[Freeze break] Rewrite of bz-make-components.py

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In infrastructure we have a script called bz-make-components.py that syncs
the l10n and docs products (and owners) into bugzilla.  This code is what
the pkgdb-sync-bugzilla script is based on and performs a very similar
function.  However, the pkgdb-sync-bugzilla script has seen continuous
updates over the years as the needs of syncing our 13K packages into
bugzilla have demanded we do things more and more efficiently.  The
bz-make-components script, in the meantime, has puttered along without
breaking so we've largely gotten to ignore it.

Unfortunately, the last bugzilla update has changed the xmlrpc api enough
that the script is pretty thoroughly broken.  Some functions have been
replaced (actually pretty easy to update) and the parameters and return
values for the xmlrpc functions have changed (a real pain to sift through).
After spending a small amount of time attempting to port this old code to
the newer API, I decided it would be easier to rewrite it to use the
pkgdb-sync-bugzilla routines to talk to bugzilla and only keep the
owners.list parsing code from the old bz-make-components script.

This is a pretty major rewrite but the code seems to work.  Here's the major

* The new script uses python-bugzilla.  The old one talked to the bugzilla
  xmlrpc interface directly.
* bz-make-components now uses a config file.  This means in puppet the
  script can now be a file instead of a template.  It also means the
  bugzilla passwords won't need to be in the script itself anymore
* It's the same format as pkgdb-sync-bugzilla.cfg but I'm adding a new one
  * pkgdb-sync-bugzilla.cfg has extra info.  The bz-make-components script
    doesn't need to map fas accounts to email addresses so it doesn't need
    the fas username and password that's in there.
  * The old script sent email to the l10n-members@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx email
    alias.  The new script takes the place it sends to from the config file
    so we need to set a different email address for bz-make-components than
  * The pkgdb-sync-bugzilla.cfg file is owned by root so the
    bz-make-components.py cron job would need to change from being run by
    apache to being run by root (This is, admittedly, not a big concern).

Since the old script was simply failing, I'd like a freeze break to fix this
in production.  The script does run on bapp02 so if something was wrong with
the script it could impact other things running there.  However, I've tried
it out on app01.stg and it doesn't have a noticable impact on other things
running there.

The patch for all these changes in puppet is attached -- only the manifest
is really useful as a diff, the rest is adding the new files and removing
the old ones.

Could I get two +1's?
diff --git a/configs/system/bz-make-components.cfg.erb b/configs/system/bz-make-components.cfg.erb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0aec6f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configs/system/bz-make-components.cfg.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+## config file for pkgdb-sync-bugzilla
+## Bugzilla config
+# bugzilla.url = https://bugdev.devel.redhat.com/bugzilla-cvs/xmlrpc.cgi
+# bugzilla.url = https://bugzilla.redhat.com/xmlrpc.cgi
+bugzilla.url = "https://bugzilla.redhat.com/xmlrpc.cgi";
+bugzilla.username = "<%= bugzillaUser %>"
+bugzilla.password = "<%= bugzillaPassword %>"
+bugzilla.component_api = "component.get"
+notify.email = "l10n-members@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
+## remove or comment the debug line when ready to run against the bz database
+debug = False
diff --git a/configs/system/bz-make-components.py b/configs/system/bz-make-components.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ed573b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configs/system/bz-make-components.py
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+#!/usr/bin/python -tt
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright © 2013  Red Hat, Inc.
+# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify,
+# copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU
+# General Public License v.2, or (at your option) any later version.  This
+# program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+# WARRANTY expressed or implied, including the implied warranties of
+# Public License for more details.  You should have received a copy of the GNU
+# General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+# 02110-1301, USA. Any Red Hat trademarks that are incorporated in the source
+# code or documentation are not subject to the GNU General Public License and
+# may only be used or replicated with the express permission of Red Hat, Inc.
+# Author(s): Elliot Lee <sopwith@xxxxxxxxxx>
+#            Toshio Kuratomi <tkuratom@xxxxxxxxxx>
+#            Mike Watters <valholla75@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+sync information from the packagedb into bugzilla
+This short script takes information about package onwership and imports it
+into bugzilla.
