Sumarry/Minutes from today's Fedora Infrastructure meeting (2014-03-06)

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#fedora-meeting: Infrastructure (2014-03-06)

Meeting started by nirik at 19:00:03 UTC. The full logs are available at

Meeting summary
* welcome everyone  (nirik, 19:00:03)

* New folks introductions and Apprentice tasks  (nirik, 19:02:06)

* Meeting time (DST)  (nirik, 19:06:05)
  * meeting to move ahead an hour next week  (nirik, 19:08:36)

* Applications status / discussion  (nirik, 19:08:52)
  * LINK: stg is updated
    (pingou, 19:09:23)
  * new fas release out soon, stg updated  (nirik, 19:12:18)
  * pkgdb2-cli is close to ready and pkgdb2 hopefully to stg next week
    (nirik, 19:12:39)
  * LINK:
    (pingou, 19:13:04)
  * LINK:
    check the month calendar on the side  (pingou, 19:15:21)
  * bodhi01 / 02 production instances added to the bodhi app pool
    (nirik, 19:16:46)

* Sysadmin status / discussion  (nirik, 19:21:56)
  * LINK:
    (nirik, 19:22:42)
  * paste and smtp-mm migrated over recently  (nirik, 19:24:42)
  * LINK: is
    freemedia  (nirik, 19:26:49)
  * updates applied all around yesterday/day before.  (nirik, 19:28:14)
  * ansible 1.5 came out recently. Some nice improvements.  (nirik,

* Upcoming Tasks/Items  (nirik, 19:41:05)
  * LINK:
    (nirik, 19:41:05)
  * LINK:
    (nirik, 19:42:16)

* Open Floor  (nirik, 19:44:17)
  * LINK:   (nirik,

Meeting ended at 20:09:35 UTC.

