Freeze Break Request: Increase number of children for mirrorlist-server

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As there are more reports of timeouts connected to the mirrorlist
servers I had a closer look at the code. It seems we are hitting the
default value of max_children = 40. This freeze break request tries to
increase this to 80 via a hotfix. See commit message below for further


commit 2b8e284e687d097c2cad6cd24dc3db3aa23f837d
Author: Adrian Reber <adrian@xxxxxxxx>
Date:   Thu Oct 15 14:03:02 2015 +0000

    Increase the number of possible child processes
    The mirrorlist-server is the process which has the mirrorlist data
    loaded and which is accessed by the public facing
    mirrorlist_client.wsgi. The mirrorlist-server uses the
    ForkingUnixStreamServer which has a default of max_children = 40.
    Looking at the code of ForkingUnixStreamServer it says at
      # If we're above the max number of children, wait and reap them until
      # we go back below threshold. Note that we use waitpid(-1) below to be
      # able to collect children in size(<defunct children>) syscalls instead
      # of size(<children>): the downside is that this might reap children
      # which we didn't spawn, which is why we only resort to this when we're
      # above max_children.
    As we are running the wsgi with processes=45 this sounds like it can
    lead to situation where it might just hang.
    This increases max_children to 80 and maybe processes could be upped to
    60 or 70.
    Signed-off-by: Adrian Reber <adrian@xxxxxxxx>

diff --git a/files/hotfix/mirrorlist/ b/files/hotfix/mirrorlist/
index 2d98fa0..2b81912 100644
--- a/files/hotfix/mirrorlist/
+++ b/files/hotfix/mirrorlist/
@@ -938,6 +938,7 @@ def sigterm_handler(signum, frame):
 class ForkingUnixStreamServer(ForkingMixIn, UnixStreamServer):
     request_queue_size = 300
+    max_children = 80
     def finish_request(self, request, client_address):
         signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, signal.SIG_IGN)
         BaseServer.finish_request(self, request, client_address)
diff --git a/roles/mirrormanager/mirrorlist2/tasks/main.yml b/roles/mirrormanager/mirrorlist2/tasks/main.yml
index 786432f..2e5f5ee 100644
--- a/roles/mirrormanager/mirrorlist2/tasks/main.yml
+++ b/roles/mirrormanager/mirrorlist2/tasks/main.yml
@@ -73,3 +73,12 @@
 #  tags:
 #  - mirrorlist2
 #  - selinux
+- name: HOTFIX - increase the number of possible child processes
+  copy: src="{{ files }}/hotfix/mirrorlist/" dest=/usr/share/mirrormanager2/
+        owner=root group=root mode=0755
+  tags:
+  - hotfix
+  notify:
+  - restart mirrorlist-server

commit d04588274a6e161a36d8dbd9c91ea0fe78de017e
Author: Adrian Reber <adrian@xxxxxxxx>
Date:   Thu Oct 15 13:54:53 2015 +0000

    Original which needs to be hotfixed
    Signed-off-by: Adrian Reber <adrian@xxxxxxxx>

diff --git a/files/hotfix/mirrorlist/ b/files/hotfix/mirrorlist/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d98fa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/files/hotfix/mirrorlist/
@@ -0,0 +1,1136 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2007-2013 Dell, Inc.
+#  by Matt Domsch <Matt_Domsch@xxxxxxxx>
+# Licensed under the MIT/X11 license
+# standard library modules in alphabetical order
+from collections import defaultdict
+import datetime
+import getopt
+import logging
+import logging.handlers
+import os
+import random
+import cPickle as pickle
+import select
+import signal
+import socket
+from SocketServer import (StreamRequestHandler, ForkingMixIn,
+                          UnixStreamServer, BaseServer)
+import sys
+from string import zfill, atoi
+import time
+import traceback
+    import threading
+except ImportError:
+    import dummy_threading as threading
+# not-so-standard library modules that this program needs
+from IPy import IP
+import GeoIP
+import radix
+from weighted_shuffle import weighted_shuffle
+# can be overridden on the command line
+pidfile = '/var/run/mirrormanager/'
+socketfile = '/var/run/mirrormanager/mirrorlist_server.sock'
+cachefile = '/var/lib/mirrormanager/mirrorlist_cache.pkl'
+internet2_netblocks_file = '/var/lib/mirrormanager/i2_netblocks.txt'
+global_netblocks_file = '/var/lib/mirrormanager/global_netblocks.txt'
+logfile = None
+debug = False
+must_die = False
+# at a point in time when we're no longer serving content for versions
+# that don't use yum prioritymethod=fallback
+# (e.g. after Fedora 7 is past end-of-life)
+# then we can set this value to True
+# this only affects results requested using path=...
+# for dirs which aren't repositories (such as iso/)
+# because we don't know the Version associated with that dir here.
