Summary/Minutes from today's Fedora Infrastructure meeting (2012-10-18)

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#fedora-meeting: Infrastructure (2012-10-18)

Meeting started by nirik at 18:00:00 UTC. The full logs are available at

Meeting summary
* welcome everyone, to fantasy island!  (nirik, 18:00:01)

* New folks introductions and Apprentice tasks  (nirik, 18:03:59)

* Applications status / discussion  (nirik, 18:07:38)
  * new fas and pkgdb hopefully in stg today, prod tomorrow  (nirik,
  * fedmsg migrating from zeromq2 to zeromq3 in stg.  (nirik, 18:15:37)
  * pingou will post cool slide from talk on fedora webapps  (nirik,

* Sysadmin status / discussion  (nirik, 18:16:24)

* Private Cloud status update  (nirik, 18:25:25)
  * LINK:
    (nirik, 18:27:02)

* Security FAD update  (nirik, 18:28:36)

* Upcoming Tasks/Items  (nirik, 18:33:12)
  * 2012-10-23 to 2012-11-06 F18 Beta Freeze  (nirik, 18:33:21)
  * 2012-11-01 nag fi-apprentices  (nirik, 18:33:22)
  * 2012-11-06 F18 Beta release  (nirik, 18:33:22)
  * 2012-11-07 - switch smolt server to placeholder code.  (nirik,
  * 2012-11-20 FY2014 budget due  (nirik, 18:33:22)
  * 2012-11-22 to 2012-11-23 Thanksgiving holiday  (nirik, 18:33:22)
  * 2012-11-26 to 2012-11-29 Security FAD  (nirik, 18:33:24)
  * 2012-11-27 to 2012-12-11 F18 Final Freeze  (nirik, 18:33:26)
  * 2012-11-30 end of 3nd quarter  (nirik, 18:33:28)
  * 2012-12-11 F18 release.  (nirik, 18:33:30)
  * 2012-12-24 to 2013-01-01 Red Hat Shutdown for holidays.  (nirik,
  * 2013-01-18 to 2013-01-20 FUDCON Lawrence  (nirik, 18:33:34)

* Open Floor  (nirik, 18:34:34)
  * LINK:
    (threebean, 18:38:11)

Meeting ended at 18:41:28 UTC.

