Summary/Minutes from today's Fedora Infrastructure meeting (2014-05-29)

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#fedora-meeting: Infrastructure (2014-05-29)

Meeting started by nirik at 18:00:12 UTC. The full logs are available at

Meeting summary
* main screen turn on  (nirik, 18:00:13)

* New folks introductions and Apprentice tasks.  (nirik, 18:02:59)

* Applications status / discussion  (nirik, 18:09:24)
  * new fedmsg-meta plugin today.  (nirik, 18:17:08)
  * lots of pkgdb2 fixes  (nirik, 18:17:13)
  * fas 0.10.0 release ready to be tested with various bugfixes.
    (nirik, 18:17:30)

* Sysadmin status / discussion  (nirik, 18:19:18)
  * smooge has been migrating download servers to ansible/reinstalling
    them.  (nirik, 18:19:34)
  * fixed a number of ansible playbooks to be idempotent. There's still
    a few more to fix tho.  (nirik, 18:19:55)
  * new retrace and cloud storage is approved, waiting for order then
    shipping, then install.  (nirik, 18:22:12)
  * switched koji to use https for all it's package and log download
    links by default.  (nirik, 18:23:06)
  * abadger1999 and relrod got the epel7 processing script working
    again, relrod is re-writing it to be nice now.  (nirik, 18:23:34)
  * made a fedmsgupdate.yml playbook in ansible that includes all the
    playbooks that have fedmsg/base in them... so you can run it and
    pass -t fedmsgdupdate and it will just update fedmsg endpoints on
    all those places.  (nirik, 18:25:22)

* nagios/alerts recap  (nirik, 18:26:17)
  * filed a few more easyfix puppet->ansible migration tickets this
    morning. Happy to work with anyone interested in working on those.
    (nirik, 18:29:46)

* Upcoming Tasks/Items  (nirik, 18:30:18)
  * LINK:
    (nirik, 18:30:18)
  * Bodhi2/taskotron fad coming up next week!  (nirik, 18:30:38)
  * reminder: everyone going to the fad should do some blogging, and we
    should take over #fedora-fad to keep remote folks in the loop and
    helping us.  (nirik, 18:37:56)
  * LINK:
    (nirik, 18:38:30)

* Open Floor  (nirik, 18:41:18)

Meeting ended at 18:45:56 UTC.