+default_ordered_mirrorlist = False
+gipv4 = None
+gipv6 = None
+# key is strings in tuple (repo.prefix, arch)
+mirrorlist_cache = {}
+# key is, returns keys for mirrorlist_cache
+directory_name_to_mirrorlist = {}
+# key is an IPy.IP structure, value is list of host ids
+host_netblock_cache = {}
+# key is hostid, value is list of countries to allow
+host_country_allowed_cache = {}
+repo_arch_to_directoryname = {}
+# redirect from a repo with one name to a repo with another
+repo_redirect = {}
+country_continent_redirect_cache = {}
+# our own private copy of country_continents to be edited
+country_continents = GeoIP.country_continents
+disabled_repositories = {}
+host_bandwidth_cache = {}
+host_country_cache = {}
+host_max_connections_cache = {}
+file_details_cache = {}
+hcurl_cache = {}
+asn_host_cache = {}
+internet2_tree = radix.Radix()
+global_tree = radix.Radix()
+host_netblocks_tree = radix.Radix()
+netblock_country_tree = radix.Radix()
+location_cache = {}
+netblock_country_cache = {}
+## Set up our syslog data.
+syslogger = logging.getLogger('mirrormanager')
+handler = logging.handlers.SysLogHandler(
+    address='/dev/log',
+    facility=logging.handlers.SysLogHandler.LOG_LOCAL4)
+def lookup_ip_asn(tree, ip):
+    """ @t is a radix tree
+        @ip is an IPy.IP object which may be contained in an entry in l
+        """
+    node = tree.search_best(ip.strNormal())
+    if node is None:
+        return None
+    return['asn']
+def uniqueify(seq, idfun=None):
+    # order preserving
+    if idfun is None:
+        def idfun(x): return x
+    seen = {}
+    result = []
+    for item in seq:
+        marker = idfun(item)
+        # in old Python versions:
+        # if seen.has_key(marker)
+        # but in new ones:
+        if marker in seen: continue
+        seen[marker] = 1
+        result.append(item)
+    return result
+##### Metalink Support #####
+def metalink_header():
+    # fixme add alternate format pubdate when specified
+    pubdate = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT")
+    doc = ''
+    doc += '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n'
+    doc += '<metalink version="3.0" xmlns="";'
+    doc += ' type="dynamic"'
+    doc += ' pubdate="%s"' % pubdate
+    doc += ' generator="mirrormanager"'
+    doc += ' xmlns:mm0="";'
+    doc += '>\n'
+    return doc
+def metalink_failuredoc(message=None):
+    doc = metalink_header()
+    if message is not None:
+        doc += '<!--\n'
+        doc += message + '\n'
+        doc += '-->\n'
+    doc += '</metalink>\n'
+    return doc
+def metalink_file_not_found(directory, file):
+    message = '%s/%s not found or has no metalink' % (directory, file)
+    return metalink_failuredoc(message)
+def metalink(cache, directory, file, hosts_and_urls):
+    preference = 100
+    try:
+        fdc = file_details_cache[directory]
+        detailslist = fdc[file]
+    except KeyError:
+        return ('metalink', 404, metalink_file_not_found(directory, file))
+    def indent(n):
+        return ' ' * n * 2
+    doc = metalink_header()
+    doc += indent(1) + '<files>\n'
+    doc += indent(2) + '<file name="%s">\n' % (file)
+    y = detailslist[0]
+    def details(y, indentlevel=2):
+        doc = ''
+        if y['timestamp'] is not None:
+            doc += indent(indentlevel+1) \
+                + '<mm0:timestamp>%s</mm0:timestamp>\n' % y['timestamp']
+        if y['size'] is not None:
+            doc += indent(indentlevel+1) + '<size>%s</size>\n' % y['size']
+        doc += indent(indentlevel+1) + '<verification>\n'
+        hashes = ('md5', 'sha1', 'sha256', 'sha512')
+        for h in hashes:
+            if y[h] is not None:
+                doc += indent(indentlevel+2) \
+                    + '<hash type="%s">%s</hash>\n' % (h, y[h])
+        doc += indent(indentlevel+1) + '</verification>\n'
+        return doc
+    doc += details(y, 2)
+    # there can be multiple files
+    if len(detailslist) > 1:
+        doc += indent(3) + '<mm0:alternates>\n'
+        for y in detailslist[1:]:
+            doc += indent(4) + '<mm0:alternate>\n'
+            doc += details(y,5)
+            doc += indent(4) + '</mm0:alternate>\n'
+        doc += indent(3) + '</mm0:alternates>\n'
+    doc += indent(3) + '<resources maxconnections="1">\n'
+    for (hostid, hcurls) in hosts_and_urls:
+        private = ''
+        if hostid not in cache['global']:
+            private = 'mm0:private="True"'
+        for url in hcurls:
+            protocol = url.split(':')[0]
+            # FIXME January 2010
+            # adding protocol= here is not part of the Metalink 3.0 spec,
+            # but MirrorManager 1.2.6 used it accidentally, as did
+            # yum 3.2.20-3 as released in Fedora 8, 9, and 10.  After those
+            # three are EOL (~January 2010), the extra protocol= can be
+            # removed.
