg-atomic-composer + ## + compose_atomic_trees = true + +## +## Messages +## + +# A notice to flash on the front page +frontpage_notice = + +# A notice to flash on the New Update page +newupdate_notice = + +testing_approval_msg = This update has reached %d days in testing and can be pushed to stable now if the maintainer wishes +not_yet_tested_msg = This update has not yet met the minimum testing requirements defined in the <a href="">Package Update Acceptance Criteria</a> +not_yet_tested_epel_msg = This update has not yet met the minimum testing requirements defined in the <a href="">EPEL Updates Policy</a> +stablekarma_comment = This update has reached the stable karma threshold and will be pushed to the stable updates repository + + + testing_approval_msg_based_on_karma = This update has reached the stable karma threshold and can be pushed to stable now if the maintainer wishes. + not_yet_tested_msg_based_on_karma = This update has not reached the stable karma threshold. + + +# Libravatar - If this is true libravatar will work as normal. Otherwise, all +# libravatar links will be replaced with the string "" so that +# the tests can still pass. +libravatar_enabled = True +# Set this to true if you want to do federated dns libravatar lookup +libravatar_dns = False + +# Set this to True in order to send fedmsg messages. +fedmsg_enabled = True + +# Captcha - if 'captcha.secret' is not None, then it will be used for comments +# captcha.secret must be 32 url-safe base64-encoded bytes +# you can generate afresh with >>> cryptography.fernet.Fernet.generate_key() + +{% if env == "staging" %} +captcha.secret = {{ bodhi2CaptchaSecretSTG }} +{% else %} +captcha.secret = {{ bodhi2CaptchaSecret }} +{% endif %} +# Dimensions +captcha.image_width = 300 +captcha.image_height = 80 +# Any truetype font will do. +captcha.font_path = /usr/share/fonts/liberation/LiberationMono-Regular.ttf +captcha.font_size = 36 +# Colors +captcha.font_color = #000000 +captcha.background_color = #ffffff +# In pixels +captcha.padding = 5 +# If a captcha sits around for this many seconds, it will stop working. +captcha.ttl = 300 + +#datagrepper_url = http://localhost:5000 +{% if env == "staging" %} +datagrepper_url = +badge_ids = binary-star|both-bull-and-self-transcended-tester-viii|catching-the-bull-tester-iv|corporate-drone|corporate-overlord|corporate-shill|discovery-of-the-footprints-tester-ii|in-search-of-the-bull-tester-i|is-this-thing-on-updates-testing-i|is-this-thing-on-updates-testing-ii|is-this-thing-on-updates-testing-iii|is-this-thing-on-updates-testing-iv|it-still-works!|like-a-rock-updates-stable-i|like-a-rock-updates-stable-ii|like-a-rock-updates-stable-iii|like-a-rock-updates-stable-iv|mic-check!-updates-testing-v|missed-the-train|override,-you-say|perceiving-the-bull-tester-iii|reaching-the-source-tester-ix|return-to-society-tester-x|riding-the-bull-home-tester-vi|stop-that-update!|take-this-and-call-me-in-the-morning|taming-the-bull-tester-v|tectonic!-updates-stable-v|the-bull-transcended-tester-vii|what-goes-around-comes-around-karma-i|what-goes-around-comes-around-karma-ii|what-goes-around-comes-around-karma-iii|what-goes-around-comes-around-karma-iv|white-hat|you-can-pry-it-from-my-cold,-dead-hands +{% else %} +datagrepper_url = +badge_ids = binary-star|both-bull-and-self-transcended-tester-viii|catching-the-bull-tester-iv|corporate-drone|corporate-overlord|corporate-shill|discovery-of-the-footprints-tester-ii|in-search-of-the-bull-tester-i|is-this-thing-on-updates-testing-i|is-this-thing-on-updates-testing-ii|is-this-thing-on-updates-testing-iii|is-this-thing-on-updates-testing-iv|it-still-works!|like-a-rock-updates-stable-i|like-a-rock-updates-stable-ii|like-a-rock-updates-stable-iii|like-a-rock-updates-stable-iv|mic-check!-updates-testing-v|missed-the-train|override,-you-say|perceiving-the-bull-tester-iii|reaching-the-source-tester-ix|return-to-society-tester-x|riding-the-bull-home-tester-vi|stop-that-update!|take-this-and-call-me-in-the-morning|taming-the-bull-tester-v|tectonic!