+import sys
+import os
+import getopt
+import itertools
+import xmlrpclib
+import codecs
+import smtplib
+import urllib2
+from collections import defaultdict
+from email.Message import Message
+import bugzilla
+from bunch import Bunch
+from configobj import ConfigObj, flatten_errors
+from kitchen.text.converters import to_bytes
+from validate import Validator
+vldtr = Validator()
+# configspec to set default values and validate types
+configspec = '''
+    bugzilla.url = string(default = 'https://bugdev.devel.redhat.com/bugzilla-cvs/xmlrpc.cgi')
+    bugzilla.username = string(default = '')
+    bugzilla.password = string(default = '')
+    bugzilla.component_api = string(default = 'component.get')
+    notify.email = force_list(default = list(''))
+    debug = boolean(default = 'False')
+cfg = ConfigObj('/etc/bz-make-components.cfg', configspec = configspec)
+res = cfg.validate(vldtr, preserve_errors=True)
+for entry in flatten_errors(cfg, res):
+    section_list, key, error = entry
+    if error == False:
+        restore_default(key)
+BZSERVER = cfg['global']['bugzilla.url']
+BZUSER = cfg['global']['bugzilla.username']
+BZPASS = cfg['global']['bugzilla.password']
+BZCOMPAPI = cfg['global']['bugzilla.component_api']
+NOTIFYEMAIL = cfg['global']['notify.email']
+DRY_RUN = cfg['global']['debug']
+# When querying for current info, take segments of 5000 packages a time
+class DataChangedError(Exception):
+    '''Raised when data we are manipulating changes while we're modifying it.'''
+    pass
+def segment(iterable, chunk, fill=None):
+    '''Collect data into `chunk` sized block'''
+    args = [iter(iterable)] * chunk
+    return itertools.izip_longest(*args, fillvalue=fill)
+class ProductCache(dict):
+    def __init__(self, bz, acls):
+        self.bz = bz
+        self.acls = acls
+    # Ask bugzilla for a section of the pkglist.
+    # Save the information from the section that we want.
+    def __getitem__(self, key):
+        try:
+            return super(ProductCache, self).__getitem__(key)
+        except KeyError:
+            # We can only cache products we have pkgdb information for
+            if key not in self.acls:
+                raise
+        if BZCOMPAPI == 'getcomponentsdetails':
+            # Old API -- in python-bugzilla.  But with current server
+            # and a lot of records this gives ProxyError
+            products = self.server.getcomponentsdetails(key)
+        elif BZCOMPAPI == 'component.get':
+            # Way that's undocumented in the partner-bugzilla api but works
+            # currently
+            pkglist = acls[key].keys()
+            products = {}
+            for pkg_segment in segment(pkglist, BZ_PKG_SEGMENT):
+                # Format that bugzilla will understand.  Strip None's that segment() pads
+                # out the final data segment() with
+                query = [dict(product=key, component=p) for p in pkg_segment if p is not None]
+                raw_data = self.bz._proxy.Component.get(dict(names=query))
+                for package in raw_data['components']:
+                    # Reformat data to be the same as what's returned from
+                    # getcomponentsdetails
+                    product = dict(initialowner=package['default_assignee'],
+                                   description=package['description'],
+                                   initialqacontact=package['default_qa_contact'],
+                                   initialcclist=package['default_cc'])
+                    products[package['name'].lower()] = product
+        self[key] = products
+        return super(ProductCache, self).__getitem__(key)
+class Bugzilla(object):
+    def __init__(self, bzServer, username, password, acls):
+        self.bzXmlRpcServer = bzServer
+        self.username = username
+        self.password = password
+        self.server = bugzilla.Bugzilla(url=self.bzXmlRpcServer, user=self.username,password=self.password)
+        self.productCache = ProductCache(self.server, acls)
+    def add_edit_component(self, package, collection, owner, description,
+            qacontact=None, cclist=None):
+        '''Add or update a component to have the values specified.
+        '''
+        # Turn the cclist into something usable by bugzilla
+        if not cclist or 'people' not in cclist:
+            initialCCList = list()
+        else:
+            initialCCList = cclist['people']
+        # Add owner to the cclist so comaintainers taking over a bug don't
+        # have to do this manually
+        if owner not in initialCCList:
+            initialCCList.append(owner)
+        # Lookup product
+        try:
+            product = self.productCache[collection]
+        except xmlrpclib.Fault as e:
+            # Output something useful in args
+            e.args = (e.faultCode, e.faultString)
+            raise
+        except xmlrpclib.ProtocolError as e:
+            e.args = ('ProtocolError', e.errcode, e.errmsg)
+            raise
+        pkgKey = package.lower()
+        if pkgKey in product:
+            # edit the package information
+            data = {}
+            # Grab bugzilla email for things changable via xmlrpc
+            if not qacontact:
+                qacontact = 'extras-qa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
+            # Check for changes to the owner, qacontact, or description
+            if product[pkgKey]['initialowner'] != owner:
+                data['initialowner'] = owner
+            if product[pkgKey]['description'] != description:
+                data['description'] = description
+            if product[pkgKey]['initialqacontact'] != qacontact and (
+                    qacontact or product[pkgKey]['initialqacontact']):
+                data['initialqacontact'] = qacontact
+            if len(product[pkgKey]['initialcclist']) != len(initialCCList):
+                data['initialcclist'] = initialCCList
+            else:
+                for ccMember in product[pkgKey]['initialcclist']:
+                    if ccMember not in initialCCList:
+                        data['initialcclist'] = initialCCList
+                        break
+            if data:
+                ### FIXME: initialowner has been made mandatory for some
+                # reason.  Asking dkl why.
