Summary/Minutes from today's Fedora Infrastructure meeting (2014-02-19)

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#fedora-meeting: Infrastructure (2014-02-19)

Meeting started by nirik at 19:00:02 UTC. The full logs are available at

Meeting summary
* welcome y'all  (nirik, 19:00:02)

* New folks introductions and Apprentice tasks  (nirik, 19:02:06)

* Applications status / discussion  (nirik, 19:03:23)
  * fedoauth is live in production with persona support! :)  (nirik,
  * fedocal updated in prod to 0.4.6 today  (pingou, 19:04:14)
  * feedback wanted on python-fedora openid.  (nirik, 19:07:18)
  * LINK:
    (threebean, 19:11:37)

* Sysadmin status / discussion  (nirik, 19:25:22)
  * bodhi app migrated to ansible, in stg now, soon to prod  (nirik,
  * virthost01/03 new dell virthost servers ready to use  (nirik,

* Upcoming Tasks/Items  (nirik, 19:39:58)
  * LINK:
    (nirik, 19:39:59)
  * LINK:
    (nirik, 19:42:30)

* Open Floor  (nirik, 19:49:34)

Meeting ended at 19:51:25 UTC.

Action Items

Action Items, by person
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* nirik (77)
* pingou (49)
* lmacken (15)
* threebean (15)
* abadger1999 (10)
* relrod (5)
* puiterwijk (4)
* zodbot (4)
* smooge (4)
* danofsatx-work (2)
* adimania (1)
* willo (1)
* ausmarton (1)
* johe (1)
* sayan (1)
* mdomsch (0)
* dgilmore (0
19:00:02 <nirik> #startmeeting Infrastructure (2014-02-19)
19:00:02 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Feb 20 19:00:02 2014 UTC.  The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at
19:00:02 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
19:00:02 <nirik> #meetingname infrastructure
19:00:02 <nirik> #topic welcome y'all
19:00:02 <nirik> #chair smooge relrod nirik abadger1999 lmacken dgilmore mdomsch threebean pingou puiterwijk
19:00:02 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure'
19:00:02 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 dgilmore lmacken mdomsch nirik pingou puiterwijk relrod smooge threebean
19:00:58 * threebean is here
19:01:00 <nirik> small crowd today. ;)
19:01:04 * ausmarton here
19:01:05 * johe is here
19:01:06 * pingou 
19:01:07 * lmacken 
19:01:16 * abadger1999 here
19:01:32 * relrod here
19:01:36 <nirik> ah cool. ;)
19:02:06 <nirik> #topic New folks introductions and Apprentice tasks
19:02:12 <nirik> Any new folks like to introduce themselves?
19:02:20 <nirik> or apprentices with questions or issues to bring up?
19:03:16 <nirik> alrightly. As always, do feel free to chime in anytime with questions or comments. ;)
19:03:23 <nirik> #topic Applications status / discussion
19:03:26 * adimania is here too
19:03:39 <nirik> #info fedoauth is live in production with persona support! :)
19:03:44 <pingou> \ó/
19:03:46 <threebean> \ó/
19:03:50 <pingou> fedocal update to 0.4.6 today
19:04:11 <nirik> cool. what goodies in that?
19:04:12 <smooge> is here
19:04:12 <abadger1999> Nice!
19:04:14 <pingou> #info fedocal updated in prod to 0.4.6 today
19:04:24 <pingou> nirik: mostly bug fixes in the reminders
19:04:55 <pingou> I put some goodies in line for flask-elections
19:04:58 <nirik> cool.
19:05:21 <pingou> we'll wait a bit for fchiulli who has been leading the port to flask and see from there
19:05:30 <nirik> sounds good.
19:05:32 <lmacken> Lots of python-fedora openid client progress this week :)
19:05:51 <pingou> yeah that to :)
19:06:00 <nirik> pkgdb2 is waiting on that right?
19:06:05 <lmacken> I started working on the new bodhi-client using it, but I need to work with pingou on some of the screen scraping :)
19:06:06 <pingou> although the base client is currently broken
19:06:14 <abadger1999> <nod> -- on the pyhton-fedora openid client: we've merged a branch that implements it.  But we'd like to work on the API some more.
19:06:26 * willo had an alarm fail
19:06:26 <sayan> is here
19:06:28 <pingou> lmacken: proxy or base client?
19:06:37 <abadger1999> If you have thoughts on the API (particularly around authentication) speak up now.
19:06:39 <abadger1999> :-)
19:07:02 <lmacken> pingou: base. it's looking for 'login in progress' or whatever, but my page has a login screen with a different title
19:07:18 <nirik> #info feedback wanted on python-fedora openid.
19:07:21 * relrod made a Java lib for sending fedmsg notifications to the bus. It was made so we can get jenkins build info sent (working on the plugin for that this week), but can be used if we ever have other java apps too in the future.
19:07:37 <pingou> lmacken: is it redirecting to fedoauth?
19:07:42 <lmacken> pingou: yep
19:07:49 <pingou> lmacken: ood
19:07:51 <pingou> odd*
19:08:12 <lmacken> pingou: yeah, I'll dive into it after the meeting :)
19:08:18 <abadger1999> puiterwijk: if friday is your fedora day, it could be good to make sure all your feedback on the api gets ticketed or talked about tomorrow.