-updates-stable-v|the-bull-transcended-tester-vii|what-goes-around-comes-around-karma-i|what-goes-around-comes-around-karma-ii|what-goes-around-comes-around-karma-iii|what-goes-around-comes-around-karma-iv|white-hat|you-can-pry-it-from-my-cold,-dead-hands +{% endif %} + +## +## Wiki Test Cases +## + +## Query the wiki for test cases +query_wiki_test_cases = False +wiki_url = +test_case_base_url = + +# Email domain to prepend usernames to +default_email_domain = + +# domain for generated message IDs +{% if env == "staging" %} +message_id_email_domain = +{% else %} +message_id_email_domain = +{% endif %} + +## +## Mash settings +## + +# If defined, the bodhi masher will ensure that messages are signed with the given cert +{% if env == "staging" %} +releng_fedmsg_certname = +{% else %} +{% if ansible_hostname == 'bodhi-backend01' %} +releng_fedmsg_certname = +{% else %} +releng_fedmsg_certname = +{% endif %} +{% endif %} + +# The masher is a bodhi instance that is responsible for composing the update +# repositories, regenerating metrics, sending update notices, closing bugs, +# and other costly operations. To set an external masher, set the masher to +# the baseurl of the bodhi instance. If set to None, this bodhi instance +# will act as a masher as well. +#masher = None + +# Where to initially mash repositories +{% if env == "staging" %} +mash_dir = /var/cache/bodhi/mashing +{% else %} +mash_stage_dir = /mnt/koji/mash/updates +{% endif %} + +mash_conf = /etc/bodhi/mash.conf + +createrepo_cache_dir = /var/cache/createrepo + +## Our periodic jobs +#jobs = clean_repo nagmail fix_bug_titles cache_release_data approve_testing_updates +jobs = cache_release_data refresh_metrics approve_testing_updates + +## Comps configuration +comps_dir = /var/cache/bodhi/comps +comps_url = + +## +## Mirror settings +## + +file_url = +master_repomd = +fedora_master_repomd = +fedora_epel_master_repomd = + +fedora_stable_master_repomd = +fedora_testing_master_repomd = +fedora_epel_stable_master_repomd = +fedora_epel_testing_master_repomd = + +## The base url of this application +{% if env == "staging" %} +base_address = +{% else %} +base_address = +{% endif %} + +## Supported update types +update_types = bugfix enhancement security newpackage + +## Supported architechures +## +## To handle arch name changes between releases, you +## can also configure bodhi to support one arch *or* +## another. For example, EPEL5 mashes produce 'ppc' +## repos, where EPEL6 produces 'ppc64'. To handle this +## scenario, you can specify something like: +## +## arches = ppc/ppc64 +## +arches = i386 x86_64 armhfp + + +## +## Email setting +## + +{ if env == "production" } +smtp_server = bastion + +# The updates system itself. This email address is used in fetching Bugzilla +# information, as well as email notifications +bodhi_email = updates@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx +bodhi_password = {{ bodhiBugzillaPassword }} +{% else %} +bodhi_email = updates@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx +{% endif %} + +# The address that gets the requests +release_team_address = bodhiadmin-members@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx + +# The address to notify when security updates are initially added to bodhi +security_team = security_respons-members@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx + +# Public announcement lists +fedora_announce_list = package-announce@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx +fedora_test_announce_list = test@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx +fedora_epel_announce_list = epel-package-announce@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx +fedora_epel_test_announce_list = epel-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx + +# Superuser groups +admin_groups = proventesters security_respons bodhiadmin sysadmin-main + +# Users that we don't want to show up in the "leaderboard(s)" +stats_blacklist = bodhi anonymous autoqa taskotron + +# A list of non-person users +system_users = bodhi autoqa taskotron + +# The max length for an update title before we truncate it in the web ui +max_update_length_for_ui = 70 + +# The number of days used for calculating the 'top testers' metric +top_testers_timeframe = 900 + +# The email address of the proventesters +proventesters_email = proventesters-members@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx + +# Disabled for the initial release. +stacks_enabled = False + +# These are the default requirements that we apply to stacks, packages, and +# updates. Users have free-reign to override them for each kind of entity. At +# the end of the day, we only consider the requirements defined by single +# updates themselves when gating in the backend masher process. +site_requirements = depcheck upgradepath +## Some day we'll have