+                data['initialowner'] = owner
+                # Changes occurred.  Submit a request to change via xmlrpc
+                data['product'] = collection
+                data['component'] = package
+                if DRY_RUN:
+                    print '[EDITCOMP] Changing via editComponent(%s, %s, "xxxxx")' % (
+                            data, self.username)
+                    print '[EDITCOMP] Former values: %s|%s|%s|%s' % (
+                            product[pkgKey]['initialowner'],
+                            product[pkgKey]['description'],
+                            product[pkgKey]['initialqacontact'],
+                            product[pkgKey]['initialcclist'])
+                else:
+                    try:
+                        self.server.editcomponent(data)
+                    except xmlrpclib.Fault, e:
+                        # Output something useful in args
+                        e.args = (data, e.faultCode, e.faultString)
+                        raise
+                    except xmlrpclib.ProtocolError, e:
+                        e.args = ('ProtocolError', e.errcode, e.errmsg)
+                        raise
+        else:
+            # Add component
+            if not qacontact:
+                qacontact = 'extras-qa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
+            data = {'product': collection,
+                'component': package,
+                'description': description,
+                'initialowner': owner,
+                'initialqacontact': qacontact}
+            if initialCCList:
+                data['initialcclist'] = initialCCList
+            if DRY_RUN:
+                print '[ADDCOMP] Adding new component AddComponent:(%s, %s, "xxxxx")' % (
+                        data, self.username)
+            else:
+                try:
+                    self.server.addcomponent(data)
+                except xmlrpclib.Fault, e:
+                    # Output something useful in args
+                    e.args = (data, e.faultCode, e.faultString)
+                    raise
+def parseOwnerFile(url, warnings):
+    productInfo = defaultdict(Bunch)
+    ownerFile = urllib2.urlopen(url)
+    for line in ownerFile:
+        line = unicode(line, 'utf-8').strip()
+        if not line or line[0] == '#':
+            continue
+        pieces = line.split('|')
+        try:
+            product, component, summary, owner, qa = pieces[:5]
+        except:
+            warnings.append(to_bytes('%s: Invalid line %s' % (url, line)))
+        owners = owner.split(',')
+        owner = owners[0]
+        cclist = owners[1:] or []
+        if not owner:
+            warnings.append(to_bytes('%s: No owner in line %s' % (url, line)))
+            continue
+        if len(pieces) > 5 and pieces[5].strip():
+            for person in pieces[5].strip().split(','):
+                cclist.append(person.strip())
+        productInfo[product][component] = Bunch(owner=owner, summary=summary, qacontact=qa, cclist=Bunch(groups=[], people=cclist))
+    return productInfo
+def send_email(fromAddress, toAddress, subject, message):
+    '''Send an email if there's an error.
+    This will be replaced by sending messages to a log later.
+    '''
+    msg = Message()
+    msg.add_header('To', ','.join(toAddress))
+    msg.add_header('From', fromAddress)
+    msg.add_header('Subject', subject)
+    msg.set_payload(message)
+    smtp = smtplib.SMTP('bastion')
+    smtp.sendmail(fromAddress, toAddress, msg.as_string())
+    smtp.quit()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter('utf-8')(sys.stdout)
+    opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], '', ('usage', 'help'))
+    if len(args) < 1 or ('--usage','') in opts or ('--help','') in opts:
+        print """Usage: bz-make-components.py URL1 [URL2]...
+This script takes URLs to files in owners.list format and makes changes in
+bugzilla to reflect the ownership of bugzilla products that are listed there.
+        sys.exit(1)
+    # Non-fatal errors to alert people about
+    errors = []
+    # Iterate through the files in the argument list.  Grab the owner
+    # information from each one and construct bugzilla information from it.
