Meeting Log 2009-03-26

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Here is the meeting log of this week.
Also attached an html formatted's

15:07 -!- mmcgrath changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to:
Infrastructure -- Who's here?
15:07  * skvidal is
15:08  * jds2001 is in the cheap seats
15:08 < ggruener> ping
15:08 -!- mdomsch [n=Matt_Dom@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has
joined #fedora-meeting
15:08 < mmcgrath> k, lets get started
15:08  * SmootherFrOgZ is
15:08 -!- mmcgrath changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to:
Infrastructure -- Tickets
15:08 < mdomsch> yo
15:09 < mmcgrath> .tiny
15:09 < zodbot> mmcgrath:
15:09 < mmcgrath> .ticket 1203
15:09 < dgilmore> sup yall
15:09 < zodbot> mmcgrath: #1203 (RFR: x86_64 host for composing spins)
- Fedora Infrastructure - Trac -
15:09 < mmcgrath> This one's still blocking on me, I'm working with
one of the virt guys to figure out what's going on.
15:09 < mmcgrath> it's certainly a bug of somekind
15:09 < mmcgrath> So nothing new there
15:10 -!- mmcgrath changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to:
Infrastructure -- Beta Release Tickets
15:10 < mmcgrath>
15:10 < skvidal> jds2001: there are expensive seats?
15:10 < mmcgrath> Everything here is still good from last week, just
been delayed
15:10 -!- bpepple|lt
[n=bpepple|] has quit
15:11 < mmcgrath> Right now we're scheduled to do a beta release on the 31st.
15:11 < mmcgrath> f13: that still the case?
15:12  * mmcgrath will assume it is unless he hears otherwise.
15:12 < mmcgrath> So that's it on that
15:12 -!- mmcgrath changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to:
Infrastructure -- Calendar system
15:12 < mmcgrath> Did everyone here the email susmit sent out today?
15:12 < jds2001> no, but i saw it :)
15:12 < skvidal> heh
15:12 < dgilmore> I did
15:12 < mmcgrath> read it
15:12 < dgilmore> te3xt to speech in all its robotic goodness
15:13 < mmcgrath> my fingers can't keep up with my brain anymore, and
it seems to be a UDP communication
15:13 < dgilmore> mmcgrath: my main question is how hard will it be to
setup that desktop calandering apps can manage
15:13 < mmcgrath> herlo: you around?
15:14 < mmcgrath> dgilmore: no idea
15:15 < mmcgrath> we'll have to see what herlo and susmit come up with.
15:15 < mmcgrath> I'm not even sure what's available and stuff.
15:15 < mmcgrath> seems they're not really around though so we can move on.
15:15 < mmcgrath> anyone have any questions or comments more on the
calendar stuff?  susmit's not here so it's probably best to take
                  it to the list anyway.
15:16 < dgilmore> take it to the list
15:16 < mmcgrath> cool
15:16 -!- mmcgrath changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to:
Infrastructure -- Cloud Stuff
15:16 < mmcgrath> SmootherFrOgZ: you around?
15:16 < SmootherFrOgZ> yep
15:17 < mmcgrath> sweet
15:17 < mmcgrath> so the hardware finally has network.
15:17 < mmcgrath> as of yesterday
15:17 < mmcgrath> so woot.
15:17 < mmcgrath> I'm going through and getting the RSAII cards fixed
up, next is going to be getting the sysadmin-cloud (or whatever
                  that group was) on those hosts.
15:17 < mmcgrath> SmootherFrOgZ: have you seen the latest ovirt release?
15:18 < mmcgrath> 0.97 is out, but it's not obvious from the
website, it's just up in their ovirt repo
15:18 < mmcgrath>
15:18 < SmootherFrOgZ> yeah, i plan to give it a shot this week-end
15:18 < SmootherFrOgZ> and rebuild it for rhel
15:19 < jds2001> why rebuild for rhel?
15:19 < mmcgrath> SmootherFrOgZ: excellent, mind moving the cloud wiki
page under Infrastructure/ some place?  And I'll get the IP
                  information in there soon.
15:19 < jds2001> these machines run fedora, no?
15:19 < jds2001> or am I missing info again? :D
15:19 < mmcgrath> jds2001: they actually will run Fedora, the nodes anyway
15:19 < SmootherFrOgZ> i don't
15:19 < mmcgrath> :)
15:20 < mmcgrath> So things are going ok there.
15:20 < mmcgrath> We continue to have some... less then easy to work
with network restrictions.
15:20 < mmcgrath> for example outbound ntp is currently blocked.
15:20 < mmcgrath> but we're working with the network team to figure
out what all to do about that.
15:20 < SmootherFrOgZ> so, will we keep fedora for those boxes ?
15:21 < jds2001> sync'ing time is dangerous stuff you know!
15:21 < mmcgrath> SmootherFrOgZ: probably, that's what their devs are using.
15:22 < SmootherFrOgZ> k.
15:23 < mmcgrath> Anyone have any other questions on that?
15:24 < mmcgrath> k
15:24 < mmcgrath> well with that
15:24 -!- mmcgrath changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to:
Infrastructure -- Open Floor
15:26 < mmcgrath> anyone have anything to discuss?
15:26 < wwoods> a quick question: the current implementation of
DebuginfoFS requires >200GB disk and a davfs server.
15:27 < mmcgrath> :) things have gotten quiet.
15:27 < wwoods> is that a ridiculous amount of disk to request in an RFR?
15:27 < mmcgrath> wwoods: you can request whatever you want, not sure
we'll be able to accomidate it (at least not without ordering
                  new hardware)
15:27 < mmcgrath> but ask for whatever you think you'll need and we'll
see what we can do.
15:28 -!- neverho0d [n=psv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit
[Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
15:28 < jds2001> oh
15:28 < jds2001> if anyone has leads - :D
15:28 < mmcgrath> wwoods: it gets easier if that 200G doesn't need to
be highly available / redundant.
15:28 < mmcgrath> jds2001: heh
15:28 < wwoods> heh. I'm just trying to figure out whether to follow
the "get new hardware" path or the "write code so we can just
                export the files from the RPMs" one
15:29 < mmcgrath> :)
15:29 < mmcgrath> wwoods: go ahead and create the ticket and we can
discuss it more.
15:29 < wwoods> they're just unpacked debuginfo RPMs - don't need
backups or real HA/redundancy
15:29 < wwoods> fair 'nuff
15:30 < skvidal> jds2001: move out of ny?
15:30 < jds2001> skvidal: more like move *to* ny :)
15:30 < jds2001> i live across the river in jersey now.
15:30 < mmcgrath> jds2001: Well good luck with that.
15:31 < mmcgrath> :)
15:31 < mmcgrath> Anyone have anything else?  If not we can close the
meeting early.
15:31 < mmcgrath> lots of stuff is on hold from the change freeze :-/
15:31 < SmootherFrOgZ> just one
15:31  * mdomsch has a MM update pending thaw
15:31 < SmootherFrOgZ> do you guys know what do i need to help luke on
getting epel works with bodhi ?
15:32 < SmootherFrOgZ> i'd like to help him and get things done asap
15:32 < mmcgrath> SmootherFrOgZ: I'm not actually sure, We basically
have to duplicate (or hopefully simplify a bit) what releng is
                  doing right now
15:32 < mmcgrath> which will mean we need another signing server for epel.
15:32 < mmcgrath> I can do that part.
15:32 < mmcgrath> But as for the coding side of thigns?  I'm not sure.
15:32 < mmcgrath> SmootherFrOgZ: I know you use koji at work, is that
still true?
15:33 < SmootherFrOgZ> yeah i know for this part but, bodhi need some
code update that i can do :)
15:33 < SmootherFrOgZ> mmcgrath: correct
15:33 < mmcgrath> Do you use bodhi too?
