Summary/Minutes from today's Fedora Infrastructure meeting (2014-03-13)

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#fedora-meeting: Infrastructure (2014-03-13)

Meeting started by nirik at 18:00:08 UTC. The full logs are available at

Meeting summary
* welcome y'all  (nirik, 18:00:08)

* New folks introductions and Apprentice tasks  (nirik, 18:01:59)

* Applications status / discussion  (nirik, 18:03:28)
  * LINK: <- for anyone who
    wants to look at it.  (nirik, 18:05:07)
  * pkgdb2 is in staging now.  (nirik, 18:06:42)
  * new fedocal 0.6.0 in production  (nirik, 18:06:50)
  * mailman3 test list is very close to being ready to test.  (nirik,
  * bugzilla -> fedmsg is moving slowly forward.  (nirik, 18:11:42)

* Sysadmin status / discussion  (nirik, 18:12:02)
  * netapp still slow, still waiting on moving storage to a new filer.
    (nirik, 18:12:25)
  * added another compute node to our cloud to help copr capacity
    (nirik, 18:12:45)

* Upcoming Tasks/Items  (nirik, 18:21:49)
  * LINK:
    (nirik, 18:21:49)

* FAD  (nirik, 18:26:47)
  * LINK:
    (threebean, 18:26:58)
  * LINK:
    (nirik, 18:27:26)
  * please invite and add anyone who would be good to have for the
    bodhi2/taskotron fad to the wiki page.  (nirik, 18:34:16)
  * possibly a fas3 fad could also be done seperately.  (nirik,

* Open Floor  (nirik, 18:37:11)
  * LINK:   (threebean,
  * remember github2fedmsg hack/virtual FAD next week  (pingou,

Meeting ended at 18:43:30 UTC.