Action Items

Action Items, by person
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* nirik (95)
* pingou (34)
* smooge (20)
* willo (9)
* abadger1999 (6)
* purplex (6)
* danofsatx-work (5)
* axil42 (5)
* zodbot (4)
* johe (4)
* mirek-hm (4)
* tflink (3)
* lmacken (2)
* webpigeon (2)
* relrod (2)
* lbazan (1)
* janeznemanic (1)
* puiterwijk (0)
* threebean (0)
* mdomsch (0)
* dgilmore (0)
19:00:03 <nirik> #startmeeting Infrastructure (2014-03-06)
19:00:03 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Mar  6 19:00:03 2014 UTC.  The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at
19:00:03 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
19:00:03 <nirik> #meetingname infrastructure
19:00:03 <nirik> #topic welcome everyone
19:00:03 <nirik> #chair smooge relrod nirik abadger1999 lmacken dgilmore mdomsch threebean pingou puiterwijk
19:00:03 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure'
19:00:03 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 dgilmore lmacken mdomsch nirik pingou puiterwijk relrod smooge threebean
19:00:15 * lmacken 
19:00:22 <nirik> hey everyone.
19:00:31 * johe is here
19:01:01 * pingou 
19:01:04 * tflink is lurking
19:01:09 <axil42> hello :)
19:01:49 <webpigeon> Hello :)
19:01:57 <nirik> ok, lets go ahead and dive in...
19:01:58 <janeznemanic> hi
19:02:06 <nirik> #topic New folks introductions and Apprentice tasks
19:02:09 <purplex> Hello everyone!
19:02:15 <nirik> any new folks want to introduce themselves?
19:02:22 <nirik> Or apprentices with questions or comments?
19:02:33 <axil42> yeap :)
19:02:42 <purplex> Introducing myself
19:02:47 * relrod here, sorry
19:03:06 * abadger1999 extricates from other meeting
19:03:07 <nirik> welcome axil42 and purplex. Do give a short sentence introduction if you can...
19:03:11 <smooge> hello
19:03:12 <purplex> I'm Bhumish, currently a student. I'm into system admin and a Fedora-lover.
19:03:50 <pingou> abadger1999: good luck :)
19:04:15 <axil42> I'm Achilleas also student, currently Fedora packager and want to get into sysadmin tasks :)
19:04:24 <nirik> purplex / axil42: are you more interested in sysadmin type tasks or application development/coding?
19:04:32 * mirek-hm joins
19:04:51 <purplex> I'm interested in sysadmin tasks. Currently I'm exploring FUNC.
19:04:53 * willo here, apologies
19:04:59 <axil42> me more on sysadmin, like I said in my introduction mail I'd like to know more about ansible
19:05:06 <nirik> cool. See me after the meeting in #fedora-admin and I can make sure you are added to our apprentice sysadmin group and pointed at tickets and such. ;)
19:05:13 <nirik> and welcome again!
19:05:20 <axil42> cool :)
19:05:30 <purplex> sure! :)
19:06:05 <nirik> #topic Meeting time (DST)
19:06:15 <nirik> so the us goes to daylight savings time next week...
19:06:36 <nirik> I'd like to move the meeting forward an hour to be at the same time... so 20UTC... is that ok for everyone?
19:06:54 <nirik> (at least if i got that right, I hate timezones and dst)
19:07:01 <purplex> yes the time will be alright.
19:07:29 <relrod> worksforme
19:07:29 <johe> +1
19:07:38 <pingou> so for couple of weeks it's gonna be at 21:00 (9pm) instead of 20:00 (8pm) for western europ
19:07:53 <webpigeon> that's fine for me
19:08:19 <nirik> ok, cool. :)
19:08:32 <pingou> wfm :)
19:08:36 <nirik> #info meeting to move ahead an hour next week
19:08:46 <pingou> for those that changes to DST :)
19:08:52 <nirik> #topic Applications status / discussion
19:08:58 <pingou> otherwise it moves one hour back :)
19:08:59 <nirik> any applications status or news?
19:09:06 <nirik> pingou: right, true.
19:09:08 <pingou> there is a new FAS release, 0.9.0
19:09:12 <nirik> dst gives me a headache.
19:09:23 <pingou> stg is updated
19:09:33 <pingou> pkgdb2-cli is almost ready
19:09:45 <abadger1999> yay!
19:09:48 <smooge> yay!
19:09:50 <pingou> I might still tweak a little the api for pkgdb2
19:09:51 <smooge> psych
19:10:02 <pingou> but basically I'm hoping to push pkgdb2 to stg next week
19:10:10 <abadger1999> pingou: Do we need a new python-fedora release to fgo with that?
19:10:17 <pingou> then push it to prod, then take, I don't know, a month off? :)
19:10:44 <pingou> abadger1999: I went the way that pkgdb-cli has the login mechanism embedded, until we can figure out python-fedora
19:10:49 <abadger1999> <nod>
19:11:06 <pingou> so pkgdb2 can move forward :)
19:11:14 <nirik> I see 3 fas hotfixes. I'll ping SmootherFrOgZ to make sure they are rolled into upstream.
19:11:37 <pingou> cool thanks
19:11:56 <pingou> abadger1999: if you could ping fchiulli about the pending pr on elections2
19:12:13 <pingou> ?
19:12:17 <pingou> pretty please :)
19:12:18 <nirik> #info new fas release out soon, stg updated
19:12:25 * pingou cats eyes mode off
19:12:39 <nirik> #info pkgdb2-cli is close to ready and pkgdb2 hopefully to stg next week
19:12:43 <pingou> note for the new fas release, there is a db change
19:13:00 <nirik> ok, so we will likely need an outage for it... for prod
19:13:04 <pingou>
19:13:10 <abadger1999> pingou: will do.
19:13:16 <pingou> and the script name doesn't reflect the version change
19:13:19 <pingou> abadger1999: thanks :)
19:14:07 <pingou> oh and there is a fedocal 0.5.1 in stg
19:14:16 <pingou> that I'll push to prod some time soon :)
19:14:41 <nirik> cool. Just some bugfixes? or any new goodies?
19:14:57 <pingou> a little UI improvement and bugfix in the reminder email
19:15:21 <pingou> check the month calendar on the side
19:15:29 <pingou> (Oo the db has been synced from prod to stg?)
19:15:47 <nirik> nice
19:16:32 <nirik> oh...
19:16:46 <nirik> #info bodhi01 / 02 production instances added to the bodhi app pool
19:17:03 <nirik> if everything looks ok, we will drop the app01-04 next week
19:17:10 <nirik> and another thing will be off the app servers.
19:17:25 <lmacken> yay!
19:17:29 <pingou> cool
19:17:52 <abadger1999> Cool.
19:18:26 <nirik> I'll possibly file some more tickets on other things to move off.
19:19:26 <smooge> what is left on the app boxes?
19:19:47 <nirik> whats left: wiki, mirrormanager admin interface, pkgdb (will be done when we move to 2), elections (will be done with the move to new), freemedia, geoip, busmon
19:20:20 <nirik> those last 3 perhaps can go to the same pair of new ones... they are all small.
19:21:08 <nirik> ok, anything else on the application devel side of things?
19:21:17 <willo> just quickly, geoip and freemedia are not on puppettoansiblemigration
19:21:22 <willo> should they be?
19:21:33 <nirik> willo: yeah, we should add them... as apps I guess?
19:21:38 <willo> Will do
19:21:45 <nirik> they are both really simple... one is a wsgi and the other is a cgi I think?
19:21:56 <nirik> #topic Sysadmin status / discussion
19:22:00 <nirik> Speaking of which...
19:22:15 <nirik> willo put together a page for us on puppet-> ansible migration. ;)
19:22:20 * lbazan here
19:22:42 <nirik>
19:22:54 <pingou> nice work :)
19:23:58 <nirik> In the last week or two I have also taken work from janeznemanic and adimania and migrated smtp-mm servers and paste over.
19:24:09 <nirik> Thanks for all the help everyone, we are on a roll. ;)
19:24:13 <willo> wiki page updated with geoip and freemedia
19:24:42 <nirik> #info paste and smtp-mm migrated over recently
19:24:42 <willo> they weren't on that list because they weren't on app.fp.o
19:24:53 <willo> should they be there as well
19:25:36 <nirik> willo: I guess we could add freemedia... geoip isn't really something users directly go to. It's used by anaconda to tell timezone/lang on installs and by gnome for maps location or the like...
19:25:56 <nirik> I mean they do directly query it, but you wouldnt normally go there in a web browser.
19:25:58 <willo> i also don't know the URL for those two apps.  so, if someone cam update the page, then that'll be awesome
19:26:49 <nirik> is freemedia
19:28:02 <nirik> lets see...
19:28:02 <willo> Ok, I'll add freemedia to apps.fp.o.
19:28:14 <nirik> #info updates applied all around yesterday/day before.
19:28:29 <nirik> we have some new machines rolling in soon... smooge: any news on those?
19:28:33 <smooge> I think I have found a couple of 'solutions' for the download servers
19:28:52 <nirik> smooge: I saw that email with tuning... it's worth trying, but I think we already tried similar.
19:28:54 <smooge> the guys are stuck on another project in PHX1 so haven't had time. I have an open ticket on the new boxes
19:29:03 <nirik> ok
19:29:24 <nirik> #info ansible 1.5 came out recently. Some nice improvements.
19:29:35 <smooge> nirik, this option is mount level and basically tells the nfs side to actually do what the flags we set did on local disks
19:30:09 <smooge> I found another option which is for read-only mounts that don't change a lot. I am not sure about how we fit in that
19:30:10 <nirik> smooge: ok. Do give it a whirl. Anything we can do to make it better without impacting our tier1 mirrors is good.
19:30:57 <smooge> well at least I got something productive this morning... :)
19:31:08 <nirik> FYI, for anyone lost here... we have been having problems with the netapp storage behind our main download servers. It's been very busy. We are trying to make it cache better/behave nicer... while waiting for them to move us to new hardware.
19:32:04 <pingou> eta on the new hardware?