15:33 < dgilmore> SmootherFrOgZ: he updated the ticket
15:33 < SmootherFrOgZ> yeah, just in pre-prod for now (i plan to add
it to rpmfusion)
15:33 < mmcgrath> dgilmore: which ticket is it?
15:33  * mmcgrath hasn't looked at it in a bit.
15:34 < SmootherFrOgZ> dgilmore: execellent i'll have a look in a
couple of minutes
15:34 < mmcgrath> Cool, anyone have anything else?
15:34 < mmcgrath> If not we'll close in 30
15:35 < mmcgrath> 10
15:35 -!- mmcgrath changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to:
Infrastructure -- Meeting Closed
15:35 < mmcgrath> Thanks for coming everyone!

Xavier.t Lamien
GPG-Key ID: F3903DEB
Fingerprint: 0F2A 7A17 0F1B 82EE FCBF 1F51 76B7 A28D F390 3DEB
Title: Fedora Infrastructure Meeting Log - 2009-03-26
-!- mmcgrath changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Infrastructure -- Who's here?
* skvidal is
* jds2001 is in the cheap seats
< ggruener> ping
-!- mdomsch [n=Matt_Dom@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
< mmcgrath> k, lets get started
* SmootherFrOgZ is
-!- mmcgrath changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Infrastructure -- Tickets
< mdomsch> yo
< mmcgrath> .tiny
< zodbot> mmcgrath:
< mmcgrath> .ticket 1203
< dgilmore> sup yall
< zodbot> mmcgrath: #1203 (RFR: x86_64 host for composing spins) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac -
< mmcgrath> This one's still blocking on me, I'm working with one of the virt guys to figure out what's going on.
< mmcgrath> it's certainly a bug of somekind
< mmcgrath> So nothing new there
-!- mmcgrath changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Infrastructure -- Beta Release Tickets
< mmcgrath>
< skvidal> jds2001: there are expensive seats?
< mmcgrath> Everything here is still good from last week, just been delayed
-!- bpepple|lt [n=bpepple|] has quit ["Ex-Chat"]
< mmcgrath> Right now we're scheduled to do a beta release on the 31st.
< mmcgrath> f13: that still the case?
* mmcgrath will assume it is unless he hears otherwise.
< mmcgrath> So that's it on that
-!- mmcgrath changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Infrastructure -- Calendar system
< mmcgrath> Did everyone here the email susmit sent out today?
< jds2001> no, but i saw it :)
< skvidal> heh
< dgilmore> I did
< mmcgrath> read it
< dgilmore> te3xt to speech in all its robotic goodness
< mmcgrath> my fingers can't keep up with my brain anymore, and it seems to be a UDP communication
< dgilmore> mmcgrath: my main question is how hard will it be to setup that desktop calandering apps can manage
< mmcgrath> herlo: you around?
< mmcgrath> dgilmore: no idea
< mmcgrath> we'll have to see what herlo and susmit come up with.
< mmcgrath> I'm not even sure what's available and stuff.
< mmcgrath> seems they're not really around though so we can move on.
< mmcgrath> anyone have any questions or comments more on the calendar stuff?  susmit's not here so it's probably best to take
it to the list anyway.
< dgilmore> take it to the list
< mmcgrath> cool
-!- mmcgrath changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Infrastructure -- Cloud Stuff
< mmcgrath> SmootherFrOgZ: you around?
< SmootherFrOgZ> yep
< mmcgrath> sweet
< mmcgrath> so the hardware finally has network.
< mmcgrath> as of yesterday
< mmcgrath> so woot.
< mmcgrath> I'm going through and getting the RSAII cards fixed up, next is going to be getting the sysadmin-cloud (or whatever
that group was) on those hosts.
< mmcgrath> SmootherFrOgZ: have you seen the latest ovirt release?
< mmcgrath> 0.97 is out, but it's not obvious from the website, it's just up in their ovirt repo
< mmcgrath>
< SmootherFrOgZ> yeah, i plan to give it a shot this week-end
< SmootherFrOgZ> and rebuild it for rhel
< jds2001> why rebuild for rhel?
