Summary/Minutes from today's Fedora Infrastructure meeting (2013-08-01)

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#fedora-meeting: Infrastructure (2013-08-01)

Meeting started by nirik at 18:29:52 UTC. The full logs are available at

Meeting summary
* welcome y'all  (nirik, 18:29:53)

* New folks introductions and Apprentice tasks  (nirik, 18:31:14)

* Applications status / discussion  (nirik, 18:33:29)
  * badges is running in production now!  (nirik, 18:34:33)
  * LINK:   (pingou, 18:34:44)
  * pkgdb2 test instance available for testing:
    (nirik, 18:38:26)
  * brainstorming session for badges tomorrow at 19UTC.  (nirik,

* Sysadmin status / discussion  (nirik, 18:45:13)
  * had outage earlier this week and added mem to a bunch of virthosts.
    (nirik, 18:46:00)
  * a few more hosts pending to update (that won't need outages)
    (nirik, 18:46:20)
  * progress on getting new blade server on line, hopefully it will be
    alive someday soon.  (nirik, 18:47:06)
  * flock  (nirik, 18:48:05)

* flock  (nirik, 18:48:11)

* Upcoming Tasks/Items  (nirik, 19:05:36)
  * LINK:
    (nirik, 19:05:36)

* Open Floor  (nirik, 19:07:10)
  * LINK:   (nirik, 19:10:57)

Meeting ended at 19:19:56 UTC.