Action Items

Action Items, by person
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* nirik (106)
* smooge (21)
* abadger1999 (18)
* threebean (14)
* vernalbrat (7)
* relrod (7)
* pingou (5)
* zodbot (4)
* miguelcnf (2)
* ianweller (1)
* ctria (1)
* lmacken (1)
* Jeff_S (1)
* Spack (1)
* ricky (0)
* mdomsch (0)
* skvidal (0)
* dgilmore (0)
* CodeBlock (0)
18:00:00 <nirik> #startmeeting Infrastructure (2012-10-18)
18:00:00 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Oct 18 18:00:00 2012 UTC.  The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at
18:00:00 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
18:00:01 <nirik> #meetingname infrastructure
18:00:01 <nirik> #topic welcome everyone, to fantasy island!
18:00:01 <nirik> #chair smooge skvidal CodeBlock ricky nirik abadger1999 lmacken dgilmore mdomsch threebean
18:00:01 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure'
18:00:01 <zodbot> Current chairs: CodeBlock abadger1999 dgilmore lmacken mdomsch nirik ricky skvidal smooge threebean
18:00:44 <nirik> anyone around for another exciting fedora infrastructure meeting? ;)
18:00:51 * Spack is there
18:00:59 <smooge> here
18:01:00 * pingou here
18:01:01 <vernalbrat> VernalBrat here.
18:01:05 * abadger1999 here
18:01:09 * miguelcnf still at $work but here!
18:01:13 * threebean is here
18:01:57 <pingou> miguelcnf: same here ;)
18:02:08 * Jeff_S spying
18:02:22 <miguelcnf> pingou, we got to do what we got to do :)
18:02:24 <nirik> it's cool how in todays modern world we can be several places at once! ;)
18:02:45 * nirik will wait another short bit for folks to wander in
18:03:54 * lmacken 
18:03:59 <nirik> #topic New folks introductions and Apprentice tasks
18:04:14 <nirik> ok, any new folks like to introduce themselves?
18:04:14 * ianweller here
18:04:14 <vernalbrat> May I?
18:04:21 <nirik> or any apprentice questions on tasks?
18:04:26 <nirik> vernalbrat: sure, go ahead. ;)
18:04:41 <vernalbrat> Hi Nirik and all
18:05:14 <vernalbrat> I'm a Linux Sys Admin guy with experience of over 5 years, and would like to help out the community
18:05:29 <vernalbrat> Would welcome any task from you...
18:05:32 <nirik> welcome vernalbrat. Are you more interested in the sysadmin side of things? or application development/maintaining?
18:05:46 <vernalbrat> SysAdmin stuffs
18:06:24 <nirik> cool. See me after the meeting and I can get you setup in our apprentice program...
18:06:34 <nirik> and welcome. ;)
18:06:43 <vernalbrat> thanks a lot!
18:06:45 <nirik> any other new folks? or apprentice questions/feedback?
18:07:30 * relrod here
18:07:30 <nirik> ok, moving on then...
18:07:38 <nirik> #topic Applications status / discussion
18:07:51 <nirik> Whats the application news of the week and/or upcoming?
18:08:30 <threebean> I'm working on upgrading fedmsg from zeromq2 to zeromq3 in stg.
18:08:30 <nirik> abadger1999: pkgdb going to get another release before freeze?
18:08:46 <nirik> threebean: cool. Whats the advantage there? just more maintained/better ?
18:08:49 <pingou> I got some people working on apps during FUDCon and could make my presentation on the Fedora (web) apps nicely
18:08:51 <abadger1999> nirik: Yep.  I'm uploading a package to lockbox now
18:08:54 <threebean> works almost everywhere except in bodhi (and only under mod_wsgi).. not sure why.  tagger works fine under mod_wsgi.
18:09:11 <nirik> pingou: great. Did it get recorded/uploaded anywhere?
18:09:19 <abadger1999> nirik: I'll have you test whether the new features you requested work and then push it to prod.
18:09:30 <pingou> nirik: I'll blog and upload the slides at the same time, it's on the todo
18:09:37 <nirik> pingou: excellent. :)
18:09:43 <pingou> nirik: no movie though
18:09:44 <nirik> abadger1999: great.
18:09:45 <threebean> nirik: It will hopefully solve some of those weird sporadic blackout issues and give us a more efficient publish-to-the-world mechanism.
18:09:50 <abadger1999> I'm doubting that I'll get to the hide-subjects-of-bugzilla-security-bugs feature, though.
18:09:50 <nirik> relrod: whats the fas status?
18:10:19 <abadger1999> we can repush the hotfix we had before for that if that's a problem.
18:10:38 <ctria> hi sorry for being late, i finally managed to connect!
18:10:51 <nirik> welcome ctria. :)
18:11:10 <relrod> nirik: We're out of string freeze now, I need to pull in the latest translations to the repo and update staging. Thinking we can set a date to update prod fas sometime short after the upcoming freeze?
18:11:25 <relrod> *shortly
18:11:38 <nirik> relrod: after freeze? or before? I guess we could do a break for it... as long as we are pretty sure it will be safe.
18:11:44 <abadger1999> relrod: are there code changes or just translation updates?
18:12:17 <relrod> abadger1999: code changes - we've not yet updated prod from what we did the string freeze for
18:12:30 <abadger1999> relrod: I mean -- in the stg update
18:12:39 <relrod> abadger1999: oh - just translations
18:12:56 <abadger1999> relrod: okay... I'd go for getting it deployed to prod before freeze.
18:13:12 <nirik> of course we could always slip another week. ;)
18:13:20 <nirik> but currently freeze starts next tuesday
18:13:23 <abadger1999> relrod: if you want, I can make the updated package (if it's just pulling in new translations)
18:13:26 <smooge> ha!
18:13:47 <relrod> abadger1999: sure
18:14:14 <nirik> ok, any more upcoming apps news?
18:14:23 <abadger1999> relrod: Cool.  I'll try and get to that today in stg, tomorrow in prod (same as pkgdb)
18:14:53 <relrod> abadger1999: cool, I'll be around quite a bit tomorrow, should be able to help
18:15:02 <nirik> sounds great.
18:15:03 <abadger1999> wfm :-)
18:15:15 <nirik> #info new fas and pkgdb hopefully in stg today, prod tomorrow
18:15:37 <nirik> #info fedmsg migrating from zeromq2 to zeromq3 in stg.
18:15:51 <nirik> #info pingou will post cool slide from talk on fedora webapps
18:16:12 <nirik> ok, moving along then...
18:16:24 <nirik> #topic Sysadmin status / discussion
18:16:47 * nirik tries to think of whats gone on/going on... so many things. ;)
18:17:05 <nirik> We are doing some prelim testing of the new vfiler storage in phx2.
18:17:19 <nirik> still working on next years budget.
18:17:40 <nirik> I am working on migrating collab03 (our lists and soby server) to a new pair (collab01/02)
18:17:52 <nirik> not sure if I want to try and get that in before freeze or not.
18:18:13 <nirik> We are working on our ansible setup more.
18:18:55 <nirik> I've moved the wiki in stg to use a simple captcha
18:19:12 <nirik> I'll try and move that to production before freeze if testing looks ok. So, we may see more spam.
18:19:40 * nirik can't think of too much else off hand.
18:19:52 <nirik> anything more on the sysadmin side of things?
18:19:53 <smooge> okie dokie
18:20:06 <abadger1999> start thinking of an ansible howto for fudcon? ;-)
18:20:09 <smooge> I am going to clean up puppet so we can put a fork in it
18:20:13 <threebean> any idea if we're really heading towards ansible and away from puppet?
18:20:30 <nirik> threebean: I think longer term yeah, but it will not be any kind of quick/instant
18:20:58 <smooge> oh I don't know.. at seths rate I expect November 23
18:21:03 <nirik> ha. ;)
18:21:11 <nirik> I think we might be able to look at replacing func first...
18:21:24 <threebean> ok.  I'd like to help port anything I'm responsible for over (so I know how it'll work in ansible for maintenance purposes).  I still have to get around to learning the ABCs, though.
18:21:37 <nirik> since ansible should be able to do everything func does, and we can not run a funcd on every single host then. ;)
18:21:46 <smooge> yep
18:21:52 <nirik> yeah, we may want a irc learning session on it soon.
18:22:01 <nirik> the docs are pretty good upstream, and our public repo is... public. ;)
18:22:29 <nirik> but there's still things to work out... how to organize things, how often to run it, etc.
18:23:00 <nirik> but we are slowly getting further I think. progress is being made. ;)
18:23:10 <threebean> :)
18:23:48 <nirik> perhaps if we ever freeze, a bit of ansible learning would be good.
18:24:15 <smooge> my goal on the puppet stuff is to find and mark all the cargo cult bits.
18:24:39 <smooge> that way we can either document as "voodoo.. 2 chickens and a bottle of rum needed" or rework.
18:24:45 <nirik> yeah, thats another thing... when we move something to ansible we should really visit if it's setup in the best way... or if it's just historical
18:24:49 <nirik> yep.
18:25:14 <nirik> ok, moving along then if there's nothing else on this...
18:25:25 <nirik> #topic Private Cloud status update
18:25:47 <nirik> Our euca cloud got upgraded, seems to be running fine.
18:26:07 <nirik> We are still gathering use cases and figuring out best setup here too.
18:26:28 <nirik> I'll probibly be re-installing our openstack cloudlet in early november when folsom packages come out.
18:26:41 <nirik> until then it should be up and running ok for people to test with as well
18:27:00 <nirik> I added a bunch of items we need to solve before we call either of them "production"
18:27:02 <nirik>
18:27:23 <nirik> please do add items there, or strike through ones you know we have solved.
18:28:02 <nirik> Any cloudy questions / thoughts?
18:28:36 <nirik> #topic Security FAD update
18:28:50 <nirik> We will be talking to folks about budget and such early next week.
18:29:03 <nirik> and hopefully everything will be more concrete after that. :)
18:29:30 <nirik> It's now just at the start of final freeze. ;) One more week slip and we will be out of freeze for it. ;)
18:29:30 <smooge> YAY
18:29:36 <smooge> I come with glad tidings
18:30:03 <smooge> We have a budget now (as of 30 minutes ago) and rooms are going to be booked
18:30:08 <nirik> cool
18:30:14 * nirik cheers.
18:30:21 <smooge> People going are to book their plane trips as soon as I find out who they send reimbursements to
18:30:57 <smooge> I hope to have an answer later today.
18:31:20 <nirik> great. ;)
18:31:22 <nirik> thanks smooge
18:31:26 <abadger1999> smooge: Great work!
18:32:11 <smooge> next up. I learn our new Enterprise Booking System to start filing receipts and such
18:32:25 <smooge> expect my insanity to peak
18:32:33 <nirik> heh. :)
18:32:38 <nirik> ok, anything else on FAD?
18:33:12 <nirik> #topic Upcoming Tasks/Items
18:33:20 <nirik> info dump time...
18:33:21 <nirik> #info 2012-10-23 to 2012-11-06 F18 Beta Freeze
18:33:22 <nirik> #info 2012-11-01 nag fi-apprentices
18:33:22 <nirik> #info 2012-11-06 F18 Beta release
18:33:22 <nirik> #info 2012-11-07 - switch smolt server to placeholder code.
18:33:22 <nirik> #info 2012-11-20 FY2014 budget due
18:33:22 <nirik> #info 2012-11-22 to 2012-11-23 Thanksgiving holiday
18:33:24 <nirik> #info 2012-11-26 to 2012-11-29 Security FAD
18:33:26 <nirik> #info 2012-11-27 to 2012-12-11 F18 Final Freeze
18:33:28 <nirik> #info 2012-11-30 end of 3nd quarter
18:33:30 <nirik> #info 2012-12-11 F18 release.
18:33:32 <nirik> #info 2012-12-24 to 2013-01-01 Red Hat Shutdown for holidays.
18:33:34 <nirik> #info 2013-01-18 to 2013-01-20 FUDCON Lawrence
18:33:36 <nirik> anything else we need to schedule or note?
18:34:28 <nirik> ok
18:34:34 <nirik> #topic Open Floor
18:34:36 <abadger1999> question:
18:34:39 <nirik> anyone have items for open floor?
18:34:48 <smooge> abadger1999, seems to
18:34:55 <abadger1999> how are we doing on: 2012-11-07 - switch smolt server to placeholder code.
18:35:18 <abadger1999> is the placeholder written?
18:35:29 <smooge> not yet...
18:35:46 <nirik> abadger1999: good question... I don't think so, I have not heard anything on it.
18:36:18 <nirik> puiterwijk hasn't been around of late.
18:36:23 <abadger1999> nirik: Would you like to ping puiterwijk and if he doesn't have time, let me know... I'll work on it over freeze.
18:36:23 <nirik> I can drop him an email...
18:36:29 <abadger1999> Cool.
18:36:29 <nirik> ok, can do.
18:38:04 <threebean> Kind of neat, I graphed the first week of datanommer fedmsg data.
18:38:11 <threebean>
18:38:23 <nirik> I have had exactly 1 email about smolt retirement... they asked why we would retire smolt before it's replacement was ready. I answered them but got no reply.
18:38:39 <nirik> yeah, very cool. I assume thats production?
18:38:41 <smooge> now you need to feed it into an rrdtool like graph
18:38:54 * threebean nods
18:39:01 <threebean> smooge: good idea
18:39:02 <nirik> and make each event type it's own color/line.
18:39:22 <threebean> hmm.. let's just write a collectd plugin?
18:39:24 <smooge> oooh can we argue over colours next time?
18:39:32 <nirik> and put it on a 3d fly thru. ;)
18:39:50 <smooge> and I get to play a y-wing over it
18:39:51 <nirik> collectd plugin might be cool. Not sure how hard they are to write.
18:40:06 <threebean> will find out :)
18:40:35 <threebean> we need one to monitor fedmsg file descriptors too, eventually.
18:40:46 <nirik> ok, anything else from anyone? questions, comments, rants? :)
18:41:05 <smooge> none from me
18:41:25 <nirik> thanks for coming everyone... Keep up all the great work!
18:41:28 <nirik> #endmeeting

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