+            doc += indent(4) + \
+                '<url protocol="%s" type="%s" location="%s" '\
+                'preference="%s" %s>' % (
+                    protocol, protocol, host_country_cache[hostid].upper(),
+                    preference, private)
+            doc += url
+            doc += '</url>\n'
+        preference = max(preference-1, 1)
+    doc += indent(3) + '</resources>\n'
+    doc += indent(2) + '</file>\n'
+    doc += indent(1) + '</files>\n'
+    doc += '</metalink>\n'
+    return ('metalink', 200, doc)
+def tree_lookup(tree, ip, field, maxResults=None):
+    # fast lookup in the tree; if present, find all the matching values by
+    # deleting the found one and searching again this is safe w/o copying
+    # the tree again only because this is the only place the tree is used,
+    # and we'll get a new copy of the tree from our parent the next time it
+    # fork()s.
+    # returns a list of tuples (prefix, data)
+    result = []
+    len_data = 0
+    if ip is None:
+        return result
+    node = tree.search_best(ip.strNormal())
+    while node is not None:
+        prefix = node.prefix
+        if type([field]) == list:
+            len_data += len([field])
+        else:
+            len_data += 1
+        t = (prefix,[field],)
+        result.append(t)
+        if maxResults is None or len_data < maxResults:
+            tree.delete(prefix)
+            node = tree.search_best(ip.strNormal())
+        else:
+            break
+    return result
+def trim_by_client_country(s, clientCountry):
+    if clientCountry is None:
+        return s
+    r = s.copy()
+    for hostid in s:
+        if hostid in host_country_allowed_cache and \
+               clientCountry not in host_country_allowed_cache[hostid]:
+            r.remove(hostid)
+    return r
+def shuffle(s):
+    l = []
+    for hostid in s:
+        item = (host_bandwidth_cache[hostid], hostid)
+        l.append(item)
+    newlist = weighted_shuffle(l)
+    results = []
+    for (bandwidth, hostid) in newlist:
+        results.append(hostid)
+    return results
+continents = {}
+def handle_country_continent_redirect():
+    new_country_continents = GeoIP.country_continents
+    for country, continent in country_continent_redirect_cache.iteritems():
+        new_country_continents[country] = continent
+    global country_continents
+    country_continents = new_country_continents
+def setup_continents():
+    new_continents = defaultdict(list)
+    handle_country_continent_redirect()
+    for c, continent in country_continents.iteritems():
+        new_continents[continent].append(c)
+    global continents
+    continents = new_continents
+def do_global(kwargs, cache, clientCountry, header):
+    c = trim_by_client_country(cache['global'], clientCountry)
+    header += 'country = global '
+    return (header, c)
+def do_countrylist(kwargs, cache, clientCountry, requested_countries, header):
+    def collapse(d):
+        """ collapses a dict {key:set(hostids)} into a set of hostids """
+        s = set()
+        for country, hostids in d.iteritems():
+            for hostid in hostids:
+                s.add(hostid)
+        return s
+    country_cache = {}
+    for c in requested_countries:
+        if c in cache['byCountry']:
+            country_cache[c] = cache['byCountry'][c]
+            header += 'country = %s ' % c
+    s = collapse(country_cache)
+    s = trim_by_client_country(s, clientCountry)
+    return (header, s)
+def get_same_continent_countries(clientCountry, requested_countries):
+    result = []
+    for r in requested_countries:
+        if r in country_continents:
+            requestedCountries = [
+                c.upper() for c in continents[country_continents[r]]
+                if c != clientCountry]
+            result.extend(requestedCountries)
+    result = uniqueify(result)
+    return result
+def do_continent(kwargs, cache, clientCountry, requested_countries, header):
+    if len(requested_countries) > 0:
+        rc = requested_countries
+    else:
+        rc = [clientCountry]
+    clist = get_same_continent_countries(clientCountry, rc)
+    return do_countrylist(kwargs, cache, clientCountry, clist, header)
+def do_country(kwargs, cache, clientCountry, requested_countries, header):
+    if 'GLOBAL' in requested_countries:
+        return do_global(kwargs, cache, clientCountry, header)
+    return do_countrylist(
+        kwargs, cache, clientCountry, requested_countries, header)
+def do_netblocks(kwargs, cache, header):
+    hostresults = set()
+    if not kwargs.has_key('netblock') or kwargs['netblock'] == "1":
+        tree_results = tree_lookup(host_netblocks_tree, kwargs['IP'], 'hosts')
+        for (prefix, hostids) in tree_results:
+            for hostid in hostids:
+                if hostid in cache['byHostId']:
+                    hostresults.add((prefix, hostid,))
