Re: Plan for tomorrow's Fedora Infrastructure meeting (2014-03-20)

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#fedora-meeting: Infrastructure (2014-03-20)

Meeting started by threebean at 18:00:05 UTC. The full logs are
available at

Meeting summary
* robot roll-call  (threebean, 18:00:18)

* New folks introductions and Apprentice tasks  (threebean, 18:02:36)

* Applications status / discussion  (threebean, 18:04:34)
  * pkgdb2 0.5 released to staging.  production is pending some final
    work on pkgdb-cli  (threebean, 18:08:54)
  * switchover of the bugz.fp.o alias from pkgdb1 to fedora-packages
    coming soon too.  (threebean, 18:09:46)
  * github2fedmsg sprint happened this week  (threebean, 18:12:35)
  * GSoC deadline is tomorrow  (threebean, 18:16:19)

* Sysadmin status / discussion  (threebean, 18:17:15)
  * LINK:   (willo,

* Upcoming Tasks/Items  (threebean, 18:29:10)
  * LINK:
    (threebean, 18:29:14)
  * LINK:
    (threebean, 18:32:35)

* Open Floor  (threebean, 18:40:36)

Meeting ended at 18:47:04 UTC.

Action Items

Action Items, by person
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* threebean (62)
* pingou (28)
* smooge (14)
* adimania (5)
* abadger1999 (5)
* axil42 (5)
* willo (4)
* zodbot (4)
* janeznemanic (3)
* jchristi (3)
* abompard (1)
* dgilmore (1)
* puiterwijk (0)
* nirik (0)
* lmacken (0)
* mdomsch (0)
* relrod (0)