Action Items

Action Items, by person
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* nirik (89)
* threebean (25)
* pingou (22)
* oddshocks (19)
* frankieonuonga (12)
* dgilmore (8)
* abadger1999 (7)
* relrod (6)
* zodbot (4)
* lmacken (4)
* smooge (1)
* cyberworm541 (1)
* ricky (0)
* mdomsch (0)
* CodeBlock (0)
18:29:52 <nirik> #startmeeting Infrastructure (2013-08-01)
18:29:52 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Aug  1 18:29:52 2013 UTC.  The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at
18:29:52 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
18:29:52 <nirik> #meetingname infrastructure
18:29:52 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure'
18:29:53 <nirik> #topic welcome y'all
18:29:53 <nirik> #chair smooge CodeBlock ricky nirik abadger1999 lmacken dgilmore mdomsch threebean
18:29:53 <zodbot> Current chairs: CodeBlock abadger1999 dgilmore lmacken mdomsch nirik ricky smooge threebean
18:30:06 * relrod here
18:30:12 * cyberworm541 is here
18:30:17 * lmacken 
18:30:54 * abadger1999 here
18:30:59 * pingou here but not for long
18:31:14 <nirik> #topic New folks introductions and Apprentice tasks
18:31:26 <nirik> Any new folks like to introduce themselves or apprentices with questions?
18:31:45 * nirik notes you can and should ask questions in the rest of the meeting too if something comes to mind.
18:33:23 <nirik> ok, lets drive on then
18:33:29 <nirik> #topic Applications status / discussion
18:33:41 <nirik> any applications news?
18:33:48 <nirik> badges in prod now?
18:33:56 <pingou> yes
18:34:07 <nirik> but it's not yet awarding in production right?
18:34:11 <pingou> threebean and oddshocks did a very nice job
18:34:14 <pingou> nirik: it is :)
18:34:23 <nirik> oh, cool.
18:34:33 <nirik> #info badges is running in production now!
18:34:36 <lmacken> qrcode badges work too :)
18:34:44 <pingou>
18:34:54 <pingou> qrcode tested and working :)
18:34:56 <nirik> I don't see it in fedora-fedmsg awarding
18:35:07 <pingou> I had some problem with firefox mobile though :(
18:35:14 * threebean shows up
18:35:22 <pingou> nirik: true
18:35:37 <threebean> discovered some new bugs, btw.. clearing them out in git now.  :)
18:35:43 <nirik> perhaps it's not not registering the message with fedmsg-bot
18:35:58 <threebean> oh.. I just haven't turned on the production badges awarder.
18:36:04 <nirik> ah, ok.
18:36:10 <threebean> I was going to wait until a little closer to flock, but.. should I go ahead and flip the switch?
18:36:48 <pingou> maybe easier to debug last minute surprise
18:37:12 <nirik> anytime is ok with me... dunno if we want it to be closer or not.
18:37:18 <nirik> is 'nickname' irc nick?
18:37:50 <threebean> no, its a "badges" thing.  going to have that form field disabled in the next release to simplify things.
18:38:03 <pingou> I did some work on pkgdb2, you can login and test it on its cloud instance (/me gtg)
18:38:07 <threebean> woo!
18:38:26 <nirik> #info pkgdb2 test instance available for testing:
18:38:37 <threebean> pingou: looks really nice :)
18:38:39 <lmacken> very snappy
18:38:59 <lmacken> with only 1 package :)
18:39:02 <nirik> guake is all we need to ship. ;)
18:39:26 <threebean> +1
18:40:17 * oddshocks is here
18:40:19 <nirik> so the only other thing I was hoping to get sorted before flock was our gallery setup... just have not had time to poke at it tho. Perhaps early next week.
18:40:28 * oddshocks apologizes
18:40:32 <oddshocks> :)
18:40:36 <nirik> oddshocks / threebean: when did we want to do that brainstorm thing tomorrow?
18:40:43 <threebean> oh, that's right..
18:41:05 <nirik> we can play it by ear, or schedule some time...
18:41:18 <threebean> scheduling is good, imo.  can we do it the same time as this meeting?
18:41:44 * threebean checks fedocal
18:41:46 <oddshocks> nirik: I was told it would be 7 PM my time, so I am 100% for moving it to the same time as this meeting :P especially on a Friday
18:42:01 <nirik> sure, this time or earlier.
18:42:09 * nirik can make time whenever
18:42:10 <threebean> already in the calendar here
18:42:20 <threebean> 17:00 UTC?
18:42:31 * oddshocks votes this time tomorrow
18:42:45 <nirik> 17 works for me... or 19... whichever is better for you
18:42:53 <threebean> yeah, 19 will make things simpler.  :)
18:43:04 <nirik> ok
18:43:30 <oddshocks> so 2 hours from now tomorrow?