+                    header += 'Using preferred netblock '
+    return (header, hostresults)
+def do_internet2(kwargs, cache, clientCountry, header):
+    hostresults = set()
+    ip = kwargs['IP']
+    if ip is None:
+        return (header, hostresults)
+    asn = lookup_ip_asn(internet2_tree, ip)
+    if asn is not None:
+        header += 'Using Internet2 '
+        if clientCountry is not None \
+                and clientCountry in cache['byCountryInternet2']:
+            hostresults = cache['byCountryInternet2'][clientCountry]
+            hostresults = trim_by_client_country(hostresults, clientCountry)
+    return (header, hostresults)
+def do_asn(kwargs, cache, header):
+    hostresults = set()
+    ip = kwargs['IP']
+    if ip is None:
+        return (header, hostresults)
+    asn = lookup_ip_asn(global_tree, ip)
+    if asn is not None and asn in asn_host_cache:
+        for hostid in asn_host_cache[asn]:
+            if hostid in cache['byHostId']:
+                hostresults.add(hostid)
+                header += 'Using ASN %s ' % asn
+    return (header, hostresults)
+def do_geoip(kwargs, cache, clientCountry, header):
+    hostresults = set()
+    if clientCountry is not None and clientCountry in cache['byCountry']:
+        hostresults = cache['byCountry'][clientCountry]
+        header += 'country = %s ' % clientCountry
+        hostresults = trim_by_client_country(hostresults, clientCountry)
+    return (header, hostresults)
+def do_location(kwargs, header):
+    hostresults = set()
+    if 'location' in kwargs and kwargs['location'] in location_cache:
+        hostresults = set(location_cache[kwargs['location']])
+        header += "Using location %s " % kwargs['location']
+    return (header, hostresults)
+def append_path(hosts, cache, file, pathIsDirectory=False):
+    """ given a list of hosts, return a list of objects:
+    [(hostid, [hcurls]), ... ]
+    in the same order, appending file if it's not None"""
+    subpath = None
+    results = []
+    if 'subpath' in cache:
+        subpath = cache['subpath']
+    for hostid in hosts:
+        hcurls = []
+        for hcurl_id in cache['byHostId'][hostid]:
+            s = hcurl_cache[hcurl_id]
+            if subpath is not None:
+                s += "/" + subpath
+            if file is None and pathIsDirectory:
+                s += "/"
+            if file is not None:
+                if not s.endswith('/'):
+                    s += "/"
+                s += file
+            hcurls.append(s)
+        results.append((hostid, hcurls))
+    return results
+def trim_to_preferred_protocols(hosts_and_urls):
+    """ remove all but http and ftp URLs,
+    and if both http and ftp are offered,
+    leave only http. Return [(hostid, url), ...] """
+    results = []
+    try_protocols = ('https', 'http', 'ftp')
+    for (hostid, hcurls) in hosts_and_urls:
+        protocols = {}
+        url = None
+        for hcurl in hcurls:
+            for p in try_protocols:
+                if hcurl.startswith(p+':'):
+                    protocols[p] = hcurl
+        for p in try_protocols:
+            if p in protocols:
+                url = protocols[p]
+                break
+        if url is not None:
+            results.append((hostid, url))
+    return results
+def client_ip_to_country(ip):
+    clientCountry = None
+    if ip is None:
+        return None
+    # lookup in the cache first
+    tree_results = tree_lookup(
+        netblock_country_tree, ip, 'country', maxResults=1)
+    if len(tree_results) > 0:
+        (prefix, clientCountry) = tree_results[0]
+        return clientCountry
+    # attempt IPv6, then IPv6 6to4 as IPv4, then Teredo, then IPv4
+    try:
+        if ip.version() == 6:
+            if gipv6 is not None:
+                clientCountry = gipv6.country_code_by_addr_v6(
+                    ip.strNormal())
+            if clientCountry is None:
+                # Try the IPv6-to-IPv4 translation schemes
+                for scheme in (convert_6to4_v4, convert_teredo_v4):
+                    result = scheme(ip)
+                    if result is not None:
+                        ip = result
+                        break
+        if ip.version() == 4 and gipv4 is not None:
+            clientCountry = gipv4.country_code_by_addr(ip.strNormal())
+    except:
+        pass
+    return clientCountry
+def do_mirrorlist(kwargs):
+    global debug
+    global logfile
+    def return_error(kwargs, message='', returncode=200):
+        d = dict(
+            returncode=returncode,
+            message=message,
+            resulttype='mirrorlist',
+            results=[])
+        if 'metalink' in kwargs and kwargs['metalink']:
+            d['resulttype'] = 'metalink'
+            d['results'] = metalink_failuredoc(message)
+        return d
+    if not (kwargs.has_key('repo') \