+    acls = Bunch()
+    for url in args:
+        data = parseOwnerFile(url, errors)
+        # Merge at the product level but overwrite at the component level
+        for product in data:
+            if product in acls:
+                acls[product].update(data[product])
+            else:
+                acls[product] = data[product]
+    # Initialize the connection to bugzilla
+    bugzilla = Bugzilla(BZSERVER, BZUSER, BZPASS, acls)
+    for product in acls.keys():
+        if product != 'Fedora' and not product.startswith('Fedora '):
+            errors.append(to_bytes('%s: Invalid product %s in line %s' %
+                    (url, product, line)))
+            continue
+        for pkg in acls[product]:
+            pkgInfo = acls[product][pkg]
+            try:
+                bugzilla.add_edit_component(pkg, product,
+                        pkgInfo['owner'], pkgInfo['summary'],
+                        pkgInfo['qacontact'], pkgInfo['cclist'])
+            except ValueError, e:
+                # A username didn't have a bugzilla address
+                errors.append(str(e.args))
+            except DataChangedError, e:
+                # A Package or Collection was returned via xmlrpc but wasn't
+                # present when we tried to change it
+                errors.append(str(e.args))
+            except xmlrpclib.ProtocolError, e:
+                # Unrecoverable and likely means that nothing is going to
+                # succeed.
+                errors.append(str(e.args))
+                break
+            except xmlrpclib.Error, e:
+                # An error occurred in the xmlrpc call.  Shouldn't happen but
+                # we better see what it is
+                errors.append(str(e.args))
+    # Send notification of errors
+    if errors:
+        #print '[DEBUG]', '\n'.join(errors)
+        send_email('accounts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
+                NOTIFYEMAIL,
+                'Errors while syncing bugzilla with the PackageDB',
+The following errors were encountered while updating bugzilla with information
+from the Package Database.  Please have the problems taken care of:
+''' % ('\n'.join(errors),))
+    sys.exit(0)
diff --git a/configs/system/bz-make-components.py.erb b/configs/system/bz-make-components.py.erb
deleted file mode 100755
index 67711ad..0000000
--- a/configs/system/bz-make-components.py.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,284 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/python -tt
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright © 2008  Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
-# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify,
-# copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU
-# General Public License v.2.  This program is distributed in the hope that it
-# will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY expressed or implied, including the
-# See the GNU General Public License for more details.  You should have
-# received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program;
-# if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
-# Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. Any Red Hat trademarks that are
-# incorporated in the source code or documentation are not subject to the GNU
-# General Public License and may only be used or replicated with the express
-# permission of Red Hat, Inc.
-# Red Hat Author(s): Elliot Lee <sopwith@xxxxxxxxxx>
-#                    Toshio Kuratomi <tkuratom@xxxxxxxxxx>
-import sys
-import urllib2
-import getopt
-import xmlrpclib
-from email.Message import Message
-import smtplib
-from kitchen.text.converters import to_bytes
-# Set this to the production bugzilla account when we're ready to go live
-#BZSERVER = 'https://bugdev.devel.redhat.com/bugzilla-cvs/xmlrpc.cgi'
-BZSERVER = 'https://bugzilla.redhat.com/xmlrpc.cgi'
-#BZSERVER = 'https://bzprx.vip.phx.redhat.com/xmlrpc.cgi'
-BZUSER='<%= bugzillaUser %>'
-BZPASS='<%= bugzillaPassword %>'
-DRY_RUN = False
-class Bugzilla(object):
-    def __init__(self, bzServer, username, password):
-        self.productCache = {}
-        self.bzXmlRpcServer = bzServer
-        self.username = username
-        self.password = password
-        self.server = xmlrpclib.Server(bzServer)
-    def add_edit_component(self, package, collection, owner, description,
-            qacontact=None, cclist=None):
-        '''Add or updatea component to have the values specified.
-        '''
-        initialCCList = [p.lower() for p in cclist] or list()
-        # Lookup product
-        try:
-            product = self.productCache[collection]
-        except KeyError:
-            product = {}
-            try:
-                components = self.server.bugzilla.getProdCompDetails(collection,
-                                self.username, self.password)
-            except xmlrpclib.Fault, e:
-                # Output something useful in args
-                e.args = (e.faultCode, e.faultString)
-                raise
-            except xmlrpclib.ProtocolError, e:
-                e.args = ('ProtocolError', e.errcode, e.errmsg)
-                raise
-            # This changes from the form:
-            #   {'component': 'PackageName',
-            #   'initialowner': 'OwnerEmail',
-            #   'initialqacontact': 'QAContactEmail',
-            #   'description': 'One sentence summary'}
-            # to:
-            #   product['packagename'] = {'component': 'PackageName',
-            #     'initialowner': 'OwnerEmail',
-            #     'initialqacontact': 'QAContactEmail',
-            #     'description': 'One sentenct summary'}
-            # This allows us to check in a case insensitive manner for the
-            # package.