18:43:56 <nirik> same time as this meeting tomorrow.
18:44:00 <threebean> agreed.
18:44:01 <nirik> #info brainstorming session for badges tomorrow at 19UTC.
18:44:05 <oddshocks> oh cool
18:44:15 <oddshocks> I will be here this time tomorrow
18:44:18 <oddshocks> or will it be in meeting-1?
18:44:30 <nirik> here is fine I think
18:44:49 <nirik> any other application type news?
18:45:10 <nirik> ok, moving along then...
18:45:13 <relrod> the mobile app has something of a newsfeed that uses datagrepper now (it has for a few weeks but I hadn't mentioned it before and it was horrible)
18:45:13 <nirik> #topic Sysadmin status / discussion
18:45:19 <nirik> oops. sorry relrod
18:45:23 <relrod> nirik: no problem
18:45:25 <threebean> relrod: cool :)
18:45:33 <nirik> relrod: how's the mobile app coming along?
18:46:00 <nirik> #info had outage earlier this week and added mem to a bunch of virthosts.
18:46:01 <relrod> nirik: It's coming along. Looking forward to the hackfest/brainstorm session at flock on it. Hope it sparks some contributor interest
18:46:20 <nirik> #info a few more hosts pending to update (that won't need outages)
18:47:00 <relrod> (I'm also interested in badges+mobile app integration, will bring it up tomorrow)
18:47:06 <nirik> #info progress on getting new blade server on line, hopefully it will be alive someday soon.
18:47:06 <threebean> ooo :)
18:47:41 * oddshocks is excited for mobile badges
18:47:54 <nirik> chase the badge down. ;)
18:48:05 <nirik> #info flock
18:48:10 <oddshocks> Fedora needs some stinkin badges
18:48:11 <nirik> #topic flock
18:48:19 <nirik> so, flock is very soon. ;)
18:48:32 <nirik> anything anyone would like to plan out or for sure try and get done?
18:48:41 <nirik> oddshocks: are you going to make flock?
18:48:48 <oddshocks> nirik: heck yeah :D
18:48:51 <frankieonuonga> sorry i am late guys
18:48:57 <nirik> oddshocks: excellent.
18:49:04 <nirik> frankieonuonga: hey. No problems. ;)
18:49:05 * oddshocks is pumped
18:49:06 <frankieonuonga> connection problem from where i am
18:49:13 <frankieonuonga> i am now on something stable
18:49:17 <frankieonuonga> thanks
18:49:25 <nirik> frankieonuonga: care to introduce yourself and what areas you are interested in?
18:49:47 * relrod has to head out early, my mom just got out of her appointment. Will read backlog later. :)
18:51:05 <frankieonuonga> my names are Frankie in the email I am really open to learn anything...i have knowledge of python but the rest not really....i am willing to read any documents and work on packages ...i dont think i can say I am locked to a particular area but I hope in a couple of months i am able to package things well and understand how to report bugs and fix them
18:51:22 <frankieonuonga> the ones that exist that is
18:51:34 <nirik> frankieonuonga: you were more interested in the application devel side of things if I recall right?
18:51:48 <nirik> or just anything app devel or sysadmin?
18:51:52 <threebean> or packaging?
18:52:18 <frankieonuonga> well as a starting point....i am not too sure where to start...i need someone to guide me and i shall get on the road with my feet running
18:52:55 * oddshocks brb
18:53:36 <nirik> yeah, is a good place to start. I know you are waiting for a reply from me on one easyfix ticket. I will try and get that to you today. I have just been very very very busy latey.
18:55:23 <nirik> so, on flock...
18:55:32 <nirik> anything we need to plan? or just run as we go there?
18:55:34 <frankieonuonga> that is fine
18:55:38 <frankieonuonga> thank you
18:56:46 <threebean> I think just run as we go there.
18:57:05 <threebean> well.. there's lots to do.  too much to do.  did we have anything more specific in mind on the sysadmin side?
18:57:16 <nirik> There is indeed.
18:57:27 <nirik> I'd like to talk about ansible migration plans some
18:57:28 <threebean> It seems like shoring up some of our ansible set up would be good.. in particular so that other non-sysadmin-main people can begin learning/contributing.
18:57:42 <abadger1999> nirik: Maybe we could schedule a time to meet?
18:58:03 <nirik> monday is open for hacking... how about we schedule a ansible block then?
18:58:06 <abadger1999> So that we can tell other people at flock, "can't meet with you then, I'm already meeting with infra"
18:58:18 <abadger1999> <nod>