< mmcgrath> SmootherFrOgZ: excellent, mind moving the cloud wiki page under Infrastructure/ some place?  And I'll get the IP
information in there soon.
< jds2001> these machines run fedora, no?
< jds2001> or am I missing info again? :D
< mmcgrath> jds2001: they actually will run Fedora, the nodes anyway
< SmootherFrOgZ> i don't
< mmcgrath> :)
< mmcgrath> So things are going ok there.
< mmcgrath> We continue to have some... less then easy to work with network restrictions.
< mmcgrath> for example outbound ntp is currently blocked.
< mmcgrath> but we're working with the network team to figure out what all to do about that.
< SmootherFrOgZ> so, will we keep fedora for those boxes ?
< jds2001> sync'ing time is dangerous stuff you know!
< mmcgrath> SmootherFrOgZ: probably, that's what their devs are using.
< SmootherFrOgZ> k.
< mmcgrath> Anyone have any other questions on that?
< mmcgrath> k
< mmcgrath> well with that
-!- mmcgrath changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Infrastructure -- Open Floor
< mmcgrath> anyone have anything to discuss?
< wwoods> a quick question: the current implementation of DebuginfoFS requires >200GB disk and a davfs server.
< mmcgrath> :) things have gotten quiet.
< wwoods> is that a ridiculous amount of disk to request in an RFR?
< mmcgrath> wwoods: you can request whatever you want, not sure we'll be able to accomidate it (at least not without ordering
new hardware)
< mmcgrath> but ask for whatever you think you'll need and we'll see what we can do.
-!- neverho0d [n=psv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
< jds2001> oh
< jds2001> if anyone has leads - :D
< mmcgrath> wwoods: it gets easier if that 200G doesn't need to be highly available / redundant.
< mmcgrath> jds2001: heh
< wwoods> heh. I'm just trying to figure out whether to follow the "get new hardware" path or the "write code so we can just
export the files from the RPMs" one
< mmcgrath> :)
< mmcgrath> wwoods: go ahead and create the ticket and we can discuss it more.
< wwoods> they're just unpacked debuginfo RPMs - don't need backups or real HA/redundancy
< wwoods> fair 'nuff
< skvidal> jds2001: move out of ny?
< jds2001> skvidal: more like move *to* ny :)
< jds2001> i live across the river in jersey now.
< mmcgrath> jds2001: Well good luck with that.
< mmcgrath> :)
< mmcgrath> Anyone have anything else?  If not we can close the meeting early.
< mmcgrath> lots of stuff is on hold from the change freeze :-/
< SmootherFrOgZ> just one
* mdomsch has a MM update pending thaw
< SmootherFrOgZ> do you guys know what do i need to help luke on getting epel works with bodhi ?
< SmootherFrOgZ> i'd like to help him and get things done asap
< mmcgrath> SmootherFrOgZ: I'm not actually sure, We basically have to duplicate (or hopefully simplify a bit) what releng is
doing right now
< mmcgrath> which will mean we need another signing server for epel.
< mmcgrath> I can do that part.
< mmcgrath> But as for the coding side of thigns?  I'm not sure.
< mmcgrath> SmootherFrOgZ: I know you use koji at work, is that still true?
< SmootherFrOgZ> yeah i know for this part but, bodhi need some code update that i can do :)
< SmootherFrOgZ> mmcgrath: correct
< mmcgrath> Do you use bodhi too?
< dgilmore> SmootherFrOgZ: he updated the ticket
< SmootherFrOgZ> yeah, just in pre-prod for now (i plan to add it to rpmfusion)
< mmcgrath> dgilmore: which ticket is it?
* mmcgrath hasn't looked at it in a bit.
< SmootherFrOgZ> dgilmore: execellent i'll have a look in a couple of minutes
< mmcgrath> Cool, anyone have anything else?
< mmcgrath> If not we'll close in 30
< mmcgrath> 10
-!- mmcgrath changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Infrastructure -- Meeting Closed
< mmcgrath> Thanks for coming everyone!
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