+            and kwargs.has_key('arch')) \
+            and not kwargs.has_key('path'):
+        return return_error(
+            kwargs,
+            message='# either path=, or repo= and arch= must be specified')
+    file = None
+    cache = None
+    pathIsDirectory = False
+    if kwargs.has_key('path'):
+        path = kwargs['path'].strip('/')
+    # Strip duplicate "//" from the path
+        path = path.replace('//', '/')
+        header = "# path = %s " % (path)
+        sdir = path.split('/')
+        try:
+            # path was to a directory
+            cache = mirrorlist_cache['/'.join(sdir)]
+            pathIsDirectory=True
+        except KeyError:
+            # path was to a file, try its directory
+            file = sdir[-1]
+            sdir = sdir[:-1]
+            try:
+                cache = mirrorlist_cache['/'.join(sdir)]
+            except KeyError:
+                return return_error(
+                    kwargs, message=header + 'error: invalid path')
+        dir = '/'.join(sdir)
+    else:
+        if u'source' in kwargs['repo']:
+            kwargs['arch'] = u'source'
+        repo = repo_redirect.get(kwargs['repo'], kwargs['repo'])
+        arch = kwargs['arch']
+        header = "# repo = %s arch = %s " % (repo, arch)
+        if repo in disabled_repositories:
+            return return_error(kwargs, message=header + 'repo disabled')
+        try:
+            dir = repo_arch_to_directoryname[(repo, arch)]
+            if 'metalink' in kwargs and kwargs['metalink']:
+                dir += '/repodata'
+                file = 'repomd.xml'
+            else:
+                pathIsDirectory=True
+            cache = mirrorlist_cache[dir]
+        except KeyError:
+            repos = repo_arch_to_directoryname.keys()
+            repos.sort()
+            repo_information = header + "error: invalid repo or arch\n"
+            repo_information += "# following repositories are available:\n"
+            for i in repos:
+                if i[0] is not None and i[1] is not None:
+                    repo_information += "# repo=%s&arch=%s\n" % i
+            return return_error(kwargs, message=repo_information)
+    # set kwargs['IP'] exactly once
+    try:
+        kwargs['IP'] = IP(kwargs['client_ip'])
+    except:
+        kwargs['IP'] = None
+    ordered_mirrorlist = cache.get(
+        'ordered_mirrorlist', default_ordered_mirrorlist)
+    done = 0
+    location_results = set()
+    netblock_results = set()
+    asn_results = set()
+    internet2_results = set()
+    country_results = set()
+    geoip_results = set()
+    continent_results = set()
+    global_results = set()
+    header, location_results = do_location(kwargs, header)
+    requested_countries = []
+    if kwargs.has_key('country'):
+        requested_countries = uniqueify(
+            [c.upper() for c in kwargs['country'].split(',') ])
+    # if they specify a country, don't use netblocks or ASN
+    if not 'country' in kwargs:
+        header, netblock_results = do_netblocks(kwargs, cache, header)
+        if len(netblock_results) > 0:
+            if not ordered_mirrorlist:
+                done=1
+        if not done:
+            header, asn_results = do_asn(kwargs, cache, header)
+            if len(asn_results) + len(netblock_results) >= 3:
+                if not ordered_mirrorlist:
+                    done = 1
+    clientCountry = client_ip_to_country(kwargs['IP'])
+    if clientCountry is None:
+        print_client_country = "N/A"
+    else:
+        print_client_country = clientCountry
+    if debug and kwargs.has_key('repo') and kwargs.has_key('arch'):
+        msg = "IP: %s; DATE: %s; COUNTRY: %s; REPO: %s; ARCH: %s\n"  % (
+            (kwargs['IP'] or 'None'), time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"),
+            print_client_country, kwargs['repo'], kwargs['arch'])
+        sys.stdout.write(msg)
+        sys.stdout.flush()
+        if logfile is not None:
+            logfile.write(msg)
+            logfile.flush()
+    if not done:
+        header, internet2_results = do_internet2(
+            kwargs, cache, clientCountry, header)
+        if len(internet2_results) + len(netblock_results) + len(asn_results) >= 3:
+            if not ordered_mirrorlist:
+                done = 1
+    if not done and 'country' in kwargs:
+        header, country_results  = do_country(
+            kwargs, cache, clientCountry, requested_countries, header)
+        if len(country_results) == 0:
+            header, continent_results = do_continent(
+                kwargs, cache, clientCountry, requested_countries, header)
+        done = 1
+    if not done:
+        header, geoip_results = do_geoip(
+            kwargs, cache, clientCountry, header)
+        if len(geoip_results) >= 3:
+            if not ordered_mirrorlist:
+                done = 1
+    if not done:
+        header, continent_results = do_continent(
+            kwargs, cache, clientCountry, [], header)
+        if len(geoip_results) + len(continent_results) >= 3:
+            done = 1
+    if not done:
+        header, global_results = do_global(
+            kwargs, cache, clientCountry, header)
+    def _random_shuffle(s):
+        l = list(s)
+        random.shuffle(l)
+        return l
+    def _ordered_netblocks(s):
+        def ipy_len(t):
+            (prefix, hostid) = t
+            return IP(prefix).len()
+        v4_netblocks = []
+        v6_netblocks = []
+        for (prefix, hostid) in s:
+            ip = IP(prefix)
+            if ip.version() == 4:
+                v4_netblocks.append((prefix, hostid))
+            elif ip.version() == 6:
+                v6_netblocks.append((prefix, hostid))
+        # mix up the order, as sort will preserve same-key ordering
+        random.shuffle(v4_netblocks)
+        v4_netblocks.sort(key=ipy_len)
+        random.shuffle(v6_netblocks)
+        v6_netblocks.sort(key=ipy_len)
+        v4_netblocks = [t[1] for t in v4_netblocks]
+        v6_netblocks = [t[1] for t in v6_netblocks]
+        return v6_netblocks + v4_netblocks
+    def whereismymirror(result_sets):
+        return_string = 'None'
+        allhosts = []
+        found = False
+        for (l,s,f) in result_sets:
+            if len(l) > 0:
+                allhosts.extend(f(l))
+                if not found:
+                    return_string = s
+                    found = True
+        allhosts = uniqueify(allhosts)
+        return allhosts, return_string
+    result_sets = [
+        (location_results, "location", _random_shuffle),
+        (netblock_results, "netblocks", _ordered_netblocks),
+        (asn_results, "asn", _random_shuffle),
+        (internet2_results, "I2", _random_shuffle),
+        (country_results, "country", shuffle),
+        (geoip_results, "geoip", shuffle),
+        (continent_results, "continent", shuffle),
+        (global_results, "global", shuffle),
+        ]
+    allhosts, where_string = whereismymirror(result_sets)
+    try:
+        ip_str = kwargs['IP'].strNormal()
+    except:
+        ip_str = 'Unknown IP'
+    log_string = "mirrorlist: %s found its best mirror from %s" % (
+        ip_str, where_string)
+    hosts_and_urls = append_path(
+        allhosts, cache, file, pathIsDirectory=pathIsDirectory)
+    if 'metalink' in kwargs and kwargs['metalink']:
+        (resulttype, returncode, results)=metalink(
+            cache, dir, file, hosts_and_urls)
+        d = dict(
+            message=None,
+            resulttype=resulttype,
+            returncode=returncode,
+            results=results)
+        return d
+    else:
+        host_url_list = trim_to_preferred_protocols(hosts_and_urls)
+        d = dict(
+            message=header,
+            resulttype='mirrorlist',
+            returncode=200,
+            results=host_url_list)
+        return d
+def setup_cache_tree(cache, field):
+    tree = radix.Radix()
+    for k, v in cache.iteritems():
+        node = tree.add(k.strNormal())
+[field] = v
+    return tree
+def setup_netblocks(netblocks_file, asns_wanted=None):
+    tree = radix.Radix()
+    if netblocks_file is not None:
+        try:
+            f = open(netblocks_file, 'r')
+        except:
+            return tree
+        for l in f:
+            try:
+                s = l.split()
+                start, mask = s[0].split('/')
+                mask = int(mask)
+                if mask == 0: continue
+                asn = int(s[1])
+                if asns_wanted is None or asn in asns_wanted:
+                    node = tree.add(s[0])
+          ['asn'] = asn
+            except:
+                pass
+        f.close()
+    return tree
+def read_caches():
+    global mirrorlist_cache
+    global host_netblock_cache
+    global host_country_allowed_cache
+    global host_max_connections_cache
+    global repo_arch_to_directoryname
+    global repo_redirect
+    global country_continent_redirect_cache
+    global disabled_repositories
+    global host_bandwidth_cache
+    global host_country_cache
+    global file_details_cache
+    global hcurl_cache
+    global asn_host_cache
+    global location_cache
+    global netblock_country_cache
+    data = {}
+    try:
+        f = open(cachefile, 'r')
+        data = pickle.load(f)
+        f.close()
+    except:
+        pass
+    if 'mirrorlist_cache' in data:
+        mirrorlist_cache = data['mirrorlist_cache']
+    if 'host_netblock_cache' in data:
+        host_netblock_cache = data['host_netblock_cache']
+    if 'host_country_allowed_cache' in data:
+        host_country_allowed_cache = data['host_country_allowed_cache']
+    if 'repo_arch_to_directoryname' in data:
+        repo_arch_to_directoryname = data['repo_arch_to_directoryname']
+    if 'repo_redirect_cache' in data:
+        repo_redirect = data['repo_redirect_cache']
+    if 'country_continent_redirect_cache' in data:
+        country_continent_redirect_cache = data[
+            'country_continent_redirect_cache']
+    if 'disabled_repositories' in data:
+        disabled_repositories = data['disabled_repositories']
+    if 'host_bandwidth_cache' in data:
+        host_bandwidth_cache = data['host_bandwidth_cache']
+    if 'host_country_cache' in data:
+        host_country_cache = data['host_country_cache']
+    if 'file_details_cache' in data:
+        file_details_cache = data['file_details_cache']
+    if 'hcurl_cache' in data:
+        hcurl_cache = data['hcurl_cache']
+    if 'asn_host_cache' in data:
+        asn_host_cache = data['asn_host_cache']
+    if 'location_cache' in data:
+        location_cache = data['location_cache']
+    if 'netblock_country_cache' in data:
+        netblock_country_cache = data['netblock_country_cache']
+    if 'host_max_connections_cache' in data:
+        host_max_connections_cache = data['host_max_connections_cache']
+    setup_continents()
+    global internet2_tree
+    global global_tree
+    global host_netblocks_tree
+    global netblock_country_tree
+    internet2_tree = setup_netblocks(internet2_netblocks_file)
+    global_tree    = setup_netblocks(global_netblocks_file, asn_host_cache)
+    # host_netblocks_tree key is a netblock, value is a list of host IDs
+    host_netblocks_tree = setup_cache_tree(host_netblock_cache, 'hosts')
+    # netblock_country_tree key is a netblock, value is a single country string
+    netblock_country_tree = setup_cache_tree(
+        netblock_country_cache, 'country')
+def errordoc(metalink, message):
+    if metalink:
+        doc = metalink_failuredoc(message)
+    else:
+        doc = message
+    return doc
+class MirrorlistHandler(StreamRequestHandler):
+    def handle(self):
+        signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, signal.SIG_IGN)
+        random.seed()
+        try:
+            # read size of incoming pickle
+            readlen = 0
+            size = ''
+            while readlen < 10:
+                size += - readlen)
+                readlen = len(size)
+            size = atoi(size)
+            # read the pickle
+            readlen = 0
+            p = ''
+            while readlen < size:
+                p += - readlen)
+                readlen = len(p)
+            d = pickle.loads(p)
+            self.connection.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RD)
+        except:
+            pass
+        try:
+            try:
+                r = do_mirrorlist(d)
+            except:
+                raise
+            message = r['message']
+            results = r['results']
+            resulttype = r['resulttype']
+            returncode = r['returncode']
+        except Exception, e:
+            message=u'# Bad Request %s\n# %s' % (e, d)
+            exception_msg = traceback.format_exc(e)
+            sys.stderr.write(message+'\n')
+            sys.stderr.write(exception_msg)
+            sys.stderr.flush()
+            returncode = 400
+            results = []
+            resulttype = 'mirrorlist'
+            if d['metalink']:
+                resulttype = 'metalink'
+                results = errordoc(d['metalink'], message)
+        try:
+            p = pickle.dumps({
+                'message':message,
+                'resulttype':resulttype,
+                'results':results,
+                'returncode':returncode})
+            self.connection.sendall(zfill('%s' % len(p), 10))
+            self.connection.sendall(p)
+            self.connection.shutdown(socket.SHUT_WR)
+        except:
+            pass
+def sighup_handler(signum, frame):
+    global logfile
+    if logfile is not None:
+        name =
+        logfile.close()
+        logfile = open(name, 'a')
+    # put this in a separate thread so it doesn't block clients
+    if threading.active_count() < 2:
+        thread = threading.Thread(target=load_databases_and_caches)
+        thread.daemon = False
+        try:
+            thread.start()
+        except KeyError:
+        # bug fix for handing an exception when unable to delete from
+        #_limbo even though it's not in limbo
+        #
+            pass
+def sigterm_handler(signum, frame):
+    global must_die
+    signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, signal.SIG_IGN)
+    signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIG_IGN)
+    if signum == signal.SIGTERM:
+        must_die = True
+class ForkingUnixStreamServer(ForkingMixIn, UnixStreamServer):
+    request_queue_size = 300
+    def finish_request(self, request, client_address):
+        signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, signal.SIG_IGN)
+        BaseServer.finish_request(self, request, client_address)
+def parse_args():
+    global cachefile
+    global socketfile
+    global internet2_netblocks_file
+    global global_netblocks_file
+    global debug
+    global logfile
+    global pidfile
+    opts, args = getopt.getopt(
+        sys.argv[1:], "c:i:g:p:s:dl:",
+        [
+            "cache", "internet2_netblocks", "global_netblocks",
+            "pidfile", "socket", "debug", "log="
+        ]
+    )
+    for option, argument in opts:
+        if option in ("-c", "--cache"):
+            cachefile = argument
+        if option in ("-i", "--internet2_netblocks"):
+            internet2_netblocks_file = argument
+        if option in ("-g", "--global_netblocks"):
+            global_netblocks_file = argument
+        if option in ("-s", "--socket"):
+            socketfile = argument
+        if option in ("-p", "--pidfile"):
+            pidfile = argument
+        if option in ("-l", "--log"):
+            try:
+                logfile = open(argument, 'a')
+            except:
+                logfile = None
+        if option in ("-d", "--debug"):
+            debug = True
+def open_geoip_databases():
+    global gipv4
+    global gipv6
+    try:
+        gipv4 =
+            "/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat", GeoIP.GEOIP_STANDARD)
+    except:
+        gipv4=None
+    try:
+        gipv6 =
+            "/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIPv6.dat", GeoIP.GEOIP_STANDARD)
+    except:
+        gipv6=None
+def convert_6to4_v4(ip):
+    all_6to4 = IP('2002::/16')
+    if ip.version() != 6 or ip not in all_6to4:
+        return None
+    parts=ip.strNormal().split(':')
+    ab = int(parts[1],16)
+    a = (ab >> 8) & 0xFF
+    b = ab & 0xFF
+    cd = int(parts[2],16)
+    c = (cd >> 8) & 0xFF
+    d = cd & 0xFF
+    v4addr = '%d.%d.%d.%d' % (a,b,c,d)
+    return IP(v4addr)
+def convert_teredo_v4(ip):
+    teredo_std = IP('2001::/32')
+    teredo_xp  = IP('3FFE:831F::/32')
+    if ip.version() != 6 or (ip not in teredo_std and ip not in teredo_xp):
+        return None
+    parts=ip.strNormal().split(':')
+    ab = int(parts[6],16)
+    a = ((ab >> 8) & 0xFF) ^ 0xFF
+    b = (ab & 0xFF) ^ 0xFF
+    cd = int(parts[7],16)
+    c = ((cd >> 8) & 0xFF) ^ 0xFF
+    d = (cd & 0xFF) ^ 0xFF
+    v4addr = '%d.%d.%d.%d' % (a,b,c,d)
+    return IP(v4addr)
+def load_databases_and_caches(*args, **kwargs):
+    sys.stderr.write("load_databases_and_caches...")
+    sys.stderr.flush()
+    open_geoip_databases()
+    read_caches()
+    sys.stderr.write("done.\n")
+    sys.stderr.flush()
+def remove_pidfile(pidfile):
+    os.unlink(pidfile)
+def create_pidfile_dir(pidfile):
+    piddir = os.path.dirname(pidfile)
+    if not piddir:
+        return
+    try:
+        os.makedirs(piddir, mode=0755)
+    except OSError, err:
+        if err.errno == 17: # File exists
+            pass
+        else:
+            raise
+    except:
+        raise
+def write_pidfile(pidfile, pid):
+    create_pidfile_dir(pidfile)
+    f = open(pidfile, 'w')
+    f.write(str(pid)+'\n')
+    f.close()
+    return 0
+def manage_pidfile(pidfile):
+    """returns 1 if another process is running that is named in pidfile,
+    otherwise creates/writes pidfile and returns 0."""
+    pid = os.getpid()
+    try:
+        f = open(pidfile, 'r')
+    except IOError, err:
+        if err.errno == 2: # No such file or directory
+            return write_pidfile(pidfile, pid)
+        return 1
+    f.close()
+    # is the oldpid process still running?
+    try:
+        os.kill(int(oldpid), 0)
+    except ValueError: # malformed oldpid
+        return write_pidfile(pidfile, pid)
+    except OSError, err:
+        if err.errno == 3: # No such process
+            return write_pidfile(pidfile, pid)
+    return 1
+def main():
+    global logfile
+    global pidfile
+    signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, signal.SIG_IGN)
+    parse_args()
+    manage_pidfile(pidfile)
+    oldumask = os.umask(0)
+    try:
+        os.unlink(socketfile)
+    except:
+        pass
+    load_databases_and_caches()
+    signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, sighup_handler)
+    # restart interrupted syscalls like select
+    signal.siginterrupt(signal.SIGHUP, False)
+    ss = ForkingUnixStreamServer(socketfile, MirrorlistHandler)
+    while not must_die:
+        try:
+            ss.serve_forever()
+        except select.error:
+            pass
+    try:
+        os.unlink(socketfile)
+    except:
+        pass
+    if logfile is not None:
+        try:
+            logfile.close()
+        except:
+            pass
+    remove_pidfile(pidfile)
+    return 0
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    try:
+        sys.exit(main())
+    except KeyboardInterrupt:
+        sys.exit(-1)

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