18:58:21 <nirik> or even a general infra hackathon
18:58:29 <threebean> yeah :)
18:58:34 <abadger1999> Yeah :-)
18:59:59 <nirik> ok, lets do a general one... that way we can also work on other stuff that piles up at other sessions before then
19:00:07 <nirik> I'll ask for a block
19:00:37 * oddshocks back
19:00:48 * nirik is somewhat worried about the ha-db workshop. Not sure we will have anyone db savvy enough there to help us.
19:01:40 <nirik> but we can at least work on what we want for a solution and look at the options.
19:02:20 <nirik> ok, any other flock talk?
19:02:34 * abadger1999 wants to help with that but won't be able to make that workshop.
19:02:50 <abadger1999> if thinks don't get finished at the workshop I can help out later.
19:02:56 <nirik> you show as attending in the sched thing.
19:02:56 <nirik> :)
19:03:29 <threebean> everybody (anybody) done with their slides?
19:03:58 * nirik did for his life of a package talk. I didn't make anything for the db workshop
19:04:23 * threebean nods
19:04:33 <threebean> still lots of work to do on slides here.. :/
19:04:51 <smooge> I am almost done with mine
19:05:36 <nirik> #topic Upcoming Tasks/Items
19:05:36 <nirik>
19:05:44 <nirik> Anything upcoming anyone would like to note or schedule?
19:06:15 <nirik> we should have a f20 schedule soon... and can note all the freezes, etc.
19:07:10 <nirik> #topic Open Floor
19:07:21 <nirik> anyone have items for open floor? things to note or questions or comments?
19:07:23 <dgilmore> having a f20 schedule will be nice
19:07:34 * nirik nods.
19:07:52 <dgilmore> if anyone is looking to do some dev work releng is hiring
19:08:01 <dgilmore> well not an actual job
19:08:02 <nirik> how's the pay? ;)
19:08:10 <dgilmore> but there is lots of dev work
19:08:16 <nirik> yeah.
19:08:17 <dgilmore> nirik: smiles and thanks
19:08:52 <nirik> scripting for the combined: cloud images, live images, arm images stuff would be great.
19:08:58 <dgilmore> yep
19:09:01 <pingou> hm I won't be able to make it at the badge meeting tomorrow, already have dinner plans
19:09:12 <oddshocks> No worries
19:09:15 <dgilmore> a lot of it is kinda a cross over of releng and infra
19:09:22 <pingou> for flock, I was thinking that we might want to make sure we have a team/infra dinner :)
19:09:49 <nirik> pingou: good idea. I don't know what days are already booked for dinner events, etc... is that decided?
19:10:27 <pingou> nirik: tbh I don't exactly know, but I can find out
19:10:34 <frankieonuonga> releng is hiring?hmmm dgilmore can i be of assistance....
19:10:57 <nirik>
19:11:23 <nirik> pingou: so, fri/sat/sun are taken care of. So, monday might be good.
19:11:29 <nirik> if most of us are still around.
19:11:33 <pingou> nirik: Monday it is then :)
19:11:40 <dgilmore> frankieonuonga: join #fedora-releng lots of python dev work to be done
19:12:07 <pingou> btw for those that haven't seen the page yet
19:12:44 <pingou> nirik: abadger1999 oddshocks ^
19:13:04 <oddshocks> pingou: I'll be travelling with other RIT people, so my transport is covered
19:13:09 <nirik> pingou: yeah, added myself. Looks like we depart at the exact same time.
19:13:35 <pingou> nirik: I share a ride with stephen and normally Xavier ( Smoother1rOgZ )
19:13:58 <nirik> I'd be happy to cab it with whoever is handy.
19:14:27 <pingou> nirik: I think Stephen might have a third place in his car
19:14:47 <nirik> which stephen? :)
19:14:53 <pingou> sgallagh
19:15:18 <nirik> ah, cool. I can ask him then... for the way back anyhow.
19:15:22 * pingou needs to find a ride on the way to
19:15:35 <pingou> and apparently I will be the first to arrive :)
19:16:05 * nirik will sort it out soon.
19:16:23 <nirik> Anyhow, if nothing else, we can go back to work in #fedora-admin, #fedora-apps and #fedora-noc. :)
19:16:29 * nirik will close out in a minute if nothing else.
19:16:40 <frankieonuonga> thanks for the meeting guys and all the information
19:16:50 <frankieonuonga> bye and good week
19:16:55 <oddshocks> welcome frankieonuonga
19:17:01 <oddshocks> I was toooo lateee
19:17:01 <pingou> lmacken: I hope we get some time to port the pkgdb db to pkgdb2 to see how it behaves with a larger set :)
19:18:52 <nirik> yeah, would be good to know.
19:19:53 <nirik> ok, thanks for coming everyone!
19:19:56 <nirik> #endmeeting

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