Action Items

Action Items, by person
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* nirik (90)
* threebean (23)
* smooge (13)
* SmootherFrOgZ (12)
* bochecha (9)
* tflink (9)
* ootbro (8)
* oddshocks (6)
* relrod (6)
* danofsatx-work (5)
* zodbot (5)
* pingou (3)
* bwood09 (1)
* Daredel (1)
* ghostalker (1)
* mpduty (1)
* puiterwijk (0)
* abadger1999 (0)
* lmacken (0)
* mdomsch (0)
* dgilmore (0)
18:00:12 <nirik> #startmeeting Infrastructure (2014-05-29)
18:00:12 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu May 29 18:00:12 2014 UTC.  The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at
18:00:12 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
18:00:13 <nirik> #meetingname infrastructure
18:00:13 <nirik> #topic main screen turn on
18:00:13 <nirik> #chair smooge relrod nirik abadger1999 lmacken dgilmore mdomsch threebean pingou puiterwijk
18:00:13 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure'
18:00:13 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 dgilmore lmacken mdomsch nirik pingou puiterwijk relrod smooge threebean
18:01:31 * danofsatx-work is here
18:01:43 * SmootherFrOgZ waves
18:01:53 * threebean 
18:01:53 <ootbro> I'm settled in for the afternoon
18:02:02 * oddshocks crashes in through the window
18:02:18 * ghostalker patches up window
18:02:24 * tflink 
18:02:49 <nirik> ok, lets go ahead and dive on in. ;)
18:02:59 <nirik> #topic New folks introductions and Apprentice tasks.
18:03:13 * mpduty is here
18:03:14 <nirik> any new folks want to introduce themselves?
18:03:19 <nirik> or apprentices with questions?
18:03:33 <ootbro> (waiting for new folks)
18:03:54 * pingou waves passing by :)
18:04:31 <ootbro> (seeing none this week)     lots of thanks to nirik for helping me put together my foundational info for building the overall server list
18:04:40 <nirik> no problem. ;)
18:04:45 <nirik> thanks for working on it.
18:05:05 <ootbro> I've got a enough to get started with what we've got and where it's housed
18:05:22 <nirik> great. :) looking forward to it...
18:05:34 * bochecha just got here for his first infra meeting
18:05:34 <ootbro> I'm glad I could help contribute something this early into my joining  ( one month)
18:05:36 <bochecha> hi everyone
18:05:46 * bwood09 is here
18:05:55 <nirik> hey bochecha and bwood09. :)
18:06:07 <nirik> ootbro: do let us know if you need more info as you go forward...
18:06:19 <ootbro> don't worry.....  I definitely will   :D
18:06:27 * Daredel is here
18:06:33 <nirik> bochecha: we are still in 'new people introductions' if you want to introduce yourself. ;)
18:07:21 * relrod here, late...and will be leaving early ;(
18:07:36 <oddshocks> bochecha: welcome!
18:07:37 <nirik> relrod: no worries.
18:07:49 <bochecha> heh, well, been here for a while, but never managed to join a meeting due to leaving in an odd timezone :)
18:08:20 <bochecha> I'm mostly interested in the build/release parts of the infra, been hacking a bit on bodhi, koji, rpkg/fedpkg, the lookaside cache,...
18:08:35 <nirik> welcome bochecha. :)
18:08:39 <bochecha> and I'm looking forward to this weekend :)
18:09:17 <nirik> yes indeed. ;)
18:09:19 * threebean too
18:09:24 <nirik> #topic Applications status / discussion
18:09:25 * danofsatx-work is in the process of standing up a new server, don't mind him in the corner
18:09:36 <nirik> ok, any applications news this week or upcoming?
18:09:55 * SmootherFrOgZ has a fas release ready for trial
18:10:03 <nirik> there was a bunch of pkgdb2 tweaking after it's rollout.
18:10:21 <SmootherFrOgZ> here:
18:10:24 <nirik> SmootherFrOgZ: awesome. Anything exciting in this release? or just fixes?
18:10:38 <SmootherFrOgZ> fixes and the moderator feature
18:11:24 <pingou> I got quite some work done on fedocal and elections, reviews are wip :)
18:11:36 <nirik> SmootherFrOgZ: whats the moderator feature?
18:12:01 <nirik> ohhh... right.
18:12:16 <SmootherFrOgZ> nirik: heh, you got it ;)
18:12:20 <nirik> a group to allow updating status for other accounts. got it.
18:12:30 * pingou gtg, see you later :)
18:12:38 * SmootherFrOgZ waves
18:12:50 * threebean waves
18:12:56 <nirik> bye pingou. enjoy.
18:13:05 <SmootherFrOgZ> nirik: I updated both tickets trac and github btw.
18:13:06 <nirik> so, I saw a fas ticket recently on the infra trac...
18:13:08 * nirik digs around
18:13:38 <nirik> oh yeah... and
