There will be an outage starting at date -d '2009-12-11 02:00:00 UTC', which will last approximately 2 hours. To convert UTC to your local time, take a look at or run: date -d 'date -d '2009-12-11 02:00:00 UTC'' Affected Services: Database Fedora Hosted (Just auth against trac) Translation Services Websites Unaffected Services: Buildsystem CVS / Source Control DNS Fedora Talk Fedora People Mail Mirror System Torrent Ticket Link: Reason for Outage: Our temporary DB hosts are in PHX are ready to take on load. We're going to shut down db1 and db2, do an rsync then bring them up. During this time we'll also be configuring our new VPN. Also, a reminder for those who don't read the link, we'll be having a massive outage of many Fedora services this weekend while we are moving our servers to a new location. Contact Information: Please join #fedora-admin in or respond to this email to track the status of this outage. _______________________________________________ Fedora-infrastructure-list mailing list Fedora-infrastructure-list@xxxxxxxxxx