-            for record in components:
-                record['component'] = unicode(record['component'], 'utf-8')
-                try:
-                    record['description'] = unicode(record['description'], 'utf-8')
-                except TypeError:
-                    try:
-                        record['description'] = unicode(record['description'].data, 'utf-8')
-                    except:
-                        record['description'] = None
-                product[record['component'].lower()] = record
-            self.productCache[collection] = product
-        pkgKey = package.lower()
-        if pkgKey in product:
-            # edit the package information
-            data = {}
-            # Grab bugzilla email for things changable via xmlrpc
-            owner = owner.lower()
-            if qacontact:
-                qacontact = qacontact.lower()
-            else:
-                qacontact = 'extras-qa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
-            # Check for changes to the owner, qacontact, or description
-            if product[pkgKey]['initialowner'] != owner:
-                data['initialowner'] = owner
-            if product[pkgKey]['description'] != description:
-                data['description'] = description
-            if product[pkgKey]['initialqacontact'] != qacontact and (
-                    qacontact or product[pkgKey]['initialqacontact']):
-                data['initialqacontact'] = qacontact
-            if len(product[pkgKey]['initialcclist']) != len(initialCCList):
-                data['initialcclist'] = initialCCList
-            else:
-                for ccMember in product[pkgKey]['initialcclist']:
-                    if ccMember not in initialCCList:
-                        data['initialcclist'] = initialCCList
-                        break
-            if data:
-                ### FIXME: initialowner has been made mandatory for some
-                # reason.  Asking dkl why.
-                data['initialowner'] = owner
-                # Changes occurred.  Submit a request to change via xmlrpc
-                data['product'] = collection
-                data['component'] = product[pkgKey]['component']
-                if DRY_RUN:
-                    for key in data:
-                        if isinstance(data[key], basestring):
-                            data[key] = data[key].encode('ascii', 'replace')
-                    print '[EDITCOMP] Changing via editComponent(%s, %s, "xxxxx")' % (
-                            data, self.username)
-                    print '[EDITCOMP] Former values: %s|%s|%s' % (
-                            product[pkgKey]['initialowner'],
-                            product[pkgKey]['description'].encode('ascii', 'replace'),
-                            product[pkgKey]['initialqacontact'])
-                else:
-                    try:
-                        self.server.bugzilla.editComponent(data, self.username,
-                                self.password)
-                    except xmlrpclib.Fault, e:
-                        # Output something useful in args
-                        e.args = (data, e.faultCode, e.faultString)
-                        raise
-                    except xmlrpclib.ProtocolError, e:
-                        e.args = ('ProtocolError', e.errcode, e.errmsg)
-                        raise
-        else:
-            # Add component
-            owner = owner.lower()
-            if qacontact:
-                qacontact = qacontact
-            else:
-                qacontact = 'extras-qa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
-            data = {'product': collection,
-                'component': package,
-                'description': description,
-                'initialowner': owner,
-                'initialqacontact': qacontact}
-            if initialCCList:
-                data['initialcclist'] = initialCCList
-            if DRY_RUN:
-                for key in data:
-                    if isinstance(data[key], basestring):
-                        data[key] = data[key].encode('ascii', 'replace')
-                print '[ADDCOMP] Adding new component AddComponent:(%s, %s, "xxxxx")' % (
-                        data, self.username)
-            else:
-                try:
-                    self.server.bugzilla.addComponent(data, self.username,
-                            self.password)
-                except xmlrpclib.Fault, e:
-                    # Output something useful in args
-                    e.args = (data, e.faultCode, e.faultString)
-                    raise
-def parseOwnerFile(url, warnings):
-    pkgInfo = []
-    ownerFile = urllib2.urlopen(url)
-    for line in ownerFile:
-        line = unicode(line, 'utf-8').strip()
-        if not line or line[0] == '#':
-            continue
-        pieces = line.split('|')
-        try:
-            product, component, summary, owner, qa = pieces[:5]
-        except:
-            warnings.append(to_bytes('%s: Invalid line %s' % (url, line)))
-        owners = owner.split(',')
-        owner = owners[0]
-        cclist = owners[1:] or []
-        if not owner:
-            warnings.append(to_bytes('%s: No owner in line %s' % (url, line)))
-            continue
-        if len(pieces) > 5 and pieces[5].strip():
-            for person in pieces[5].strip().split(','):
-                cclist.append(person.strip())
-        if product != 'Fedora' and not product.startswith('Fedora '):
-            warnings.append(to_bytes('%s: Invalid product %s in line %s' %
-                    (url, product, line)))
-            continue
-        pkgInfo.append({'product': product, 'component': component,
-            'owner': owner, 'summary': summary, 'qa': qa, 'cclist': cclist})
-    return pkgInfo
-def send_email(fromAddress, toAddress, subject, message):
-    '''Send an email if there's an error.
-    This will be replaced by sending messages to a log later.
-    '''
-    msg = Message()
-    msg.add_header('To', toAddress)
-    msg.add_header('From', fromAddress)
-    msg.add_header('Subject', subject)
-    msg.set_payload(message)
-    smtp = smtplib.SMTP('bastion')
-    smtp.sendmail(fromAddress, [toAddress], msg.as_string())
-    smtp.quit()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], '', ('usage', 'help'))
-    if len(args) < 1 or ('--usage','') in opts or ('--help','') in opts:
-        print """Usage: bz-make-components.py URL1 [URL2]...
-This script takes URLs to files in owners.list format and makes changes in
-bugzilla to reflect the ownership of bugzilla products that are listed there.
-        sys.exit(1)
-    # Initialize connection to bugzilla
-    bugzilla = Bugzilla(BZSERVER, BZUSER, BZPASS)
-    warnings = []
-    # Iterate through the files in the argument list.  Grab the owner
-    # information from each one and construct bugzilla information from it.
-    pkgData = []
-    for url in args:
-        pkgData.extend(parseOwnerFile(url, warnings))
-    for pkgInfo in pkgData:
-        try:
-            bugzilla.add_edit_component(pkgInfo['component'],
-                            pkgInfo['product'], pkgInfo['owner'],
-                            pkgInfo['summary'], pkgInfo['qa'],
-                            pkgInfo['cclist'])
-        except ValueError, e:
-            # A username didn't have a bugzilla address
-            warnings.append(str(e.args))
-        except xmlrpclib.ProtocolError, e:
-            # Unrecoverable and likely means that nothing is going to
-            # succeed.
-            warnings.append(str(e.args))
-            break
-        except xmlrpclib.Error, e:
-            # An error occurred in the xmlrpc call.  Shouldn't happen but
-            # we better see what it is
-            warnings.append(str(e.args))
-    if warnings:
-        #print '[DEBUG]', '\n'.join(warnings)
-        send_email('accounts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'l10n-admin-members@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
-                'Errors while syncing bugzilla with owners.list',
-The following errors were encountered while updating bugzilla with information
-from owners.list files.  Please have the problem taken care of:
-''' % ('\n\n'.join(warnings),))
-    sys.exit(0)
diff --git a/manifests/services/bugzilla.pp b/manifests/services/bugzilla.pp
index 54301bc..353feb9 100644
--- a/manifests/services/bugzilla.pp
+++ b/manifests/services/bugzilla.pp
@@ -1,18 +1,23 @@
 class bugzilla-no-balance {
-    templatefile { '/usr/local/bin/bz-make-components.py':
-        content => template('system/bz-make-components.py.erb'),
+    templatefile { '/etc/bz-make-components.cfg':
+        content => template('system/bz-make-components.cfg.erb'),
         owner => 48,
         group => 48,
-        # Presently contains passwords so it needs to be restricted.
-        # If passwords move to a config file later and this can be relaxed.
-        mode => '0750'
+        mode => '0600'
+    script { '/usr/local/bin/bz-make-components.py':
+        source => 'system/bz-make-components.py',
+        owner => 48,
+        group => 48,
+        mode => '0755'
+    }
     cron { owners-bugzilla:
         command => "/usr/local/bin/bz-make-components.py 'https://git.fedorahosted.org/cgit/l10n/owners.git/plain/owners.list' 'https://git.fedorahosted.org/cgit/docs/owners.git/plain/owners.list' &> /dev/null",
         user => "apache",
         minute => 20,
-        ensure => present,
-        require => Package['fedora-packagedb']
+        ensure => present

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