Action Items

Action Items, by person
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* nirik (81)
* dgilmore (30)
* pingou (21)
* threebean (14)
* smooge (6)
* zodbot (4)
* danofsatx-work (3)
* tflink (2)
* lmacken (1)
* relrod (1)
* puiterwijk (0)
* abadger1999 (0)
* mdomsch (0)
18:00:08 <nirik> #startmeeting Infrastructure (2014-03-13)
18:00:08 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Mar 13 18:00:08 2014 UTC.  The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at
18:00:08 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
18:00:08 <nirik> #meetingname infrastructure
18:00:08 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure'
18:00:08 <nirik> #topic welcome y'all
18:00:08 <nirik> #chair smooge relrod nirik abadger1999 lmacken dgilmore mdomsch threebean pingou puiterwijk
18:00:08 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 dgilmore lmacken mdomsch nirik pingou puiterwijk relrod smooge threebean
18:00:17 <smooge> here
18:00:18 <relrod> here
18:00:20 * lmacken 
18:00:22 <nirik> hello everyone. Whos around for infra meeting time?
18:00:57 * pingou 
18:01:59 <nirik> #topic New folks introductions and Apprentice tasks
18:02:13 * threebean is here
18:02:15 <nirik> Any new folks like to introduce themselves? or apprentices with questions or comments?
18:02:37 * dgilmore is here
18:02:43 * tflink is lurking
18:02:43 <pingou> hi dgilmore
18:02:55 * danofsatx-work is present, grabbing PB&J.....
18:03:11 <nirik> FYI, I am gonna try and file some more easyfix tickets soon... get rolling on another round of ansible migrations most likely.
18:03:18 <dgilmore> hola pingou
18:03:28 <nirik> #topic Applications status / discussion
18:03:39 <nirik> Any application side news or discussion?
18:03:50 <pingou> pkgdb2 made it to stg
18:03:58 <nirik> hurray.
18:04:02 <pingou> but I'm waiting still a little before announcing it :)
18:04:11 <threebean> :)
18:04:32 <nirik> pingou: so when we move that to prod, we still need it's cron jobs etc in puppet for bapp02? or does it have the same ones as pkgdb1? (I think i asked, but can't recall)
18:04:33 <pingou> and abadger1999 and I have been working on the pkgdb2 python module (and pkgdb-cli update), see results at
18:04:40 * dgilmore needs to look at pingus questions
18:05:02 <dgilmore> I flagged the email for followup
18:05:07 <nirik> <- for anyone who wants to look at it.
18:05:21 <pingou> nirik: the cron needs to be adjusted a little (only from where it retrieves its data), otherwise it should work in the same way
18:05:40 <pingou> but I didn't test more than that, I hoped abadger1999 would take care of this part :]
18:05:57 <nirik> ok,we can look more. I need to figure out what to do with bapp02 as far as migration.
18:05:58 <pingou> (I just tried to check the data retrieved has the same structure)
18:06:20 <pingou> and there is a new fedocal in prod, 0.6.0
18:06:32 <nirik> cool.
18:06:42 <nirik> #info pkgdb2 is in staging now.
18:06:50 <nirik> #info new fedocal 0.6.0 in production
18:06:52 <threebean> some news:  fedora-tagger got ported over to ansible, now on new nodes.  fedora-packages is on the way, but I'm not quite done with it yet.  rebuilding the xapian db a few times to make sure I get it right.. and its really time-consuming (many hours)
18:07:28 <nirik> threebean: oh you know there was a trac ticket on splitting tagger and packages in puppet. we can likely close that now.
18:07:39 <threebean> ooh, no.  I'll look for it and handle it though.
18:08:13 <nirik> cool.
18:08:42 <nirik> I know abompard was working on mailman3 setup some more. We should have a live test list any day now. ;)
18:08:49 <threebean> \ó/
18:08:54 <pingou> \ó/
18:09:00 <nirik> and he wrote a migration script to help us when migrating lists
18:09:27 <nirik> #info mailman3 test list is very close to being ready to test.
18:10:22 <nirik> ok, anything else on application side of things?
18:10:43 <threebean> hm, maybe just what we talked briefly about earlier in fedora-apps
18:10:59 <threebean> we heard that there is motion on getting redhat bugzilla to produce messages we can use for fedmsg.
18:11:08 <threebean> so, expect more soon (next few months)
18:11:27 <nirik> yeah, early days, but something. ;)
18:11:36 * pingou can't wait!
18:11:42 <nirik> #info bugzilla -> fedmsg is moving slowly forward.
18:12:02 <nirik> #topic Sysadmin status / discussion
18:12:12 <nirik> lets see. On the sysadmin side...
18:12:25 <nirik> #info netapp still slow, still waiting on moving storage to a new filer.
18:12:45 <nirik> #info added another compute node to our cloud to help copr capacity
18:13:02 <nirik> we have new machines in various places that aren't racked yet...
18:13:49 <nirik> There's been some new ansible versions with some regressions... should be a new version out in the next day or so to address them.
18:14:24 <nirik> I had an idea about using rsync batch files for mirrors, but I don't know if it's enough win to bother with...
18:14:35 <nirik> dgilmore: ^ did you see my rsync batch file email on infra list?
18:15:18 <nirik> I was pointed to as a better solution down the road (but it's not ready yet at all)
18:16:18 <dgilmore> nirik: not yet
18:16:46 <nirik> it would only help mirrors that a) use it, and b) are up to date daily.
18:17:28 <nirik> anyhow, any other sysadmin type things? ansible migration is still moving along nicely.
18:17:29 <dgilmore> I would like us to trigger when mirrors pull
18:17:53 * threebean nods
18:18:04 <nirik> dgilmore: yeah, we could do that too with fedmsg or if we are doing batches, the existance of the batch file.
18:18:15 <threebean> well, hopefully, eventually.
18:18:35 <dgilmore> but yeah something needs to change
18:18:56 <smooge> I have done some statistics.. we have 390 mirrors checking the download servers. Most of them get epel and most of them aren't registered
18:19:05 <nirik> the biggest issue with our download servers is the non tier1 mirrors.