19:08:42 <puiterwijk> abadger1999: sure, works for me. just send directed questions my way
19:09:13 <pingou> puiterwijk: the question was the other way around ;-)
19:09:28 <puiterwijk> hum? sorry, I guess I'm missing something here. let me reread :)
19:09:45 <puiterwijk> oh, right, sorry. abadger1999, sure, will try to :)
19:10:06 * puiterwijk is also in another meeting, so will try to respond when pinged, but otherwise quite busy
19:10:47 <lmacken> janeznemanic ported our bodhi setup from puppet to ansible and nirik spun up new VMs with it this week
19:10:54 <abadger1999> :-)
19:11:11 <nirik> yep. ;) was gonna mention that on the sysadmin section, but great stuff!
19:11:30 <lmacken> oh right, wrong part :)
19:11:33 <threebean> the new summershum process got stood up today
19:11:37 <threebean>
19:11:54 <threebean> but, I'm still working out some kinks in there.. (notably, those timestamps appear to be wrong)
19:12:17 <lmacken> very nice
19:12:30 <nirik> I had one thing I wanted to bring up... websites folks are looking at how they will revamp for, and at least some thought is to make things more 'app like' and interactive... we may want to weigh in here or offer to help or say we can't, etc...
19:12:42 <lmacken> threebean: not many details in the details ;)
19:12:48 <abadger1999> I think this is the first time summershum has come up in a meeting: one line summary?
19:13:09 <threebean> abadger1999: calculate the md5sums of all files of all tarballs and store them for querying later.
19:13:11 <nirik> abadger1999: source checksummer...
19:13:13 <pingou> abadger1999: came up on the list, it stores the md5, sha1 and sha256 of every file in every package
19:13:31 <threebean> abadger1999: "how many packages bundle jquery.js"?  this allows for a quick lookup.
19:13:49 <pingou> ok that is 3 lines but from 3 different people, does it still work? :)
19:13:51 <abadger1999> nice.  and also whether they're the same copy or not.
19:13:53 <abadger1999> ;-)
19:13:56 * threebean nods
19:15:50 <nirik> any thoughts on the website thing? I guess do look it over and chime in if you like...
19:15:53 <lmacken> does cnucnu track checksums?
19:16:25 <threebean> nirik: uhm, I think it is a major endeavor.  I need to go read the ticket more closely though..
19:16:27 <pingou> lmacken: nope
19:17:01 <nirik> threebean: yeah, thats why I wanted to bring it up now instead of a month from now. ;)
19:17:17 <threebean> yeah, building a reddit/gplus clone could quickly get out of scope
19:18:33 <nirik> right. I think much of that part would be expected on hyperkitty
19:19:04 <pingou> so it's moving from html to app, do I read that correctly?
19:19:27 * pingou reads FAS integration in there
19:19:39 <pingou> SmootherFrOgZ:
19:21:07 <nirik> yeah... so perhaps we should meet up and discuss with websites folks... or comment in ticket.
19:21:19 <nirik> don't want to take the whole meeting on it, but just wanted to make folks aware of it.
19:22:24 <nirik> any other application news?
19:23:09 <pingou> nuancier/fedmsg integration almost all done
19:23:19 <pingou> so there should be a new nuancier release coming up
19:23:27 <pingou> (and prod should be updated to it)
19:23:28 <danofsatx-work> wow, I made it to the meeting this week.....sorry I'm late, had an appointment.
19:24:07 <nirik> danofsatx-work: no worries, and welcome. ;)
19:24:12 <threebean> it was a super active week, sounds like.  :) good stuff happening.
19:25:15 <nirik> yep. ;)
19:25:22 <nirik> #topic Sysadmin status / discussion
19:25:41 <pingou> nirik: to answer your question from earlier, yes pkgdb2 kinda waits on the openid client in python-fedora
19:26:10 <nirik> so, as lmacken mentioned, thanks to janeznemanic, we have migrated bodhi app servers to ansible (stg so far only)
19:26:34 <nirik> lmacken: we still need to fix fedmsg on it ? and otherwise it looked ok? bodhi01.stg that is...
19:26:48 <lmacken> yep, should be a pretty easy fix but other than that it looks good
19:26:51 <nirik> we got 2 new virthosts in and setup... virthost01/03 are 2 new dell servers. ;)
19:27:10 <nirik> #info bodhi app migrated to ansible, in stg now, soon to prod
19:27:22 <nirik> #info virthost01/03 new dell virthost servers ready to use
19:27:43 <nirik> lets see... what else...
19:27:50 <nirik> smooge: anything you had?
19:27:50 <pingou> there is the question I raised on the list from the work souradeep did
19:27:55 <danofsatx-work> yay, new toys
19:28:37 <pingou> syncing github w/ fedorahosted for our projects
19:28:53 <nirik> yeah. I was hoping grockmirror will help out... uses it.
19:29:06 <pingou> it sounds quite nice
19:29:18 <pingou> I'm just not sure how heavy it is to set-up
19:29:30 <nirik> it doesn't sound too bad...