19:32:24 <nirik> hard to say. "soon" they keep telling us. ;)
19:32:48 <mirek-hm> Q: who is sysadmin capable of fixing stuff in fedora cloud in europe timezone?
19:33:21 <smooge> no one?
19:33:45 <smooge> puiterwijk, is in europe timezone but he is not a fulltime sysadmin
19:34:07 <mirek-hm> ok
19:34:12 <nirik> actually I think SmootherFrOgZ has access to the nodes...
19:34:30 <nirik> mirek-hm: I'd be ok with givig you ssh access to the nodes if it would help?
19:35:03 <nirik> I really want to make a new clean cloud on the new machines we get... migrate everything to it, then redo this cloud clean too...
19:35:11 <nirik> so it's nice and redeployable and such.
19:35:59 <smooge> yes.
19:36:11 <mirek-hm> nirik: *nod* I just want to avoid in future, what happen today when FC was dozen hours non-functional and waiting just on nirik
19:37:09 <nirik> mirek-hm: yeah. :( I can add your key to the node (it's the controller). Do be very carefull there tho... it's older and manually setup so if we break things it may be hard to fix. ;)
19:37:31 <smooge> s/hard/impossiblish/
19:37:31 <nirik> and sadly it's not often clear what the cause of issues is. :9
19:37:57 <smooge> oh I like that emoticon :9 when I am confused and sad
19:38:36 <nirik> I meant :), but it came out ;9
19:38:43 <pingou> :)
19:38:51 <nirik> anyhow, any other sysadmin related stuff?
19:38:58 <johe> by the way, what type of cloud software do we use?!?
19:39:05 <nirik> johe: openstack
19:39:13 <johe> makes sense :-)
19:39:59 <nirik> oh, related to both ansible and openstack/cloud: I fixed our playbooks for temp cloud instances the other week... they should work nicely now to just spin up something to test with.
19:40:02 <smooge> which explains why my euca notes didn't work
19:40:40 <nirik> I am happy I figured out I could make the second play run as the 'fedora' user with sudo and avoid the anoying root cannot login thing.
19:40:46 <pingou> nice
19:41:05 <nirik> #topic Upcoming Tasks/Items
19:41:05 <nirik>
19:41:15 <nirik> any upcoming items folks would like to schedule or note?
19:42:06 <nirik> I did a tiny bit more tweaking on the FAD page...
19:42:16 <nirik>
19:42:26 <nirik> still needs a bunch more work before we can move forward with it.
19:43:04 <danofsatx-work> just for the record, I am here - missed the roll call.
19:43:17 <nirik> hey danofsatx-work. :)
19:44:17 <nirik> #topic Open Floor
19:44:36 <nirik> Anyone have items for open floor? questions? comments? favorate colors?
19:44:57 <smooge> I am rebooting dl05 at the moment. stupid mount
19:45:05 <nirik> fun.
19:45:33 <nirik> ok, if nothing else, will close out in a minute...
19:45:34 <smooge> so when we redo the cloud... will they be in a different ansible tree or the main one?
19:45:46 <nirik> smooge: well, ideally they would be in our main ansible repo.
19:46:00 <nirik> but I can't find a good workable ansible playbook for making them.
19:46:21 <nirik> so, we may end up using some other tool to install/deploy and configure on top of that with ansible.
19:46:21 <smooge> the cloudlets ro the servers on top?
19:46:45 <nirik> installing the actual openstack cloud on the hardware.
19:46:53 <nirik> Managing it after it's up in much easier.
19:47:57 <nirik> but we can figure something out I'm sure...
19:48:20 <smooge> I was thinking we could take one fo the boxes that are under warranty but being replaced and put them up as a lockbox -like box on the network
19:48:50 <nirik> thats not really the problem tho. We can reach them via ssh to configure, it's just that setting up openstack is a pain in the rear.
19:49:00 <nirik> it has 50 components and databases and ...
19:49:25 <tflink> IIRC, it took me a day or so to set up my single-node openstack system
19:49:45 <smooge> oi
19:49:47 <tflink> and that's without a distributed fs or the other components that a multi-node system needs
19:50:11 <nirik> there's 19 services on fed-cloud02 set to start on boot with 'openstack' in their names.
19:50:27 <pingou> 'nice'
19:50:51 <danofsatx-work> what services are those?
19:50:54 <nirik> anyhow, we will get there. I might just use some other scripting and get it initally setup, then use ansible on top
19:51:32 <nirik>
19:51:38 <danofsatx-work> don't need much more than keystone and nova, unless it's a storage node
19:51:57 <nirik> it is. also network, image store, etc.
19:52:23 <nirik> anyhow... we will sort out something.
19:52:29 <danofsatx-work> oh, I see openstack is getting bit by the creep bug, too.
19:52:36 * danofsatx-work sighs
19:52:51 <nirik> danofsatx-work: it's always had a bunch of components. With silly names. ;)
20:09:35 <nirik> #endmeeting

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