18:13:54 <nirik> should we move those to the fas tracker? or just leave them?
18:14:33 <SmootherFrOgZ> you can move them
18:14:53 <nirik> ok, can do later, or if anyone else would like to, feel free. ;)
18:15:26 <nirik> ok, anything else for applications/devel side of things?
18:15:47 <SmootherFrOgZ> oh yeah
18:16:12 <threebean> new release of the fedmsg-meta plugin went out today.
18:16:22 <SmootherFrOgZ> just for the record, all new feature regarding fas will go straight to fas 3.0
18:16:31 <SmootherFrOgZ> only fixes will be done on fas2
18:16:35 <nirik> SmootherFrOgZ: sounds fair enough...
18:16:44 <threebean> fixed some pkgdb2 stuff and also carried code to get other services ready for a new release of the fmn/notifications stack in a few weeks.
18:16:52 <nirik> is there a list of things expected in 3.0? or still figuring that out?
18:17:08 <nirik> #info new fedmsg-meta plugin today.
18:17:13 <nirik> #info lots of pkgdb2 fixes
18:17:15 <SmootherFrOgZ> nirik: there is on github, look at the milestone
18:17:30 <nirik> #info fas 0.10.0 release ready to be tested with various bugfixes.
18:17:37 <nirik> SmootherFrOgZ: ok
18:17:39 <nirik> cool
18:17:57 <oddshocks> threebean: hey I'm looking at fedmsg.meta docs right now! were there any big changes not currently reflected on
18:18:20 <threebean> oddshocks: nope, none to the api at all.  and the changes make it up to as soon as they're merged into develop.  :)
18:18:42 <oddshocks> cool, it looks like the thing to use to decode messages for my project
18:18:50 <threebean> rad
18:19:09 <nirik> excellent.
18:19:18 <nirik> #topic Sysadmin status / discussion
18:19:34 <nirik> #info smooge has been migrating download servers to ansible/reinstalling them.
18:19:42 <smooge> almost done
18:19:44 <smooge> really
18:19:55 <nirik> #info fixed a number of ansible playbooks to be idempotent. There's still a few more to fix tho.
18:20:07 <nirik> smooge: is the light at the end of the tunnel a train? ;)
18:20:16 <smooge> does that mean you gave them viagra?
18:20:45 <smooge> sorry old joke
18:20:58 <nirik> :) idempotent -> re-run playbook multiple times and there should be 0 changes after the first run.
18:21:50 <smooge> nirik, after this it is build out osuosl03 and move stuff to ibiblio04 and cloud boxes
18:22:00 <smooge> and then move log02 and make it ansibled
18:22:12 <nirik> #info new retrace and cloud storage is approved, waiting for order then shipping, then install.
18:22:31 <nirik> smooge: yep. sounds good.
18:23:06 <nirik> #info switched koji to use https for all it's package and log download links by default.
18:23:32 <threebean> awesome
18:23:34 <nirik> #info abadger1999 and relrod got the epel7 processing script working again, relrod is re-writing it to be nice now.
18:23:43 <smooge> oh and because of that hardware stuff.. I think our trip to PHX2 will be in July
18:23:48 <relrod> the rewrite should be done
18:23:51 <relrod> it's in puppet
18:23:55 <relrod> tested this afternoon
18:23:58 <nirik> smooge: ok, we can talk about timing on that out of meeting...
18:24:14 <nirik> relrod: excellent! might drop limb a email that he can try it now?
18:24:30 <relrod> he actually emailed me about it :)
18:24:44 <nirik> ah, nevermind then
18:24:57 * relrod has to run, sorry
18:25:22 <nirik> #info made a fedmsgupdate.yml playbook in ansible that includes all the playbooks that have fedmsg/base in them... so you can run it and pass -t fedmsgdupdate and it will just update fedmsg endpoints on all those places.
18:25:59 <nirik> I also gave some thought to hotfixes in ansible, but nothing concrete yet.
18:26:17 <nirik> #topic nagios/alerts recap
18:26:23 <nirik> this should be fun, let me find the link
18:26:29 <threebean> :o
18:27:08 <nirik> .tiny
18:27:08 <zodbot> nirik:
18:27:35 <nirik> the fedmsg consumers alerts are winning the race. ;)
18:27:37 <threebean> #1!
18:27:47 <nirik> download-rdu02 was down while being re-installed for a while.
18:28:04 <threebean> So, the next step on fixing those fedmsg warnings..
18:28:16 <threebean> I need a reviewer for this pull request ->
18:28:40 <nirik> ah ha. cool.
18:29:24 <nirik> ok, any other sysadmin related things?
18:29:26 <nirik> oh...
18:29:46 <nirik> #info filed a few more easyfix puppet->ansible migration tickets this morning. Happy to work with anyone interested in working on those.
18:30:18 <nirik> #topic Upcoming Tasks/Items
18:30:18 <nirik>
18:30:25 <nirik> anything upcoming to note or schedule?
18:30:38 <nirik> #info Bodhi2/taskotron fad coming up next week!
18:30:55 <threebean> woo
18:30:59 <nirik> do we need to do any more planning on the FAD threebean ? or are we mostly set?
18:31:18 <threebean> You know, I thought we were set for the last few weeks.. and then a snag came up earlier this week.
18:31:32 <nirik> always last minute snags. ;(
18:31:45 <threebean> its all sorted out now.. but if anyone has any questions.. ask them.  That'll help solidify
18:32:02 <smooge> you realized you had booked rooms at the hotel from the shining?
18:32:06 <tflink> do we have airport rides taken care of?
18:32:39 <nirik> I'm planning on picking up bochecha sat evening and taking him to the hotel...
18:32:46 <ootbro> Smooge:  I had friends who have been there somewhat recently...  said it was a really nice place.
18:33:04 <nirik> bochecha: you should send me your phone #? and text when you land? I can wait for you and meet you at the passenger pickup?
18:33:18 <nirik> tflink: we should sort the ones on sunday.
18:33:19 <threebean> yeah, no other rides sorted out yet.  dgilmore, relrod, and I are all spread out across sunday.
18:33:31 <bochecha> nirik, I don't think I can do roaming :-/
18:34:13 <nirik> bochecha: oh bummer. ok, should I park and try and meet you inside? or just try and circle at passenger pickup and look for you?
18:34:22 <tflink> I'm pretty flexible on sunday, just not sure what time to head up to denver/DIA
18:34:45 <bochecha> nirik, maybe we figure it out outside the meeting? :)
18:34:51 <nirik> bochecha: sure thing.
18:34:53 <tflink> I think there are still payphones at DIA, more expensive than they used to be but might be easier
18:34:56 <nirik> just before sat. ;)
18:35:00 <bochecha> yeah :)
18:35:31 <nirik> so, relrod: 9:06 am, threebean 1:54pm, dgilmore 10:55pm
18:35:46 <danofsatx-work> bochecha: If you've got a rooted android phone, you only need wifi and google voice ;)
18:36:05 <danofsatx-work> hell, hangouts without a rooted phone would be fine, too
18:36:27 <smooge> or wear a costume
18:36:30 <smooge> that works well
18:36:40 <bochecha> :)
18:36:42 <nirik> I guess I could pick up relrod and then go to the hotel? then perhaps tflink could get threebean ?
18:37:04 <nirik> and we can play rock paper scissors lizard spock on who picks up dgilmore later that evening? ;)
18:37:40 <tflink> nirik: that would work. DIA is 1-1.5 hour drive from my house so I'd like to avoid the 9am pickup :)
18:37:51 <tflink> IIRC, you're closer to DIA than I am
18:37:56 <nirik> #info reminder: everyone going to the fad should do some blogging, and we should take over #fedora-fad to keep remote folks in the loop and helping us.
18:38:13 <nirik> tflink: yeah, it's like 45min from here.
18:38:18 <threebean> the pickups are appreciated, guys :)
18:38:22 <oddshocks> First time I've heard about this event but it sounds fun
18:38:30 <nirik>
18:38:33 <oddshocks> enjoy Denver
18:39:57 <nirik> ok, do those pickups sound good? anything else we should ask or plan about it?
18:40:03 <tflink> is there anything that would be useful to bring, like a whiteboard, markers, printer, desktop for a server-ish thing etc.?
18:40:25 <threebean> I think whiteboard, etc is covered by lmacken's space.
18:40:34 <tflink> ok, I wasn't sure what was there
18:40:43 <threebean> markers couldn't hurt just in case.  printer: no idea :)
18:40:47 <threebean> is it a 3d printer?  then yes.
18:40:57 <tflink> the printer is in 3d ...
18:41:02 <nirik> :)
18:41:08 <threebean> :p
18:41:18 <nirik> #topic Open Floor
18:41:41 <nirik> anyone have anything for open floor? questions, comments, ideas, favorate hats?
18:42:20 * nirik listens to the crickets.
18:42:28 <threebean> I'm thinking really hard about hats.
18:42:28 <ootbro> chirp  chirp
18:42:40 <nirik> :)
18:42:49 <danofsatx-work> I'd show ya mine, but I'm too lazy to find it in my amazon history
18:43:12 <threebean> yup, I got nothing.
18:43:14 <smooge> I had a name for a hat but I forgot
18:43:16 <nirik> I like the touque, but only because it's fun to say
18:43:17 <smooge> when you asked
18:43:28 <smooge> I like the bowler. yes that is its name
18:43:47 <nirik> ok, if nothing else will close out in a minute.
18:45:54 <nirik> ok, thanks for coming everyone.
18:45:56 <nirik> #endmeeting

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