18:00:05 <threebean> #startmeeting Infrastructure (2014-03-20)
18:00:05 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Mar 20 18:00:05 2014 UTC.  The chair is threebean. Information about MeetBot at
18:00:05 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
18:00:10 <threebean> #meetingname infrastructure
18:00:10 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure'
18:00:17 <smooge> hre
18:00:18 <threebean> #topic robot roll-call
18:00:21 * pingou 
18:00:26 <threebean> #chair smooge relrod nirik abadger1999 lmacken dgilmore mdomsch threebean pingou puiterwijk
18:00:26 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 dgilmore lmacken mdomsch nirik pingou puiterwijk relrod smooge threebean
18:00:50 <threebean> hello -- anyone who's here for the infrastructure meeting, please chime in
18:01:06 <jchristi> chime (mostly lurking)
18:01:24 * willo waves hello
18:02:10 <abadger1999> hola
18:02:36 <threebean> #topic New folks introductions and Apprentice tasks
18:02:42 <threebean> Any new folks like to introduce themselves? or apprentices with questions or comments?
18:03:18 <threebean> if not, we can move along -- I'll wait a moment.
18:03:30 <jchristi> first timer here, mostly interested in the follow up meeting regarding GitLab
18:03:49 <threebean> cool.  welcome, jchristi.
18:04:00 <axil42> jchristi, welcome :)
18:04:06 <jchristi> hey axil :)
18:04:20 <axil42> we'll talk later ;)
18:04:34 <threebean> #topic Applications status / discussion
18:04:49 <threebean> Any news on application development, maintenance?
18:05:23 <pingou> I wrote a small tool to do daily build on copr for project hosted on git:
18:05:46 <pingou> otherwise, a new pkgdb2 release was tagged and pushed to stg: 0.5
18:06:08 <threebean> pingou: cool on both fronts.
18:06:15 <abadger1999> Cool.
18:06:22 <threebean> what needs to be done before pkgdb2 can be moved into production?
18:06:30 <pingou> I also worked on something that's named progit (for the moment), eventually I'll have something to show a bit later
18:06:43 <pingou> threebean: finish pkgdb-cli and the pkgdb2 module, that's almost there
18:07:16 <pingou> threebean: then a lot of courage and few hours of no-pkgdb
18:07:18 <pingou> :)
18:07:30 <threebean> cool -- we'll need to be ready to switch the alias over from pkgdb to the fedora-packages app then too.
18:07:36 <pingou> true
18:07:43 <pingou> do we want to do that earlier?
18:07:46 <pingou> or announce it?
18:08:10 <threebean> sure, it can be done whenever I think.  We've sent numerous emails over the last year.  The latest was another blog post announcement back in january.
18:08:21 <pingou> "In preparation for the landing of pkgdb2, we're pulling the switch to move bugz.fp.o to packages on Monday, feedbacks welcome"
18:08:44 <pingou> something like that on devel-announce maybe?
18:08:54 <threebean> #info pkgdb2 0.5 released to staging.  production is pending some final work on pkgdb-cli
18:08:59 <threebean> pingou: sounds good, yeah
18:09:12 <dgilmore> hola
18:09:22 <abadger1999> +1
18:09:34 <abadger1999> that will get us feedback if anything does ;-)
18:09:44 <pingou> oh, and there is the points abadger1999 and I raised to dgilmore that we should figure out before releasing 1.0 :)
18:09:46 <threebean> #info switchover of the bugz.fp.o alias from pkgdb1 to fedora-packages coming soon too.
18:09:57 * abompard tiptoes discretely into the back of the room
18:10:34 <pingou> abadger1999: and the last things is going to be the cron jobs
18:11:24 <threebean> other news -> we started work on a new app this week that can bridge github events for select repositories onto the fedmsg bus.
18:11:25 <abadger1999> pingou: k
18:11:34 <threebean> there's a dev instance sporadically up at
18:11:44 <threebean> its waiting in package review for now.
18:11:55 <pingou> threebean: this looks soo cool :)
18:12:08 <threebean> :)
18:12:35 <threebean> #info github2fedmsg sprint happened this week
18:13:05 * adimania is late
18:13:11 <threebean> fwiw, bugzilla2fedmsg is also moving forwards.  still no ETA on when we can talk about pushing it into staging or anything like that, though.
18:14:14 <threebean> any other bits of applications stuff for discussion?
18:14:15 <pingou> looking forward that one :)
18:14:28 <pingou> tomorrow is the deadline for GSoC
18:14:48 <pingou> but we have a couple of proposal on shumgrepper so with some luck we'll have someone working on it this summer :)
18:15:58 <threebean> cool :)
18:16:19 <threebean> #info GSoC deadline is tomorrow
18:16:47 <threebean> if there's nothing else, we can move on..?
18:17:15 <threebean> #topic Sysadmin status / discussion
18:17:26 <threebean> on the sysadmin side -- anything up for discussion?
18:19:05 * willo can literally hear crickets right now
18:19:15 <threebean> they're so loud..
18:19:20 <adimania> I am up for a talk on "Ansible at Fedora Project" at Northeast Linux Fest.
18:19:23 <willo> :) yep
18:19:37 <threebean> adimania: that's awesome :)
18:19:57 * adimania is copying some stuff from nirik's presentation. :)
18:20:47 <axil42> is there a public link of nirik's presentation? :)
18:20:54 <threebean> if afterwards you can share your slides back or a video, I bet it would be appreciated.
18:21:01 <pingou> +1
18:21:03 <smooge> cool
18:21:28 <smooge> OK sysadmin status items
18:21:38 <adimania> I'll share presentation for sure but video depends on NELF guys
18:21:47 <smooge> 1) mirrors are still slow as cold mollasses in February.
18:21:58 <adimania> axil42, there is. I'll have to look though.
18:22:11 <smooge> our back end storage will be moved 'soon' but no real eta.
18:22:13 <axil42> adimania, ok no rush
18:22:38 <smooge> 2) we have new servers that we are trying to get installed and put into place. However one of our boxes went missing in shipment
18:22:53 <willo>
18:23:08 <smooge> hi guys... do you need me to wait ?
18:23:30 <pingou> smooge: I guess the question is: what was in the box? :)
18:23:36 * pingou hides the cat
18:23:45 <smooge> it was a penguin
18:23:51 <pingou> Oowwh :(
18:23:54 <pingou> poor little fellow
18:24:05 <smooge> yeah we have rescue teams out
18:24:07 * pingou hides the fish
18:24:19 <pingou> and joke aside?
18:24:34 <smooge> it was a download server. not too important
18:25:04 <smooge> 3) our PPC boxes seem to be installed and working well.
18:25:42 <smooge> 4) not much else I can think of at the moment....
18:26:05 <threebean> cool, thanks smooge.
18:26:19 <threebean> what are the ppc boxes being used for?  koji builders?
18:28:53 <threebean> hm, I'll ask again after the meeting and move ahead for now
18:29:10 <threebean> #topic Upcoming Tasks/Items
18:29:14 <threebean>
18:29:26 <threebean> anything coming up people would like to mention?
18:30:19 <threebean> the #fedora-classroom meeting brought up on the list is going to be happening this coming Tuesday at 18:00UTC
18:30:51 <janeznemanic> how will that look like?
18:31:03 <smooge> oh sorry. I had a call come in.
18:31:15 <threebean> not sure.. I think nirik will give a brief explanation of how our cloud works.. and then we can pick his brain on the record.
18:31:25 <threebean> smooge: no worries
18:31:47 <threebean> janeznemanic: we did it once before with ansible to get more people up to speed on how to edit and maintain our repo.
18:32:35 <threebean>
18:32:41 <threebean> for an example.
18:32:46 <janeznemanic> What about doing it as a webinar?
18:33:08 <pingou> as in?
18:34:58 <threebean> janeznemanic: you mean, with video?
18:36:43 <threebean> I'm not opposed to it generally, but a nice thing about irc is that its accessible.  we're already all here anyways.
18:37:02 <threebean> plus the meeting logs are text and can be indexed and searched.
18:37:44 <janeznemanic> Sorry I thought you know what a webinar is. Actually is more like a presentation in LibreOffice Impress or PowerPoint but it is broadcasted over Internet
18:38:16 * threebean nods
18:38:54 <threebean> if you know a good free software toolset for doing it, I'd say talk to nirik.  he's the one who would be giving the presentation.
18:39:01 <threebean> does that sound okay?
18:40:36 <threebean> #topic Open Floor
18:40:46 <threebean> Any other items?
18:40:48 <threebean> questions?
18:40:59 <threebean> comments?
18:41:29 <threebean> favorite meme?
18:41:49 <smooge> much fun
18:41:55 <threebean> so meeting
18:42:12 <pingou> much so fun meeting?
18:42:19 <axil42> threebean, do you have in mind doing any other videos like the ones you talked about fedora infra?
18:42:34 <pingou> (w/ more different hats?)
18:42:56 <threebean> axil42: we talked about doing one on how to use ansible/puppet on lockbox.. but someone volunteered to do it and then never reported back.
18:43:32 <threebean> axil42: so, yes and no.  if there are ideas and requests for topics we can do them..
18:43:45 <threebean> I think I'd like it best if we could spread around who's making the videos.
18:46:02 <threebean> ok -- I'll close out the meeting in a minute unless anyone has anything else to bring up.
18:47:04 <threebean> #endmeeting

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