rpmgrill, and that will be cool. Ask tflink. +#site_requirements = depcheck upgradepath rpmgrill + +# Where do we send update announcements to ? +# These variables should be named per: Release.prefix_id.lower()_announce_list +#fedora_announce_list = +#fedora_test_announce_list = +#fedora_epel_announce_list = +#fedora_epel_test_announce_list = + +# Cache settings +dogpile.cache.backend = dogpile.cache.dbm +dogpile.cache.expiration_time = 100 +dogpile.cache.arguments.filename = /var/cache/bodhi/dogpile-cache.dbm + +# Exclude sending emails to these users +exclude_mail = autoqa taskotron + +## +## Buildsystem settings +## + +# What buildsystem do we want to use? For development, we'll use a fake +# buildsystem that always does what we tell it to do. For production, we'll +# want to use 'koji'. +buildsystem = koji + +# Koji's XML-RPC hub +{ if env == "staging" %} +koji_hub = + +# Root url of the Koji instance to point to. No trailing slash +koji_url = + +# URL of where users should go to set up their notifications +fmn_url = + +# URL of the resultsdb for integrating checks and stuff +resultsdb_url = +resultsdb_api_url = + +fedmenu.url = +fedmenu.data_url = +{% else %} +# Koji's XML-RPC hub +koji_hub = + +# Root url of the Koji instance to point to. No trailing slash +koji_url = + +# URL of where users should go to set up their notifications +fmn_url = + +# URL of the resultsdb for integrating checks and stuff +resultsdb_url = +resultsdb_api_url = + +fedmenu.url = +fedmenu.data_url = +{% endif %} + +# Koji Krb stuff +krb_ccache = /tmp/krb5cc_%{uid} +krb_principal = bodhi/bodhi{{ env_suffix }}{{ ipa_realm }} +krb_keytab = /etc/krb5.bodhi_bodhi{{ env_suffix }} + +## +## ACL system +## Choices are 'pkgdb', which will send a JSON query to the pkgdb_url below, +## or 'dummy', which will always return guest credentials (used for local +## development). +## + +{ if env == "staging" %} +acl_system = dummy + +## +## Package DB +## +pkgdb_url = + +initial_bug_msg = %s has been submitted as an update to %s. %s +stable_bug_msg = %s has been pushed to the %s repository. If problems still persist, please make note of it in this bug report. +testing_bug_msg = + If you want to test the update, you can install it with + $ su -c 'dnf --enablerepo=updates-testing update %s' + You can provide feedback for this update here: %s +testing_bug_epel_msg = + If you want to test the update, you can install it with + $ su -c 'yum --enablerepo=epel-testing update %s' + You can provide feedback for this update here: %s +{% else %} +acl_system = pkgdb + +## +## Package DB +## +pkgdb_url = + +bugtracker = bugzilla +initial_bug_msg = %s has been submitted as an update to %s. %s +stable_bug_msg = %s has been pushed to the %s repository. If problems still persist, please make note of it in this bug report. +testing_bug_msg = + See for + instructions on how to install test updates. + You can provide feedback for this update here: %s + +testing_bug_epel_msg = + See for + instructions on how to install test updates. + You can provide feedback for this update here: %s +{% endif %} + +# The username/password for our bugzilla account comes +# from the bodhi_{email,password} fields. +#bz_cookie = +# Bodhi will avoid touching bugs that are not against the following products +bz_products = Fedora,Fedora EPEL + +{ if env == "staging" %} +bz_server = +{% else %} +bz_server = +{% endif %} + +## +## Packages that should suggest a reboot +## +reboot_pkgs = kernel kernel-smp kernel-xen-hypervisor kernel-PAE kernel-xen0 kernel-xenU kernel-xen kernel-xen-guest glibc hal dbus + +## +## Critical Path Packages +## +## + +# Enable this to query the Fedora Package Database for the list of Critical +# Path Packages. If disabled, it'll just use the hardcoded list below. + +{ if env == "production" %} +critpath.type = pkgdb +{% endif %} + +# You can hardcode a list of critical path packages instead of using the PackageDB +{ if env == "staging" %} +critpath.pkgs = kernel +{% endif %} + +# The number of admin approvals it takes to be able to push a critical path +# update to stable for a pending release. +critpath.num_admin_approvals = 0 + +# The net karma required to submit a critial path update to a pending release) +critpath.min_karma = 2 + +# Allow critpath to submit for stable after 2 weeks with no negative karma +critpath.stable_after_days_without_negative_karma = 14 + +# The minimum amount of time an update must spend in testing before +# it can reach the stable repository +fedora.mandatory_days_in_testing = 7 +fedora_epel.mandatory_days_in_testing = 14 + +## +## Release status +## + +# Pre-beta enforces the Pre Beta policy defined here: +# +#f15.status = 'pre_beta' +#f15.pre_beta.mandatory_days_in_testing = 3 +#f15.pre_beta.critpath.num_admin_approvals = 0 +#f15.pre_beta.critpath.min_karma = 1 + +# For test cases. +f7.status = post_beta +f7.post_beta.mandatory_days_in_testing = 7 +f7.post_beta.critpath.num_admin_approvals = 0 +f7.post_beta.critpath.min_karma = 2 + +# The number of days worth of updates/comments to display +feeds.num_days_to_show = 7 +feeds.max_entries = 20 + +## +## Buildroot Override +## + +# Number of days before expiring overrides +buildroot_overrides.expire_after = 1 + +## +## Groups +## + +# FAS Groups that we want to pay attention to +# When a user logs in, bodhi will look for any of these groups and associate # +# them with the user. They will then appear as the users effective principals in +# the format "group:groupname" and can be used in Pyramid ACE's. +important_groups = proventesters provenpackager releng-team security_respons packager bodhiadmin virtmaint-sig kde-sig eclipse-sig infra-sig gnome-sig python-sig robotics-sig qa-tools-sig nodejs-sig lxqt-sig astro-sig + +# Groups that can push updates for any package +admin_packager_groups = provenpackager releng-team security_respons + +# User must be a member of this group to submit updates +mandatory_packager_groups = packager + +## +## updateinfo.xml configuraiton +## +updateinfo_rights = Copyright (C) 2015 Red Hat, Inc. and others. + +## +## Authentication & Authorization +## + +# pyramid.openid +{ if env == "staging" %} +openid.success_callback = +openid.provider = +openid.url = +openid_template = {username} +openid.sreg_required = email +{% else %} +openid.success_callback = +openid.provider = +openid.url = +openid_template = {username} +openid.sreg_required = email +{% endif %} + +## +## Pyramid settings +## +pyramid.reload_templates = false +pyramid.debug_authorization = false +pyramid.debug_notfound = false +pyramid.debug_routematch = false +pyramid.default_locale_name = en + +pyramid.includes = + pyramid_tm + +debugtoolbar.hosts = ::1 + +## +## Database +## +{ if env == "staging" %} +sqlalchemy.url = postgresql://bodhi2:{{ bodhi2PasswordSTG }}@db-bodhi/bodhi2 +{% else %} +sqlalchemy.url = postgresql://bodhi2:{{ bodhi2Password }}@db-bodhi/bodhi2 +{% endif %} + +## +## Templates +## +mako.directories = bodhi:server/templates + +## +## Authentication & Sessions +## + +authtkt.secret = {{ bodhi2AuthTkt }} +session.secret = {{ bodhi2SessionSecret }} = true + +# pyramid_beaker +session.type = file +session.data_dir = /var/cache/bodhi/sessions/data +session.lock_dir = /var/cache/bodhi/sessions/lock + +{ if env == "staging" %} +session.key = {{ bodhi2SessionKeySTG }} +{% else %} +session.key = {{ bodhi2SessionKey }} +{% endif %} + +session.cookie_on_exception = true +# Tell the browser to only send the cookie over TLS = true +# Create a cookie that is only valid for one day +session.timeout = 86400 +cache.regions = default_term, second, short_term, long_term +cache.type = memory +cache.second.expire = 1 +cache.short_term.expire = 60 +cache.default_term.expire = 300 +cache.long_term.expire = 3600 + +[server:main] +use = egg:waitress#main +host = +port = 6543 + +[pshell] +m = bodhi.server.models +t = transaction +# Begin logging configuration + +[loggers] +keys = root, bodhi, sqlalchemy + +[handlers] +keys = console + +[formatters] +keys = generic + +[logger_root] +level = INFO +handlers = console + +[logger_bodhi] +level = DEBUG +handlers = +qualname = bodhi + +[logger_sqlalchemy] +level = WARN +handlers = +qualname = sqlalchemy.engine +# "level = INFO" logs SQL queries. +# "level = DEBUG" logs SQL queries and results. +# "level = WARN" logs neither. (Recommended for production systems.) + +[handler_console] +class = StreamHandler +args = (sys.stderr,) +level = NOTSET +formatter = generic +[formatter_generic] +format = %(asctime)s %(levelname)-5.5s [%(name)s][%(threadName)s] %(message)s + +# End logging configuration \ No newline at end of file -- 2.9.4
_______________________________________________ infrastructure mailing list -- infrastructure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To unsubscribe send an email to infrastructure-leave@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx