After the failed mediawiki patch of yesterday, and the downtime resulting from it, I thought of something that might be useful for our users: a dashboard to view the current status of services. When we have problems, we could refer users to this page, so that they can check whether we know about the downtime yet. This should be hosted on a server and domain outside of the Fedora datacenter and fedora main domain, such that this will contain reachable for users when everything breaks down, maybe OpenShift or some other public host? An example of such a dashboard would be: My suggestion would be to make it very easy to toggle service for the admins and to submit news (maybe an addition to zodbot?) for the users. Kevin suggested a dashboard for admins which combines Nagios and Collectd information to get a quick and complete overview of status. Please let me know what you think of this ideas. _______________________________________________ infrastructure mailing list infrastructure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx