RFC: Fedora Scale-Out Docker Registry Proposal

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Hello all,
    I have been working on a proposal on how to handle Fedora's Docker
Registry requirements to deliver our future "docker-ized" content to users in
a way that won't leave us with a bottleneck to the user community hitting a
single download location. Below you will find that proposal and I would
greatly appreciate feedback. The good news is I did a small PoC of the plan
I would like to propose along with the workflow (simulating some steps in the
process for brevity), and it all worked! The potentially bad news is that
this introduces a reasonable amount of net-new services inside the Fedora

I originally sent this to the Fedora rel-eng list[0] for general high level
solution sanity checking before attempting to burden the Infrastructure team
with any of this so most of this email is verbatim of the original one.
However, towards the end I am going to go more in-depth as to the net-new
requirements they will impose on the Fedora Infrastructure Team and I want to
make sure those things are taken into consideration because I absolutely do
not want to ask for the Infra Team to just take on a bunch of new stuff and
then ride off into the sunset while y'all deal with it all but instead make
sure that the things I am requesting are as reasonable as possible and are
realistic expectations for everyone involved.

Without further adieu, the pitch is below.

Quick vocab background for Docker stuff:

    registry:   a collection of docker image repositories

    repository: named after an image and is a collection of multiple tags of
                an that image

    tag:        an arbitrary string assigned to a specific docker image
                (identified by the image's sha256 checksum)

                NOTE: The "latest" tag is special and is assumed if no tag is
                provided. This is true also for a 'docker pull' operation and
                an image tagged "latest" will be the default image pulled by


Pulp[1] + Crane[2] + MirrorManager[3] + Docker Distribution[4]

Pulp is a platform for managing repositories of content, such as software
packages, and making it available to a large numbers of consumers. It is also
capable of managing docker content.

Crane is a stand-alone python flask wsgi application written by the Pulp team
to serve as a API entry point for the docker client and will answer to an
user's 'docker pull'. It does not however create content manifests or provide
hosting for docker image content, instead it depends on someone creating the
manifest metadata themselves or having pulp publish it and serves 302
redirects to the docker client so they can find where the docker images
actually live.

I'll assume everyone here knows their way around MirrorManager.

Docker Distribution is the defacto standard open source implementation of the
Docker Registry V2 API spec[5]. It provides many features but the ability to
have it's back-end storage be provided by a "mirror network" much like the one
Fedora has at it's disposal is not one of them. The reason we need this in
place is because the mechanism by which you could push a docker image directly
to Pulp in Docker Registry v1 no longer exists in v2 so we must instead
perform a "sync" operation between the two. (This is a common problem for
all known "third party" v2 registry implementations).

    OSBS will perform Builds, as these builds complete they will be pushed
    to the docker-distribution (v2) registry, these will be considered
    "candidate images". Pulp will sync and publish the candidate repository.

    Testing will occur using the "candidate images" (details of how we want
    to handle that are outside the scope of this proposal).

    A "candidate image" will be marked stable once it's criteria have been
    satisfied to do so. (This is vague because this is a topic of ongoing
    discussion and work to decide what criteria an image will need to abide
    by before being considered "stable" and promoted as such)

    Once stable, pulp will publish that repository's content to a directory,
    we will split that content and sync the image layers along with their
    metadata to Mirror Manager master mirror. We will also sync the repo
    metadata published by Pulp to somewhere Crane can pick it up. (This could
    and will likely be something that Bodhi triggers via the Pulp REST API)

    Mirror Manager will Pulp distribute to the mirrors the image layers and
    their metadata.

    Crane will get the new repository metadata and will serve redirects to
    the new content relative to download.fedoraproject.org which will
    perform another redirect (via MirrorManager) where the docker client
    upon a "docker pull" will find it's content.

I have put together an ascii diagram in hopes that it will assist in seeing
the full picture.


    (I couldn't get it to paste cleanly into my email client)

Some more in depth technical items around this solution that I think the
Fedora Infrastructure Team are likely interested in:

    Pulp Requirements:
        - An AMPQ message queue, currently qpid and rabbitmq are supported
          upstream. However, the requirement appears to stem from the use
          of Celery[6] and Celery upstream supports redis[7] as a broker
          backend so I have requested that it be made available as supported
          option Pulp[8]. This will obviously take some amount of dev time,
          but we can plan for that if adding a message queue to Fedora Infra
          is a show stopper.

        - MongoDB, this is currently a hard requirement but postgresql is
          planned replace MongoDB in the future[9] (probably a year-ish
          timeline on that). The question is, can we wait that long from a
          Fedora Project standpoint for the new feature before having a
          solution in place? I imagine some of this will need to be
          planned/scoped as time goes on and we learn more but it's worth
          keeping in mind

        - Storage. I've been told Pulp likes a lot of storage, I don't know
          hard numbers for what we'd need since we're getting into uncharted
          territory but I've heard that a few hundred GB is not uncommon in
          pulp deployments when combining the MongoDB storage needs with all
          the artifacts in the repos.

    Crane Requirements:
        - Crane is just a small python wsgi app written in flask

A couple of things to note about maintenance and uptime considerations:

    The Intermediate docker-distribution registry is needed for builds in

    Pulp will be required for "promotion" of builds from candidate to testing
    or stable

    Crane will be required for end users out in the world to access in order
    to actually pull down Docker images from us.

    The only service here that needs to be public end-user facing (i.e. wide
    open to the internet and not have access locked to a FAS group) is Crane.
    All other components should be able to be locked down similar to the
    "Fedora internal" components koji (builders, etc), bodhi (signing, etc)
    and similar.

If there are any questions, comments, or feedback please let me know.

Thank you,

[0] - https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/rel-eng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/thread/AT2ZFNY4U34QZBYSNQX3AB3OOLQ7VPWD/
[1] - http://www.pulpproject.org/
[2] - https://github.com/pulp/crane
[3] - https://github.com/fedora-infra/mirrormanager2/
[4] - https://github.com/docker/distribution/
[5] - https://docs.docker.com/registry/spec/api/
[6] - http://www.celeryproject.org/
[7] - http://redis.io/
[8] - https://pulp.plan.io/issues/1900
[9] - https://pulp.plan.io/issues/1803
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