Greetings. I thought I would give the list a heads up on some upcoming plans for and Currently, there are 4 machines handling things for these two domains. Two pairs of two. Each are using drbd and heardbeat to replicate data: hosted03 - hosted04 collab03 - collab04 I'm going to look at installing new instances and move them from drbd to using glusterfs. Theres a number of advantages to this: * Both nodes can access the data. With drbd, only the primary can. * glusterfs doesn't require any 3rd party kernel modules. (it's fuse or nfs on the client side). * Hopefully glusterfs will be less fragile when a machine fails, and require less intervention to sync back up. I'm going to look at working on a new hosted01/02 pair this week to do this migration. Sadly, we don't have enough disk to set them up at the same time as the hosted03/04 pair, so I will be breaking the drbd replication and re-installing hosted04 as hosted02. We will have a short time when there's no drbd replication, but we still have backups and should soon have the data synced to the new glusterfs. Hopefully, I will have a hosted01 today, do hosted02 tomorrow and start syncing data. Then we can schedule the switchover for later in the week. (It should be just simple take down services, rsync again, change dns). After hosted is all moved and happy, I want to do the same for collab machines, and once they are all done, I want to look at moving to the second node of the collab pair. Anyhow, flaws in this plan or better ideas or whatever welcome. kevin
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