Re: Freeze break request: Update python-bugzilla on fas*, bapp01, app*

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On Tue, 2012-05-22 at 00:04 +0200, Pierre-Yves Chibon wrote:
> On Mon, 2012-05-21 at 10:38 -0600, Kevin Fenzi wrote:
> > After the bugzilla upgrade this weekend a few things we run related to
> > bugzilla are having issues: 
> > 
> > 1) on fas01, the script that sets fedorabugs and fedora_contrib on
> > users in those fedora groups isn't working. 
> > 
> > 2) on bapp01, the cron job that gathers easyfix bugzilla bugs is not
> > working. 
> > 
> > 3) pkgdb, which runs on app servers isnt' able to handle adding new
> > packages. (we aren't sure what the error here is, but is likely bz
> > related). 
> 4) the review-stats script is having problems.
> I spent some time on this and I have a patch that runs fine on my
> machine against the official bugzilla and with the 'new' release of
> python-bugzilla.
> It is a little more heavy than the previous patches:

Actually, there was a typo left in the first version, so there is
(attached) a revised version.
The difference:
-    querydata['product'] = ['Fedora EPEL']
+    querydata['product'] = ['Fedora']

Fedora EPEL being used for testing as Fedora seems to always return a

From 10a786ffc405a9c283e79db4283f88cba2a6404f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Pierre-Yves Chibon <pingou@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 21 May 2012 21:01:29 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Fix the review-stats script to work with the new bugzilla

Thanks to tibbs and tflink for the hand
Thanks bugzilla for so many hours of fun!!

For some reasons the `last_change_time` field seems to be reset as soon
as the object is touched, so I went around that by keeping it in the
bugdata dictionary but maybe we'll find a better way to do this in the
 scripts/review-stats/ |   67 +++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 1 files changed, 41 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scripts/review-stats/ b/scripts/review-stats/
index 87a891b..0afe64b 100755
--- a/scripts/review-stats/
+++ b/scripts/review-stats/
@@ -99,8 +99,8 @@ def yrmonth(str):
     '''Turn a bugzilla date into Month YYYY string.'''
     m = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July',
             'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December']
-    year = str.split('-')[0]
-    month = int(str.split('-')[1])-1
+    year = str.split('.')[0]
+    month = int(str.split('.')[1])-1
     return m[month] + ' ' + year
 def seq_max_split(seq, max_entries):
@@ -125,23 +125,31 @@ def run_query(bz):
     querydata['column_list'] = ['opendate', 'changeddate', 'bug_severity',
             'alias', 'assigned_to', 'reporter', 'bug_status', 'resolution',
-            'component', 'blockedby', 'dependson', 'short_desc',
+            'component', 'blocks', 'dependson', 'short_desc',
             'status_whiteboard', 'flag_types']
     querydata['product'] = ['Fedora']
     querydata['component'] = ['Package Review']
+    querydata['query_format'] = ['advanced']
+    querydata['bug_status'] = ['NEW', 'ASSIGNED']
     # Look up tickets with no flag set
-    querydata['field0-0-0'] = ''
-    querydata['type0-0-0'] = 'notregexp'
-    querydata['value0-0-0'] = 'fedora-review[-+?]'
+    querydata['f1'] = ''
+    querydata['o1'] = 'notregexp'
+    querydata['v1'] = 'fedora-review[-+?]'
     bugs = filter(lambda b: str(b.bug_id) not in trackers, bz.query(querydata))
+    # For some reasons the `last_change_time` field seems to be reset as
+    # soon as the object is touched, so I went around that by keeping it
+    # in the bugdata dictionary but maybe we'll find a better way to do
+    # this in the future.
     for bug in bugs:
+        last_change_time = bug.last_change_time
         bugdata[bug.bug_id] = {}
         bugdata[bug.bug_id]['hidden'] = 0
-        bugdata[bug.bug_id]['blockedby'] = set(str(bug.blockedby).split(', '))-set([''])
-        bugdata[bug.bug_id]['depends'] = set(str(bug.dependson).split(', '))-set([''])
+        bugdata[bug.bug_id]['blocks'] = set(bug.blocks)
+        bugdata[bug.bug_id]['depends'] = set(bug.dependson)
         bugdata[bug.bug_id]['reviewflag'] = ' '
+        bugdata[bug.bug_id]['last_change_time'] = last_change_time
         # Keep track of dependencies in unflagged tickets
         alldeps |= bugdata[bug.bug_id]['depends']
@@ -160,21 +168,22 @@ def run_query(bz):
                     or string.lower(bug.status_whiteboard).find('buildfails') >= 0
                     or string.lower(bug.status_whiteboard).find('stalledsubmitter') >= 0
                     or string.lower(bug.status_whiteboard).find('awaitingsubmitter') >= 0
-                    or BUNDLED in bugdata[bug.bug_id]['blockedby']
-                    or LEGAL in bugdata[bug.bug_id]['blockedby']
+                    or BUNDLED in bugdata[bug.bug_id]['blocks']
+                    or LEGAL in bugdata[bug.bug_id]['blocks']
                     or filter(opendep, bugdata[bug.bug_id]['depends']))):
             bugdata[bug.bug_id]['hidden'] = 1
     # Now process the other three flags; not much special processing for them
-    querydata['type0-0-0'] = 'equals'
+    querydata['o1'] = 'equals'
 #    for i in ['-', '+', '?']:
     for i in ['-', '?']:
-        querydata['value0-0-0'] = 'fedora-review' + i
+        querydata['v1'] = 'fedora-review' + i
         b1 = bz.query(querydata)
         for bug in b1:
+            b1.last_change_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(b1.last_change_time.value, "%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%S")
             bugdata[bug.bug_id] = {}
             bugdata[bug.bug_id]['hidden'] = 0
-            bugdata[bug.bug_id]['blockedby'] = []
+            bugdata[bug.bug_id]['blocks'] = []
             bugdata[bug.bug_id]['depends'] = []
             bugdata[bug.bug_id]['reviewflag'] = i
         bugs += b1
@@ -225,7 +234,7 @@ def select_merge(bug, bugd):
 def select_needsponsor(bug, bugd):
     if (bugd['reviewflag'] == ' '
-            and NEEDSPONSOR in bugd['blockedby']
+            and NEEDSPONSOR in bugd['blocks']
             and bug.bug_status != 'CLOSED'
             and nobody(bug.assigned_to) == '(Nobody)'):
         return 1
@@ -244,12 +253,13 @@ def select_new(bug, bugd):
 # The data from a standard row in a bug list
-def std_row(bug, rowclass):
+def std_row(bug, rowclass, last_change_time):
     return {'id': bug.bug_id,
             'alias': to_unicode(bug.alias),
             'assignee': nobody(to_unicode(bug.assigned_to)),
             'class': rowclass,
-            'lastchange': bug.changeddate,
+            'lastchange': datetime.datetime.strptime(
+                last_change_time.value, "%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%S"),
             'status': bug.bug_status,
             'summary': to_unicode(bug.short_desc),
@@ -264,12 +274,13 @@ def report_hidden(bugs, bugdata, loader, tmpdir, subs):
     for i in bugs:
         if select_hidden(i, bugdata[i.bug_id]):
             rowclass = 'bz_row_even'
-            if NEEDSPONSOR in bugdata[i.bug_id]['blockedby']:
+            if NEEDSPONSOR in bugdata[i.bug_id]['blocks']:
                 rowclass = 'bz_state_NEEDSPONSOR'
             elif data['count'] % 2 == 1:
                 rowclass = 'bz_row_odd'
-            data['bugs'].append(std_row(i, rowclass))
+            data['bugs'].append(std_row(i, rowclass,
+                bugdata[i.bug_id]['last_change_time']))
             data['count'] +=1
     write_html(loader, 'plain.html', data, tmpdir, 'HIDDEN.html')
@@ -290,7 +301,8 @@ def report_merge(bugs, bugdata, loader, tmpdir, subs):
             if data['count'] % 2 == 1:
                 rowclass = 'bz_row_odd'
-            data['bugs'].append(std_row(i, rowclass))
+            data['bugs'].append(std_row(i, rowclass,
+                bugdata[i.bug_id]['last_change_time']))
             data['count'] +=1
     write_html(loader, 'plain.html', data, tmpdir, 'MERGE.html')
@@ -321,7 +333,8 @@ def report_needsponsor(bugs, bugdata, loader, tmpdir, subs):
             curreporter = reporter(i)
             curcount = 0
-        data['months'][-1]['bugs'].append(std_row(i, rowclass))
+        data['months'][-1]['bugs'].append(std_row(i, rowclass,
+            bugdata[i.bug_id]['last_change_time']))
         data['count'] +=1
         curcount +=1
@@ -340,21 +353,23 @@ def report_new(bugs, bugdata, loader, tmpdir, subs):
     for i in bugs:
         if select_new(i, bugdata[i.bug_id]):
             rowclass = 'bz_row_even'
-            if NEEDSPONSOR in bugdata[i.bug_id]['blockedby']:
+            if NEEDSPONSOR in bugdata[i.bug_id]['blocks']:
                 rowclass = 'bz_state_NEEDSPONSOR'
-            elif FEATURE in bugdata[i.bug_id]['blockedby']:
+            elif FEATURE in bugdata[i.bug_id]['blocks']:
                 rowclass = 'bz_state_FEATURE'
             elif data['count'] % 2 == 1:
                 rowclass = 'bz_row_odd'
-            if curmonth != yrmonth(i.opendate):
+            if curmonth != yrmonth(i.creation_ts):
                 if curcount > 0:
                     data['months'][-1]['month'] += (" (%d)" % curcount)
-                data['months'].append({'month': yrmonth(i.opendate), 'bugs': []})
-                curmonth = yrmonth(i.opendate)
+                data['months'].append({'month': yrmonth(i.creation_ts), 'bugs': []})
+                curmonth = yrmonth(i.creation_ts)
                 curcount = 0
-            data['months'][-1]['bugs'].append(std_row(i, rowclass))
+            i.last_change_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(i.last_change_time.value, "%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%S")
+            data['months'][-1]['bugs'].append(std_row(i, rowclass,
+                bugdata[i.bug_id]['last_change_time']))
             data['count'] +=1
             curcount +=1

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