18:19:07 <nirik> yeah.
18:19:49 <smooge> I need to get a dump from mirror manager to double check as I was eyeballing the registered/non-registered part
18:20:41 <nirik> anyhow, we can work on ideas and hopefully throw netapp hardware at it soon. ;)
18:21:12 <nirik> anything else from the sysadmin side?
18:21:49 <nirik> #topic Upcoming Tasks/Items
18:21:49 <nirik>
18:22:00 <nirik> anything upcoming folks would like to schedule or note?
18:22:19 <nirik> I'm going to be gone next thursday and friday.
18:22:26 <nirik> so, someone else will need to run the meeting next week. :)
18:22:28 <danofsatx-work> some more "easyfix" tickets for us apprentices to get spun up on would be nice....
18:22:30 <smooge> we will have an outage in 2 weeks that will be affecting ousosl servers
18:22:44 <nirik> danofsatx-work: yeah, gonna try and do some tomorrow. ;)
18:22:53 <nirik> smooge: did they pin down a date/time yet?
18:26:26 <threebean> nirik: hey, I'll run the meeting next week.
18:26:29 <nirik> anyhow, we can schedule that when it happens.
18:26:35 <nirik> threebean: cool. thanks.
18:26:47 <nirik> #topic FAD
18:26:57 <threebean> also, next week we're sprinting on a project in #fedora-apps monday-wednesday
18:26:58 <threebean>
18:27:02 <nirik> We have made a bit more planning progress on that bodhi2/taskotron fad. ;)
18:27:12 <nirik> nice. ;)
18:27:26 <nirik>
18:28:05 <smooge> nirik just checked. no pin down yet.
18:28:26 <nirik> more releng and qa folks would be good to see about inviting... as well as any other python coders/infra folks...
18:28:39 <nirik> dgilmore / adamw ^
18:29:05 <nirik> looking like early june might be the best time?
18:29:11 <dgilmore> nirik: could be doable, might be going to Brazil in May
18:29:24 <dgilmore> nirik: only heard of it last night
18:29:31 <nirik> nice.
18:30:10 <tflink> nirik: a lot of the other qa folks are in brno, not sure how practical it would be
18:30:13 <nirik> anyhow, do mention it to anyone who could be good to contribute.
18:30:28 <nirik> tflink: yeah, not sure. Of course we can do remote/over the net work too...
18:30:39 <pingou> I have been wondering if we should make a FAS3 FAD about the same time (since the people involved in Bodhi2/Taskotron and FAS don't overlap too much), would it be an idea?
18:30:50 <dgilmore> could do a cohosted Brno/Denver thing?
18:30:54 <nirik> pingou: possibly.
18:31:37 <nirik> pingou: that would be: you, Smoother1rOgZ, abadger1999 ?
18:31:44 <pingou> could be in Paris, since I'm close, Smoother1rOgZ leaves there, puiterwijk is also close, and I guess abadger1999 would the only one to have to flight over
18:32:05 <nirik> might be worth looking into yeah. ;)
18:32:05 <dgilmore> pingou: if we are going to do a FAS3 id like to see us relook at how we issue certs/keys for koji
18:32:22 <nirik> yeah, would be nice to have that under fas...
18:32:26 <pingou> dgilmore: good idea
18:32:41 <pingou> Smoother1rOgZ: for your text notifs: dgilmore | pingou: if we are going to do a FAS3 id like to see us relook at how we issue certs/keys for koji
18:32:45 <dgilmore> existing setup is a bit clunky and a SPOF
18:33:18 <nirik> also, if we can make it so we can have reminders before expire, revoke cert on inactive accounts, etc.
18:33:34 <dgilmore> yep
18:33:43 <dgilmore> lots of area for improvement tehre
18:33:45 <dgilmore> there
18:33:52 * nirik nods.
18:34:16 <nirik> #info please invite and add anyone who would be good to have for the bodhi2/taskotron fad to the wiki page.
18:34:27 <dgilmore> maybe we could look at doing KRB now that you can have multiple realms easily
18:34:31 <nirik> #info possibly a fas3 fad could also be done seperately.
18:34:38 <dgilmore> and get rid of certs and keys
18:35:13 * nirik isn't sure that would still meet our needs. there were other issues too...
18:35:31 <dgilmore> nirik: right it may not
18:35:37 <nirik> but dunno.
18:35:41 <dgilmore> but it could be worth looking at
18:35:44 <nirik> sure.
18:35:55 <nirik> if it works for all we need, great... I just don't think it does...
18:35:55 <dgilmore> maybe in additon. i.e. you could choose which to use
18:36:12 <dgilmore> but it would be more to run
18:36:19 <dgilmore> kerberos server etc
18:36:46 <nirik> yeah. kerb server would be a SPOF... and we can't do our sponsor/admin model of groups I don't think...
18:37:06 <nirik> anyhow, it's fine to explore. Perhaps it does work for all we need now.
18:37:11 <nirik> #topic Open Floor
18:37:18 <nirik> anyone have any items for open floor?
18:37:31 <nirik> questions, comments, favorite bbq?
18:37:36 <dgilmore> nirik: could be another option that we could move to easily also :)
18:37:59 <dgilmore> nirik: favourite bbq is all of them
18:38:07 <smooge> none of them anymore
18:38:11 <danofsatx-work> Rudy's BBQ :
18:38:25 * dgilmore should make some ribs  :) yummy
18:38:49 * pingou knows only one kind of bbq, it involves friends and grilled meat
18:39:14 <threebean>
18:40:09 <nirik> nice.
18:40:16 <nirik> ok, if nothing else will close out in a minute.
18:40:29 <dgilmore> pingou: id want to be involved in FAS3
18:41:01 <dgilmore> but other than thatI have nothing
18:41:19 <pingou> dgilmore: sure, Smoother1rOgZ is the one leading the effort
18:41:36 <pingou> dgilmore: there is a FAS3 branch on the fas git, but nothing very advanced for the moment
18:41:52 <dgilmore> pingou: :) cool. is it on fedorahosted?
18:42:23 <pingou> dgilmore: I don't know if Smoother1rOgZ sync it there, I know he did, but I don't know how in sync they are these days
18:42:35 <pingou> hopefully from next week this will no longer be a problem
18:42:42 <dgilmore> my main are of interest is with managing koji auth
18:42:51 * dgilmore refuses to use github
18:43:01 <pingou> #info remember github2fedmsg hack/virtual FAD next week
18:43:26 <nirik> ok, thanks for coming everyone!
18:43:30 <nirik> #endmeeting

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