19:29:41 <nirik> but I haven't set it up.
19:30:17 <relrod> pingou: So those of us that have projects on the fi github org (like fedora mobile and some others in my case) - are we going to have to do anything extra, or can we just keep using github as normal and it automatically does everything?
19:30:22 <smooge> nirik, I am just working ppc issues as best I can
19:30:30 <nirik> There's a new cgit release out... it adds gravatar support (via a lua script) but I haven't yet been able to get it workig. ;(
19:30:49 <nirik> relrod: I think it should be pretty transparent.
19:30:54 <pingou> relrod: my idea would that we only care about github and fedorahosted gets sync directly
19:31:08 <relrod> ok, cool
19:31:11 <pingou> (ore vice-versa but we don't have much of this case)
19:31:14 <pingou> or*
19:32:35 <pingou> nirik: my problem with grok is that you have something to install on both the server and the server
19:33:09 <pingou> both server and client*
19:33:17 <nirik> hum, yeah, not sure.
19:33:32 <pingou> GROK-DUMB-PULL \- Update git repositories not managed by grokmirror
19:33:38 <pingou> that looks like it :D
19:33:58 <nirik> lets investigate more and go from there.
19:34:10 <pingou> +1
19:34:36 <nirik> we also want to make sure we don't make github mad...
19:34:43 <nirik> (pulling too much too often, etc)
19:35:48 <relrod> upstream Phabricator pulls its repos from github every 15 seconds and they've never complained, so we'll probably be fine. Might check with them though.
19:35:51 <pingou> btw, do we want to save all the git repo (mirrored or not) on /srv/git?
19:36:25 <nirik> pingou: on hosted? or ?
19:36:26 <pingou> because if we do not that would simplify the pulling (and complexify finding them/presenting them)
19:36:29 <pingou> nirik: yes
19:36:37 <pingou> unless we want to mirror them somewhere else
19:36:42 <pingou> but :/
19:37:19 <nirik> so you mean if someone pushed to a fedorahosted repo their changes would be nuked by the sync?
19:37:33 <nirik> I'm ok with that for our stuff, since we should all know better.
19:37:41 <nirik> (and you would still have the changes locally)
19:38:13 <pingou> that's one
19:38:26 <pingou> and before pulling we need to check if there is a remote repo
19:38:39 <pingou> (which there is not atm, obviously :))
19:39:07 <nirik> sure.
19:39:21 <nirik> anyhow, I think it's good to have a synced backup repo. ;)
19:39:37 * pingou will look at grok some more tomorrow
19:39:58 <nirik> #topic Upcoming Tasks/Items
19:39:59 <nirik>
19:40:03 <nirik> pingou: sounds good.
19:40:12 <nirik> ok, anything upcoming anyone would like to schedule or note?
19:41:50 <nirik> I've not done much on the proposed FAD...
19:42:01 <nirik> will try and flesh out the wiki page some in the coming week.
19:42:07 <nirik> or anyone else who wants to is welcome to.
19:42:17 <threebean> me neither.. but I'd like to help.
19:42:30 <nirik>
19:42:35 <pingou> spot offered to help as well
19:43:03 <nirik> I guess we first could try and get goals for bodhi2/taskotron... but it's kinda hard to say since it's months in advance...
19:43:23 <pingou> we can already do the travel costs
19:43:24 <nirik> I mean, 'both fully deployed and running in production' would be great, but is probibly a bit high.
19:43:33 <smooge> written?
19:44:12 <nirik> smooge: yeah...
19:44:22 <nirik> or... packaged in fedora/epel?
19:44:31 <threebean> we could make a minimum goal be "functional public dev instances" of both?
19:44:32 <nirik> or... able to display a web interface
19:44:56 <pingou> \ó/
19:45:11 <pingou> print 'Hello, my name is bodhi2'
19:45:11 <nirik> threebean: that might be good. Would need to see if lmacken and tflink think thats a good goal...
19:45:20 * threebean nods
19:45:47 <nirik> lmacken: ^
19:45:55 <lmacken> +1
19:46:17 <lmacken> although, the masher aspect of it doesn't see the web, and is a big chunk of that
19:46:20 <nirik> cool. :) I'll see what tflink says when he's around...
19:46:28 <nirik> lmacken: true.
19:46:44 <nirik> wonder if we could say staging instead, and actually get our staging releng stuff working.
19:47:27 <lmacken> yeah, sounds good
19:47:32 <threebean> oh, yeah.  that would be great
19:47:59 <nirik> and taskotron might also be somewhat needing more than a dev instance to do all it's functionality...
19:48:24 <nirik> we could also have a set of goals and try and do as much as we can get done...
19:49:30 <nirik> Anyhow, I will try and fix up the wiki page and we can discuss more next time.
19:49:34 <nirik> #topic Open Floor
19:49:44 <nirik> any items for open floor? questions? comments?
19:50:37 <smooge> none from me
19:50:48 <nirik> ok, if nothing will close out in a minute...
19:51:22 <nirik> thanks for coming everyone!
19:51:25 <nirik> #endmeeting

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